Daily Gospel Reflections
October 18, 2020 - 29th SUnday in Ordinary Time
Cemetery, outside Jerusalem
Matthew 22:15-21
A Flip of the Coin
There was a man who kept a garden in his back yard and every year would grow a variety of vegetables to help feed his family. But one year, for whatever reason, his garden completely failed, nothing grew at all. And yet his neighbor, his good friend, had an abundant harvest, loads of tomatoes, zucchini, etc. So, in his frustration and upset, he decided to steal from his neighbor. So late one night he went out into the darkness to steal from his neighbor’s garden. But he didn’t go alone; he took along his little boy to keep a look-out in case anyone should come along. The man jumped over the fence with a large bag on his arm, and before commencing to take the corn he looked all around to make sure no one was watching, first to the left and then to the right, behind him and in front, and not seeing anyone, he was just about to start filling his bag. And tit was then that his son yelled out: Dad, You forgot to look up.
I have to give that dad a little bit of credit; he did get one thing right! He knew the difference between right and wrong; otherwise he wouldn’t have done the deed in the middle of the night. He knew the law and that, if he was caught, he could be arrested and charged with a crime. He knows he has responsibilities – to himself, to his family, to his community, to civil law – but he chooses to take a negative track on it – thinking only of himself and his physical and financial needs.
In a way, he was acting like the Pharisees in today’s Gospel – thinking only of himself. Probably a model citizen during the day in his words but in the darkness, his actions tell a completely different story. Those Pharisees weren’t interested in learning from Jesus; they were looking for a way to trap Him. And they thought they finally got Him! Should we pay taxes to Caesar? They thought their question demanded an either/or answer. And no matter what answer Jesus gives, it would divide and anger the crowd. Their basic question completely missed the point. They were focused only on their human responsibilities, civil law, thinking only of themselves! They were only concerned with the “human image of Caesar”, just like the father in the story.
While the father, the Pharisees were so focused on the IMAGE of Caesar, they all forgot about another IMAGE; they forgot that they were made in the IMAGE of God! They forgot their responsibilities as a child of God.
2nd Isaiah reminds us that God has chosen each of us, called us by name, protected us from the rising to the setting of the sun. And Paul echoes the same belief - we are loved by God, chosen by Him, filled with the Gospel and the Holy Spirit.
And in both stories, it’s the SON who gets it! It isn’t an either/or question! We are both human and children of God! We just forget it sometimes. But even the simplest of coins today, a penny, should remind us – United States of American on one side, In God We Trust on the other! Life isn’t about a simple flip of the coin, heads or tails. It’s a reminder to us that we have responsibilities not only to the left and the right, behind us and in front, but also responsibilities above, to our Father in Heaven.
October 17, 2020 - St. Ignatius of Antioch
Church of Holy Sepulchre, Jerusalem
Luke 12:8-12
Stand Firm
We celebrate today the Feast of St. Ignatius, Bishop and Martyr. He was the 3rd Bishop of Antioch after St. Peter. Even after he was arrested and then transported to Rome for execution, he was greeted by many of the faith along the journey and he continued to keep the faith by writing letters of encouragement emphasizing unity and the humanity/divinity of Jesus.
He serves as an example of Jesus’ words today in the Gospel. Keep the Faith! Acknowledge Me before others. Do not worry! Even in such dark times, Ignatius did not waver in his faith in God and he continued to spread the Word, even when he stood before his judge and executioner in Rome.
It is a good reminder to us all that, even in this time of sickness and fear for the future, God will not abandon us. He is there to support us, to comfort us, to sustain us. Even when we feel at a loss for words when we seek to comfort others and ease their fears, God tells us not to worry! The Holy Spirit will be with us to guide us and to teach us!
Great Spirit, show me today how to live! Give me the courage to do Your Will!
October 16, 2020 - 28th Friday in Ordinary Time
Capernaum, Galilee
Luke 12:1-7
I’m holding in my hand a computer memory stick. It contains a complete record of every single thing you did yesterday, every word, every action. What would you like me to do with it? Publish it? Sell it? Destroy it? What would any of us do with such a record? Face it, we are all so very human, so frail, so broken, and yet so beloved!
Jesus continues His warnings today against hypocrisy. He continues to remind us that we cannot claim one thing in the light of day and then continue our sinful ways in the darkness.
There is nothing concealed that will not be revealed,
nor secret that will not be known.
Therefore whatever you have said in the darkness
will be heard in the light,
and what you have whispered behind closed doors
will be proclaimed on the housetops.
Quite a sobering thought – nothing is hidden from God! And yet, through it all, our God is a God of love and mercy. At the end of today’s reading, Jesus reminds us in very simple terms – God notices even the smallest of birds; so do not be afraid; you are worth so much more than that!
So whatever that memory stick contains, remember that you are loved and cared for. Trust in God, turn away from sin and live a life of faith!
OCtober 15, 2020 - 28th Thursday in Ordinary Time
Chapel of Tears, Jerusalem
Luke 11:47-54
Once Is Not Enough
I admit it! When I was little, I had to be told multiple times before I finally got my job done. Cut the grass! Clean your room! Brush your teeth! Do your homework! It took my parents a number of ‘reminders’ before it finally sunk in and I got around to finishing my chores. Once was not enough.
I don’t think I realized, until these past couple of days, how extended of a discourse Jesus had with the Pharisees. It was not just a one shot and done. He went on and on at length, repeating what hypocrites they were and chastising them because their actions were at such odds with their teachings. He condemns them for demanding strict observance of the Law from the people but they themselves flaunt the Law in their own lives. Time and time again His harsh language calls them out as hypocrites. Once was certainly not enough!
This is a reminder to us all that we are called to a Christian life, not merely in our words but in our actions. One must reflect the other; otherwise we too are hypocrites!
As part of my ordination as a Permanent Deacon, there was a point where the Bishop handed me a Book of the Gospels and he then spoke these words:
"Receive the Book of the Gospel whose herald you have become. Believe what you read. Teach what you believe. Practice what you teach."
Food for thought (and action) for all of us!
October 14, 2020 - 28th Wednesday in Ordinary Time
Church of Dormition, Jerusalem
Luke 11:42-46
All For Show
Back when I was teaching World Religions, I would have this group project where the students acted out a ritual from the religion we were studying, such as a Hindu wedding ceremony or a Buddhist meditation. For the most part, they did a fabulous job. But there were a couple of groups who seemed more interested in the visuals and not the substance!
They got so caught up in dressing for the part, all flashy and bright, that they completely ignored the substance. They looked great but there was no ritual, no words or action. What should have been a good half-hour presentation was over in 5 minutes. Smoke and mirrors!
Jesus continues His condemnation of the Pharisees in today’s Gospel calling them out for the same thing. You put on a good show publicly paying your taxes for something insignificant and you choose the best seats in the synagogue. But you pay no attention to the Law itself. It’s not about how you are dressed or how much applause you get from the people. God is interested in our actions, how we treat others! Your love of God and others is evident in your daily life and not on what coat you put on in the morning.
We are all called to be disciples of Christ, not mere performers in a play acting a part. We are called to live out our Christian faith in our thoughts, our words and in our actions.
Great Spirit, help me today to act on my faith!
October 13, 2020 - 28th Tuesday in Ordinary Time
Streets of Bethlehem
Luke 11:37-41
Tea and Sympathy
So this is your house-cleaning observation of the day. Tea Stains Are The Worst! I know this to be true from first-hand experience. I’ve taken on a few more chores around the house these last 7 months, washing the dishes being one of them. And trying to remove tea stains from the inside of a tea cup is relentless and unending. They never seem to go completely away. It makes me glad I am a coffee guy; otherwise there would be twice as many tea cups to clean. The outside of the cup – no problem! But the inside, ugh!
Given today’s Gospel, it makes me wonder if Mary had Jesus do the dishes on a regular basis. It also makes you wonder why people would keep inviting Him to dinner. It reminds me of the insurance commercial where the aunt visits a home and proceeds to find a whole list of thing s wrong with the house.
Jesus makes His point again with the Pharisees that they are so focused on outside appearances that they pay no attention to what is really important –what is inside their heart! They get so upset when someone doesn’t wash their hands or remember to obey the laws for ritual washing. But they completely ignore the interior motives for their actions. It’s a good reminder to us that it’s not about doing good just for show! It’s about doing the right thing for the right reasons. It’s not enough to look good on the outside; it’s about our intentions - our willingness to do good, to love others, and to act on that love with charitable acts.
So if you feel the love, I have a few tea cups that need some serious deep-cleaning ;)
October 12, 2020 - 28th Monday in Ordinary Time
Road Signs, Nazareth
Luke 11:29-32
Give Me A Sign
4 years ago right around this same time of October, we were driving in rural upstate New York and we were hopelessly lost. It was the dead of night, pitch black on a windy twisty country road, no street lights, no road signs, no signs of civilization. GPS wasn’t working; even my ‘male’ sense of direction wasn’t functioning. It was just a bit terrifying. Every time we got to an intersection, we wrestled with which way to turn. All we wanted was a sign, anything, that could lead us where we wanted to go. Eventually we did reach our destination but not without a lot of backtracking and wrong turns; it was not a journey we would want to repeat.
We hear about signs in today’s Gospel but the context is quite different. The people are asking Jesus for a sign. Prove yourself to us; give us a sign so that we know you are a prophet sent from God. They believe they already have all the answers, that they know the truth. They believe they are standing on a religious high ground looking down and judging Jesus’ worth as a prophet. But Jesus sees them as they really are – a faithless generation, they are a bit like Herod in Jesus Christ Superstar! Prove to me that you’re divine; change my water into wine.
We all hit crossroads in life; we are all looking for answers, for the right path to take. Especially in moments of life-changing decisions, we pray for a sign from God to help us along the way. We pray for guidance and wisdom!
But Jesus reminds us that our faith isn’t based on miracles or wonders! Our faith is based on the presence of Jesus in our lives. That is what the Jews were lacking. The real sign is Jesus standing right in front of their eyes but they refused to see! And that is the challenge for us – to see the presence of Jesus in all we do, to see His gentle touch and calming voice in all our choices, guiding us along the way.
October 11, 2020 - 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Transfiguration Chapel, Mt. Tabor
Matthew 22:1-14
Years ago I remember going to a business lunch with a group of teachers in New York. I didn’t realize there was a dress code (jackets) and I didn’t bring one. The restaurant staff gave me one awful looking slightly smelly jacket that was available just for people like me. It was embarrassing!
We read in today’s Gospel about a wedding feast given by a rich man for his son. All his friends and relatives were invited; and all refused to come. They didn’t just forget; they made a deliberate choice not to attend. Eventually the father invites in anyone/everyone he can find – the poor, the good, the bad. But when the father comes in to greet all his guests, he sees someone not wearing a wedding garment.
Now this is where I always had problems with the parable. That poor man, how can you expect him to have a wedding garment; he just got invited at the last moment. How rude! How inconsiderate of the host! But wait a minute, not so fast!
It was the responsibility of the host to provide a wedding garment for all the guests, not the guests themselves! That way, no one needed to feel embarrassed because they were not dressed as well as others. This way everyone was dressed the same and all could enjoy the celebration.
I guess that would have worked well for me if everyone was wearing that same awful coat
This is obviously a metaphor for the Kingdom of Heaven. All are invited. But some will refuse to come! Others come willingly and accept the wedding garment (following the teachings of Christ). And that other guest? Well basically the guest without a wedding garment was making a deliberate choice of disobedience and disrespect. He was offered the garment but he refused. He wanted to enjoy the benefits of the wedding feast without following the instructions of the host (God). He wanted to enter the Kingdom but only on his terms.
Too often, unfortunately, we think we know better; we have a better plan than anyone else, even God. We want to walk our own path without concern for others. And only later do we see and suffer the consequences. Following Christ is not always easy but the reward is worth it.
That simple wedding garment reminds me of another one, that white garment we all received at our Baptism. God welcomed us into His family that day and, as a sign of our new life, we were clothed with a simple white garment. But that was only the beginning of our faith journey. Once we put on that new garment, once we began this new life as a son/daughter of God, we are called to live out this life as a Christian, to follow the teachings of the King, to answer the Master’s invitation with respect and obedience, and to hopefully enjoy the feast in the Kingdom of Heaven.
October 10, 2020 - 27th Saturday in Ordinary Time
Church at Mt. Tabor
Luke 11:27-28
A Little Respect
It wasn’t that long ago that I reflected on the moment when we realized that our parents actually had a real name, not just Mom or Dad. But God help us if we ever tried addressing them by their given name. Talk about disrespect! Talk about a punishment waiting to happen!
And yet today’s Gospel has Jesus seemingly disrespecting His own mother. The woman who bore Him and gave birth to Him in a stable, who encouraged Him at the wedding feast at Cana, who will follow Him all the way to the foot of the Cross. But there is a point here. Mary is not blessed merely because she carried Him in her womb. She is blessed because she heard the Word of God and responded to it. It is because she said “Yes” to Gabriel and then spent her life in observance of that “Yes”.
We hear a lot of things every day. We hear the Word of God at Mass. We respond, in words throughout the course of the Liturgy. But Jesus calls us to respond in action, in the lives we live when we step out of the church. Words are not enough! Real respect, respect for our Father in Heaven, comes from our observance of the Word, from how we act with others. Jesus reminds us today that, yes, family is important; our mothers are important. But the family of God, our community of faith, is even greater! Blessed are those who hear the Word of God our Father and observe it today and every day.
October 9, 2020 - 27th Friday in Ordinary Time
Church of St. Joseph, Nazareth
Luke 11:15-26
Inner Demons
Let’s face it – this has been a rough 7 months dealing with this pandemic, this unseen enemy. At times it has drawn out of us our worst fears and our basest instincts. We’ve been demoralized and despondent; we’ve felt abandoned and afraid for ourselves and our loved ones. Sometimes we have bottled up all those difficult emotions inside ourselves trying to be strong for ourselves and our family. Other times we let those demons out and we bang our heads and our fists against the wall in anger and frustration.
And then there are the times when we feel the presence of the divine, the Spirit spreading His wings over us to protect us. There are those days that we felt uplifted. Those times when we looked back and realized we could not have survived the day without the grace of God.
We hear it in today’s Gospel. It is not by Satan that Jesus drives out demons; it is by the power of God. It is the “finger of God” that dispels our fears and anxieties. And it is our faith in God that centers us and brings us through to a new day.
So count your blessings every day
It makes the monsters go away
And everything will be okay
You are not alone
You are right at home
October 8, 2020 - 27th Thursday in Ordinary Time
Shepherds Field, Bethlehem
Luke 11:5-13
A Cry in the Night
All of us who are parents can identify! You are asleep, deep and dream-filled sleep. And then the quiet is broken with the sudden cries of your 5 month old child. No matter how tired you are, how comfy-cozy you are, you answer the call. You get up, you go to their room and do all you can to quiet their cries and soothe their distress. You do it out of love, out of concern for them. Yes, there are certainly times we do it out of their persistence but, in the end, we do it out of love. And we know we would not sleep well at all until their needs are met.
That is what we hear in today’s Gospel – Answer the door! Whether it’s because of their insistence or your love for them, respond to the needs of others! And if we don’t get the message, then look at it from the other person’s point of view. Knock and it will be opened, ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find. Jesus is giving comfort to those in need, promising them that their knock will be answered.
And He is challenging us today – to open that door knock, to answer that request, to be Christ to someone in the hour of their need. He reminds us that very often the prayers of one person are answered by the actions of another! That is how God works!
October 7, 2020 - Our Lady of the Rosary
Anointing Stone, Church of Holy Sepulchre
Luke 11:1-4
The Power of Prayer
Today we celebrate the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary. It was instituted in 1571 By Pope Pius V to celebrate Mary’s intervention in a combined European naval victory over the Turks. The Pope had asked all of Europe to pray the Rosary to ensure a victory. This Battle of Lepanto saved all of Europe from invasion.
The Rosary helps us to meditate on our own salvation and on the mysteries that lead to it. And it reminds us of Mary’s obedient role in that event. It is also a strong reminder of the power of prayer. Today especially at a time when our needs are many and our fears are deep, the Rosary provides us the opportunity to place those cares before Mary and to ask her to intercede for us.
I found a quote the other day that serves to remind us all of the power of prayer. “In prayer we lift ourselves up to God. In the Sacraments God comes down to us.” Even if we can’t remember the last time we prayed the Rosary, why not take the time today! Pray the Rosary and reflect on the mysteries of our salvation.
October 6, 2020 - 27th Week in Ordinary Time
Dinner, On the Sea of Galilee
Luke 10:38-42
Slow down and listen
Somebody give me a hand with setting the table! Someone help with putting the laundry away! It would help if you kept your room clean! Do I have to do all the work around this house? A little help would be appreciated
We have all had that experience and most of the time we were the ones on the receiving end of the conversation. We were busy doing something else and couldn’t be bothered unless and until Mom or Dad nagged us into pitching in and doing our fair share.
Something similar is going on in today’s Gospel. Jesus is at Mary and Martha’s for dinner. Martha is busy with serving but Mary chooses to just sit and listen to Jesus. Martha is upset and complains to Jesus that Mary is not helping. You would think that Jesus would have been understanding with Martha but NO! Instead He tells Martha that Mary has chosen wisely. You are focusing on the wrong thing! The work can wait; your stress can wait. Take a breath, calm down and focus on what is really important!
Perhaps that can be our focus today – step away from the workaday world, step aside, take a deep breath, calm ourselves and LISTEN to His words!
October 5, 2020 - 27th Monday in Ordinary Time
Old City, Jerusalem
Luke 10:25-37
Won’t You Be My Neighbor?
I know, we have heard this parable hundreds of times. The Good Samaritan, the last person you’d expect to help actually helps. And we are expected to do the same. To act out of love and mercy and compassion. OK, got it, heard it before, I got the message. Let’s move on.
But what if? Turn things around! What if you were the victim? At some point in our lived, many of us have unfortunately been a victim; maybe we were robbed or beat up, cheated, betrayed or abandoned, or worse. Would it really matter? Would it make a difference? Would their gender, religion, age, race, ethnicity or economic status matter? Would you want to check their wallet for their ID? Or their credit rating? Do they have a college degree? Would you really ever refuse their offer of kindness and compassion? Would you really say NO to your Good Samaritan?
Then if it doesn’t matter who your Good Samaritan is, then does it really matter who the victim is? Treat others the way you want to be treated! God’s love and mercy is boundless to all. We are called to respond with love, to see all as our neighbor, and to care for them just as God cares for us
October 4, 2020 - 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Old City, Jerusalem
Matthew 21:33-43
Turning A Deaf Ear
A farmer had some puppies he needed to sell. He painted a sign advertising the 4 pups, and set about nailing it to a post on the edge of his yard. As he was driving the last nail into the post, he felt tug on his overalls. He looked down into the eyes of a little boy. “Mister,” he said, “I want to buy one of your puppies.” “Well,” said the farmer, as he rubbed the sweat of the back of his neck, “these puppies come from fine parents and cost a good deal of money.”
The boy dropped his head for a moment. Then reaching deep into his pocket, he pulled out a handful of change and held it up to the farmer. “I’ve got thirty-nine cents. Is that enough to take a look?” “Sure,” said the farmer. And with that he let out a whistle. “Here Dolly!” he called.
Out from the doghouse and down ramp ran Dolly followed by four little balls of fur. The little boy pressed his face against the chain link fence. His eyes danced with delight. As the dogs made their way to the fence, the little boy noticed something else stirring inside the doghouse.
Slowly another little ball appeared, this one noticeably smaller. Down the ramp it slid. Then in a awkward manner, the little pup began hobbling toward the others, doing its best to catch up….
“I want that one,” the little boy said, pointing to the runt.
The farmer knelt down at the boy’s side and said, “Son, you don’t want that puppy. He will never be able to run and play with you like these other dogs would.” With that the little boy stepped back from the fence, reached down, and began rolling up one leg of his trousers. In doing so he revealed a steel brace running down both sides of his leg attaching itself to a specially made shoe. Looking back up at the farmer, he said, “You see sir, I don’t run too well myself, and he will need someone who understands.”
Nobody likes being rejected, being picked last for the team or treated like they were invisible or unimportant, much less suffer physical abuse and pain from bullies. None of us like being the runt of the litter.
And yet that is exactly how the tenants treat the Master’s servants – beaten and stoned! And when the Master sends His own Son, they seize Him and killed Him. Jesus, in this parable, continues to direct His lesson at the Pharisees and elders. God sent you the prophets and you refused to listen to them. Some of them you beat and tortured and threw out of the city, even killed! And now the Lord sends His own Son – Jesus – and you will do the same. You will take me out of the vineyard (Jerusalem) and have me put to death. God has continued to send you His messengers to lead you along the right path. And you have refused to listen to them. You treat them like the runt in the litter.
Like the boy in the story, we see our God as a God of compassion. He continues to send His messengers to us; He keeps hoping that we will listen to His message and change our ways. He never gives up on us; He never stops loving us.
God continues to talk to us every single day – through the Scriptures, through the Eucharist, through opportunities to live out our Christian faith. How do we respond? Are we open to His words, His message? Do we carry out the commandment to love in our interactions with others? Do we welcome Him into our lives? Or, like the tenants, do we turn a deaf ear and stubbornly refuse to listen? Just as the Master continued to send His servants to the tenants, God visits us every day in the words of the Gospel, in the poor, the needy, the abused and forgotten, yes even the runts of the litter. Are we listening? Are we paying attention?
October 3, 2020 - 26th Saturday in Ordinary Time
Basilica of Annunciation, Nazareth
Luke 10:17-24
Praise and Thanksgiving
You remember coming home with a great report card? I mean GREAT! And you were so excited you just couldn’t contain your excitement; you couldn’t wait to get home and show it off! How proud you were and how proud you hoped your parents would be!
So in today’s Gospel, the 72 disciples return to Jesus with a progress report! And they are beyond happy! Look at what we did! Listen to all that we accomplished! Even demons responded to us! I’m almost waiting for them to break out in song: “We are the Champions!”
So Jesus feels the need to bring them back down to earth a bit. It’s not about YOU! Do not focus on what YOU have done but why it happened and how it happened! None of this is possible without the Father in Heaven. It is only through Him that you are able to accomplish great things. We know that to be true, even with great report cards. Did you really do it all yourself? Didn’t mom nag you about getting your homework done? Didn’t Dad help you with that science project? Heck, even your older sister showed you how to solve that math problem!
And then Jesus does something He normally does alone, away from the crowds. He prays PUBLICLY! He says a prayer of praise and thanksgiving to the Father. We need to remember that! Too often our prayers tend to be prayers of petition asking God for something but we forget to come back and offer thanks to Him for favors and blessings received!
So rejoice in all you have accomplished! But remember to give thanks for all the blessings the Creator has bestowed on you. And remember! You could not have done it alone!
Great Spirit, thank you for listening to my prayers!
October 2, 2020 - Feast of Guardian Angels
The Streets of Jerusalem
Matthew 18:1-5, 10
God Bless the Child
It was only Tuesday that we observed the Feast of Sts. Michael, Raphael and Gabriel and reflected on the special place and role of angels in our lives. So today as we celebrate our Guardian Angels, let’s take the time to remember all the ‘angels’ who have looked out for us, sheltered us, protected and encouraged us throughout our lives.
Jesus says in today’s Gospel “whoever receives one child such as this receives me.” Guardian angels serve as a model of how we should behave as Christians. When we see a child hurting or sorrowful, separated from their family, and confined to a cage, what do we do? When we hear the horrors of native children torn from the families and sent to boarding schools, forced to turn away from their language, their dress, their customs and beliefs, it breaks our hearts.
As adults, as Christians, we are called to care for each other, especially the young and the vulnerable. We are all called to comfort and protect them. As parents, as adults, as teachers and EMT’s, as lawyers and politicians, as police and rescue workers, as medical staff and bus drivers, as electricians and bricklayers, as human beings, we are all called to serve as guardian angels for these little ones.
That should be our task today (and every day)! Be An Angel!
October 1, 2020 - Feast of Saint Therese of Lisieux
Caesarea Philippi
Luke 10:1-12
Life’s a Journey
Life’s a journey. I can’t begin to count how many times I have heard that line and how many people have voiced those words. But after all these years, I guess I have to admit that it’s true. And not just for me. Just think about all the different paths we have all taken, all the twists and turns we have made, deliberate or not. All the many roads we could have stayed on but instead turned left or right or even stopped and just turned around.
I could have never left my home in the countryside of Maryland and taken over the store. I could have stayed in the seminary. I could have finished college in Maryland instead of Chicago. I could have continued my job in retail. And you all have similar stories! And yet here you are; here we are! I truly believe that, as much as I don’t get to always go where I want to go, God has always taken me where I need to be, where He needs me to be!
In today’s Gospel, Jesus sends out His disciples, 72 of them, on a journey, a missionary journey to spread the Word. This was a real physical mission and He gave them very specific instructions on what to bring, what to do and how to handle situations and rejection.
But not all of us are called to that physical journey; not all of us will be traveling to other towns or even countries to spread the Word. Many of us are called to spread the Word right where we are and with the people we interact with on a daily basis, to share the Gospel message simply in our words and actions, in how we treat each other day in and day out.
And some of us are called to a more spiritual journey, living our lives in prayer and contemplation, like St. Therese of Lisieux whose feast we celebrate today. Her journey was a spiritual one, offering her prayers for the salvation of souls and the growth of the Church. We are all on a journey; we are all called to share the Good News, sometimes in our dealings with others, sometimes in our prayer and meditation. May we all find strength for the journey!
September 30, 2020 - Feast of Saint Jerome
St. Jerome’s Cell (home), Bethlehem
Luke 9:57-62
Looking Back, Moving Forward
Exactly 200 days ago, on March 15, I posted my first Gospel reflection. 200 days! 200 days of masks, of social distancing and fogged up eyeglasses, 200 days of isolation and elbow pumps. 200 days without hugs or handshakes, without romantic dinners at a favorite restaurant or visible smiles playing with the grandkids. 200 days where we look back on and long for what used to be. Nostalgic? Wishing for the good old days? Wondering how to handle the new normal?
Jesus almost seems nostalgic in today’s Gospel. Everyone else has a home, a place to lay their head and He does not. It’s as if He is looking back, as we are, to those days when life was normal, simpler, calmer. A life in Nazareth with His parents, a home, family time.
But life has changed! Priorities have changed! And His mission moves forward. It may sound insensitive for Him to remark that the dead should bury the dead. But He is making a point – don’t dwell in the past; don’t live in the past. The Mission continues and we must move forward! We are all tasked with this Mission to spread the Word. It doesn’t mean we abandon our past or our roots but we are called to set priorities, to focus on being disciples!
St. Jerome, whose feast we celebrate today, understood that all too well. He converted around the age of 24 and then spent the rest of his life as an ascetic, shunning the lures of the world and devoting himself to writing and translating the Bible into Latin, what we call the Vulgate.
As in today’s Gospel, Jesus calls all of us to follow Him, to change our life and our priorities. How do we answer? Do we stubbornly hang on to the past or do we move forward to the Kingdom?
Thank you all for your support and encouraging words!
September 29, 2020 - Feasts of Saints Michael, Gabriel and Raphael, Archangels
Basilica of the Annunciation, Nazareth
John 1:47-51
Down to Earth
While we are celebrating the 4 Archangels, Michael, Gabriel and Raphael, it is hard not to also reflect on our own guardian angels. I have always had this image of mine with his head buried in his hands especially when I was little and more given to certain escapades. What anxiety we must put our guardians through. Or I imagine Clarence from It’s A Wonderful Life and the trials he had to endure to guide George through difficult times and he worked to earn his wings.
Most of the time it is my Dad I picture watching over me, shaking his head from time to time but never leaving my side. And there have certainly been moments when I looked up and asked him to close his eyes and not see my idiotic antics. But he remains there beside me. And so do our guardian angels.
Michael, Gabriel and Raphael hold a special place in our faith. We know their names and certain key events in the Bible reflect their interaction with us. They are messengers from God bringing tidings of great news. They protect us from evil and from Satan. They stir the waters of the pool in the Temple and bring healing to Tobit.
Throughout our lives, they serve as a reminder to us that God is always beside us, always there for comfort and protection, always there to calm our fears and guide us through difficult times.
Angel of God, my guardian dear,
To whom God's love commits me here,
Ever this day, be at my side,
To light and guard, to rule and guide.
September 28, 2020 - 26th Monday in Ordinary Time
Walking the Via Dolorosa
Luke 9:46-50
I’m the Greatest; No, I Am!
Given the Gospel for the day, this one is worth repeating!
A little boy was overheard talking to himself as he strutted through the backyard, wearing his baseball cap and toting a ball and bat. “I’m the greatest hitter in the world,” he announced. Then, he tossed the ball into the air, swung at it, and missed.
“Strike One!” he yelled. Undaunted, he picked up the ball and said again, “I’m the greatest hitter in the world!” He tossed the ball into the air. When it came down he swung again and missed. “Strike Two!” he cried out.
The boy then paused a moment to examine his bat and ball carefully. He spit on his hands and rubbed them together. He straightened his cap and said once more, “I’m the greatest hitter in the world!” Again he tossed the ball up in the air and swung at it. He missed. “Strike Three!”
“Wow!” he exclaimed. “I’m the greatest pitcher in the world!”
We all want to the best at something; we all want to be recognized, appreciated for our accomplishments. We all need that pat on the back. But today the disciples have gone too far. They are actually arguing with each other, fighting over who is the greatest. Just picture that! I’ve cured more people than you! Jesus likes me better! I can retell His parables better than anyone! Can you imagine Jesus shaking His head, wondering what is going on.
He could have raised His voice; I guess He could have sent them to their room for acting like children (if they had a room). But no, He speaks gently but directly to them. If you want to be the best, you must be the least. You must accept this child in My name and, if you do, then you have accepted Me. Treat everyone like you would a child and stop arguing. There is no place in the Kingdom for rivalry or competition.
You would think that would have ended the matter. But John quickly asks if they should prevent non-disciples from casting out demons. He still doesn’t get it! He still think they are all better than anyone who is not a disciple. He is still comparing himself to others! Oh dear, I can picture another shaking of the head!
We are all human. We all compare ourselves to others and hope we are better at something. We all want to feel unique and special. And we all stumble and fall in our pride and selfishness. Just like the disciples!
September 27, 2020 - 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Orthodox Liturgy, Gethsemane
Matthew 21:28-32
Words and Actions
Today’s Gospel seems pretty straightforward. A father asks his 2 sons to come work for him in the vineyard. One says Yes and one says No. End of story? Not so fast! The one who said Yes never shows up. And the one who said No changes his mind and comes to the vineyard. They both had a choice to make; they both made a choice eventually! But that choice wasn’t really made when they answered their father. The choice was finally carried out in their actions, how they followed up their words!
Choices are not just about words; they are about how we follow up, how we act! Put your money where your mouth is, put up or shut up, practice what you preach! We hear it every single day. Actions speak louder than words!
We all know that to be true; we all had moments when we were little when Mom told us to clean our room or do our homework. We gave her the right words but we didn’t follow up with the proper actions, at least not until we got caught. Words and Actions!
This is not the homily I was going to share this morning. These are not the words I was going to say. I had a completely different homily in mind, completely different Words, completely different focus. But like for that one son, something changed, life intervened!
Ginger and I spent the day yesterday attending 2 Ordination Ceremonies. 26 men were ordained to the Permanent Diaconate; I gained 26 new spiritual brothers, a number of them good friends as well. It brought back such wonderful memories of my own ordination barely 5 years ago. They knelt before the bishop and pledged their obedience to him. He laid his hands on them and prayed for the Holy Spirit to come down upon them. They put on the stole and dalmatic of a Deacon for the first time. And then they received the Gospel from the bishop with these words:
Receive the Book of the Gospel whose herald you have become.
Believe what you read. Teach what you believe. Practise what you teach
Like the beginning of today’s Gospel – All Words! All promises! A choice was made, Yes! A response to the Father was given, Yes! But the actual obedience, the real carrying out of those words – that was just the beginning. Those newly ordained deacons are only just practicing what they preached! They are only just following up those words with actions. And it’s not just them
We are all called by the Father! We are all called to work in the vineyard! We are all called to respond to the Father’s offer! We are all called to believe the Gospel! We are all called to live out our beliefs not only in what we say but in what we do! May our response today and every day going forward be a Yes – not just in our words but in our actions.
September 26, 2020 - 25th Saturday in Ordinary Time
Church of Holy Sepulchre
Luke 9:18-43, 45
Pay Attention
I can’t begin to count how many times as a teacher I needed to remind some of my students to PAY ATTENTION (or words to that effect)! Sometimes it was a fruitless effort and it demanded constant repeating. But sooner or later, they got the message. I suppose the same can be said of a parent trying to teach a lesson to their child.
Jesus has some tough words to share with the disciples today; He would be handed over to be put to death. Not your everyday chat; so He wants to make sure they are listening! With all the distractions besetting us today – TV, social media, music, civil unrest, worries over Corona, concerns about our health and that of our family and loved ones – it’s no wonder that we all have trouble listening to anyone with a really important message.
This is a good time for us to remember that prayer is a conversation with the Lord. And that means we have to quiet ourselves so that He can speak to us. We have to still our hearts and LISTEN and PAY ATTENTION! Sometimes we talk too much and never give God the chance to answer. So set aside some time! Unplug and turn the electronics off! Go for a walk or just settle down, calm down and LISTEN to God’s voice in the silence!
Great Spirit whose voice I hear in the wind,
whose breath gives life to the world
I come to you as one of your many children
May I walk in beauty.
Make my eyes ever behold
The red and purple sunset.
Make my hands respect
The things that you have made,
And my ears sharp to hear your voice…
Make me wise
So that I may know the things
That you have taught your children…
The lessons you have hidden
In every leaf and rock.
Make me ever ready to come to you…
With straight eyes,
So that when life fades as the fading sunset…
My spirit may come to you without shame…
September 25, 2020 - 25th Friday in Ordinary Time
Mount of Beatitudes
Luke 9:18-22
A Case of Mistaken Identity
Ever been mistaken for someone else? Years ago, I was out with one of my buddies and a guy comes up to us and starts a conversation. It turns out that he thought I was a friend of his, a guy named Jack who was a cop. I told him insistently that he had the wrong guy but he continued to insist he was right! I finally had to pull out my driver’s license before he reluctantly gave up and accepted the fact that I was not who he thought I was. Weird!
Today’s Gospel offers Peter’s confession of faith – You are the Christ of God. But let’s focus instead on the other disciples. They tell Jesus that people think He is John the Baptist reborn or Elijah or one of the prophets. They think He is a religious leader from the past come back to life. They mistake Him for someone else. And yet there is one religious figure that is glaringly absent from their list. Apparently no one believes He is the Messiah. All these years waiting for their Savior and no one seems to think Jesus is the Guy! They mistake Him for everyone except the person He really is!
Is there a lesson in all this? We call ourselves Christian; we are called to be forgiving, loving God and each other, to practice our Faith in word, thought and action. Would we be recognized as such? Would someone be able to point to us and say “Now that’s a Christian”. Or would we be mistaken for someone quite different?
Great Spirit, help me to conduct myself today in a manner of respect, dignity and honor to all my brothers and sisters. May others see You in my words and actions.
September 24, 2020 - 25th Thursday in Ordinary Time
At Prayer, Church of Holy Sepulchre
Luke 9:7-9
For All the Wrong Reasons
Today’s Gospel, besides being very short, seems almost hopeful. Herod (yes, the one who beheaded John the Baptist) has heard stories about Jesus. And he begins to wonder! Is this John reborn? A Prophet? Elijah? He is perplexed and concerned! And he tries to see this wandering preacher.
You have to wonder if his attempts to meet Jesus are all for the wrong reasons. Just as much as he was upset and jealous of John, he seems to harbor the same worries about Jesus. He doesn’t want to know more about Him or even accept Him as the Messiah. What he wants is to make sure He is not a threat to Herod’s power or status. Selfish and jealous, he is only concerned for himself and his throne. His desire to meet Him is only to size up his opponent, not to deepen his faith.
And that is the challenge for us today. when do we go looking for God? Is it only in times of distress or worry? Do we run to Him only when life is treating us badly? When we need to be bailed out of a sticky situation? What about the good times? What about the times when we should be thankful and grateful? What about all those times when life is normal?
God wants a relationship with us, not just in difficult times but always! We seek out our friends in family all the time, good and bad. What about God? If we run to Him for help in times of distress, why not walk with Him in good times, in love and gratitude? Why not talk to Him in daily prayer and reflection and build that relationship that He offers and that we so dearly need
Creator, teach me to pray, to talk with You and confide in You as I journey through this day and the days ahead.
September 23, 2020 - 25th Wednesday in Ordinary Time
Ben Gurion Airport, Tel Aviv
Luke 9:1-6
What to Wear, What to Wear
Have you ever gone on a long trip, I mean a really long trip away from home? I have been blessed to have visited the Holy Land 3 times over the past 10 years. It is not the sort of trip where you just throw some clothes into a bag and run. No, it takes a lot of planning and very methodical packing. And that is something I have left to my wife, Ginger. Lists are made, items bought and checked off! What to bring, what not to bring. And then the arranging and sorting of clothes for each day! And finally the actual packing, making sure everything fits! It is a long carefully planned and executed process to insure we have enough clothing, toiletries, meds, to last us the entire trip.
And then we hear Jesus’ travel tips to the disciples in today’s Gospel. Essentially what NOT to bring, what NOT to pack! No walking stick, no sack, no food, no money, no extra clothing; in fact, don’t even pack a bag. Just get moving on your way! The disciples don’t even know how long a trip it will be!
The point is clear: focus on your mission; focus on spreading the Word! God will provide everything else. Let go of everything else, all those things you think you need. And just put your faith in the Lord; He will see to your needs for food and shelter; He will take care of you. Don’t be so concerned about what you’re going to eat, where you will sleep or what you will wear.
These past 6 months, we have all had the time to ‘clean house’. We have had the opportunity to sort through our possessions and simplify our lives. We have packed up unused and unnecessary clothes and items and donated them to the needy. In the process, hopefully we have had the chance to re-focus our hearts on what is truly important; our faith.
Great Spirit, help me today to direct my thoughts and prayers to you. Help me to not be distracted by the cares of the world or those ‘things’ that the world insists I need for happiness. Guide me along a straight path that leads to the Kingdom of Heaven.
September 22, 2020 - 25th Tuesday in Ordinary Time
Great Spirit
Luke 8:19-21
Family Time
We paid our respects this past Friday to one of our Native elders as she took her final journey back to the Creator. We prayed for her as one family and we honored her for a full life, a life of love and service to her community. One of the most touching and heartfelt words we heard as we stood together in the sunshine was this – she was everybody’s grandma. Can you imagine what love and affection, what care and concern, guided her throughout her entire life for such a statement to be offered!
She served her community for decades as a volunteer and social services director. She devoted herself to caring for the needs of her community. She treated everyone as family, helping them with donations of food and clothing, toys for the kids and shelter for those in need. She saw everyone as part of her family and she treated everyone as such. She was a woman of deep faith and great love, of kindness and compassion.
What an example she is of Jesus’ words in today’s Gospel. Anyone who hears the Word of God and acts on it is part of My family. We are all part of one family, not by blood but by faith if we only act on that faith. And the elder we continue to mourn did exactly that – because of her faith, she saw everyone as part of her family and she treated and cared for them, just like a grandma would!
May Mother Earth guide your feet
May Father Sky keep his arms around you
May Grandfather Sun warm your coldest days
May Grandmother Moon keep the glow in your heart
May the Ancestors light the way as you make your journey home
And the Great Spirit always keep all of us
shielded from pain and sorrow
September 21, 2020 - 25th Monday in Ordinary Time
Dinner Time, Galilee
Matthew 9:9-13
Hospitality Part 2
What a difference a few days make! Last Thursday we read about a Pharisee inviting Jesus to dinner and the atmosphere was anything but hospitable; in fact, it was downright unfriendly. And then today Jesus basically invites Himself to dinner at the house of Matthew. Yes, he was a Jew but he was also a tax collector. That meant he took money from his own people and handed it over to the enemy- the Romans. And he probably kept some of the money for himself. He was considered a traitor by his fellow Jews; he would have been despised and shunned.
And yet Jesus invites Himself to Matthew’s home for dinner. And amazingly, or maybe not, other tax collectors and sinners joined the meal. Jesus explains to the Pharisees that He hasn’t come for the righteous but for the sinners. In fact, Matthew’s Gospel has this recurring theme of Jesus calling sinners to Himself and offering mercy.
Consider this – what a ragtag group of misfits are at this dinner – Jesus, Matthew, other tax collectors, sinners and the disciples. Yes even the disciples – a group of farmers, fishermen, illiterates, one who will betray Him, one who will deny Him 3 times, one who will doubt His Resurrection, and 2 who are concerned with their status in the group. It makes you wonder what sort of vetting process in becoming a disciple!
But they all do have one thing in common – they are all sinners and they are all in need of mercy and forgiveness. So say we all! We are all sinners; we have all fallen time and time again. And every time Jesus offers us mercy and forgiveness. Every time we falter He offers us a chance to return to the table of the Lord. His love is endless and so is His mercy.
Great Spirit, help me today to remove my doubts, especially my doubts about myself. Help me to see the path to You and give me the strength and the faith to follow it.
September 20, 2020 - 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time
The Fields of Galilee
Matthew 20:1-16
It’s Not Fair
A mother was preparing pancakes for her sons, Kevin, 5, and Ryan, 3. The boys began to argue over who would get the first pancake. Their mother saw the opportunity for a moral lesson. If Jesus were sitting here, He would say, "Let my brother have the first pancake. I can wait." Kevin turned to his younger brother and said, "Ryan, you be Jesus." If we are honest, we all have probably had a similar experience either as a brother or sibling fighting over a piece of pie, who goes first, complaining that one got a bigger Christmas present or that mom or dad likes them better. And even though the words are not spoken, they are obviously hanging in the air in such a situation – ITS NOT FAIR!!!!
That is essentially what we are hearing today in the Gospel. Laborers in a vineyard who have put in a long full day of work – 12 hours, from 6 to 6, are complaining that others who only worked as little as one hour are being paid the same wage. I have worked all day with the sweat of my brow. And here someone you hire at the very last and only works one hour gets the same pay as me??
IT’S NOT FAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If we were honest here, and we were those same day laborers, we would probably be complaining and grumbling long and loud just like them.
But notice that there really wouldn’t have been an argument at all if the owner had paid the full day laborers FIRST!!! Then they would have been on their way and never heard the rest of the story. They would have walked away with a full day’s pay for a full day’s labor! Perfectly acceptable, perfectly fair! They never would have seen that the one hour workers were generously paid the same wage. So something else is going on here, more than a simple lesson on justice!! Jesus deliberately flips the order of payment so that the day long laborers go LAST. And as each group gets paid, you have to believe the 12 hour workers are getting more and more HOPEFUL of a bigger paycheck!!! But that doesn’t happen; they get paid exactly what they agreed to, exactly what they expected, exactly what was FAIR!! And all of that hope explodes into anger!
Contrast that with the hope displayed by those chosen last. They stayed and hoped ALL DAY LONG that someone would hire them. If you were ever involved in choosing teams for a baseball game and ended up being chosen last, you can identify!! All the talented people are picked first. And last are the unskilled, those who are somehow lacking in physical ability or mental acuity. These are the laborers who have stuck around through the heat of the day, still hoping for a job, for a chance to prove themselves.
So consider that this is a parable NOT about human justice, but really about God’s unlimited generosity. The laborers get angry only when they compare their wages and effort with the effort of someone else! They get upset when they think more of themselves and less of someone else!!! They think the owner has been unjust to them when he really has only been generous with the others! Who’s to say we all wouldn’t have had a similar reaction!
Even as parents we know how difficult it is to be both fair and loving, just and compassionate when we deal with our children. The same holds true for grandparents. Often when I am blessed with spending the day with my 2 grandsons, I will treat them, among other things, to lunch. But I made the mistake one time of asking them – where do you want to go?? Big mistake. I got two completely different answers – Portillo’s and Taco Bell - and the obvious hint that whichever I chose I would hear complaints! IT’S NOT FAIR!!!! You like him better; you picked him first last time – I couldn’t win!
It is not an easy task but even the oldest son in the pancake story gets it!! He knows how hard it is to be like Jesus!! To be just and generous – that’s why he pushes the role of Jesus to his little brother. And yet that is exactly what we are all called to do!
In God’s eyes, it doesn’t matter if we have lived our whole lives in faithful service to God or if we have only just come to the Faith. It doesn’t matter if we have lived a good moral life or if we repented and asked for forgiveness on our deathbed. It doesn’t matter if we have worked in the vineyard all our life or if we entered the workforce at the last hour.
God loves us ALL – wholly, completely, unconditionally, EQUALLY!!
Whether we worked 12 hours or one, the reward He offers us all is one and the same – eternal life with Him in heaven. God is just and fair, kind and loving, generous and compassionate to us all. And while His ways are not our ways, we are called to strive to be the same, to be fair and generous, just and compassionate, to be Christian to all those around us.
And so, like the opening story, God challenges us all – YOU BE JESUS!!!!
September 19, 2020 - 24th Saturday in Ordinary Time
Fruits of the Harvest, Jerusalem
Luke 8:4-15
Spreading the Word
I know what you’re going to say! Yeah, yeah, the sower and the seed, rocky ground, weeds, thorns, trodden path and good soil. I’ve heard this plenty of times before; and besides, Jesus explains the entire parable in today’s Gospel! Same old, same old! What kind of ground am I? what prevents me from hearing the Word? What do I have to do to be more receptive to the Word?
OK, then, let’s take a different perspective! Picture yourself as the Sower! Wait, what? Yes, picture yourself as the Sower. You are the one spreading the Word! No, no, that’s not right; that can’t be right. God is the Sower.
But aren’t we all Christians? Aren’t we all meant to live a Christ-like life? Aren’t we all disciples? Of course! And as disciples we are all called to spread the Word, by our words and our actions, day in and day out! Does that mean everyone will get it? Of course not! Just as in the parable, some people will be stubborn and refuse to listen. Some people will be tempted away from the Word by the devil. And some will be so caught up in the world that they lose interest and stray. Will that make things difficult? Yes, but remember that for some people the Word will germinate and grow and blossom. And they will bear fruit!
So the message today? How will you spread the Word today? How much of an effort will you make? And, in the process, don’t be discouraged; your efforts will bear fruit! Be a disciple today! Spread the Word!
September 18, 2020 - 24th Friday in Ordinary Time
Jesus and Mary Magdalene
Luke 8:1-3
A Dignified Approach
So a question – how old were you when you realized that “Mom” wasn’t really your mother’s name? When did you find out that she had a real first name, like Susan or Louise? Wow, imagine that, a special name, just like me and you, not just “mom”! It seems rather trivial and unimportant but it makes a huge difference. It gives her a certain dignity, a uniqueness all her own.
The Gospel today is very short but the implications are immense. Jesus is travelling from town to town accompanied by the Twelve – notice they are NOT called by name. they are all just lumped together as one unit. But then something unusual happens – women are mentioned. And here things get special. They are mentioned as individuals; they are each called by name. Compare that with yesterday’s Gospel where the woman who crashed the Pharisee’s dinner party was NOT given a name!
That may seem like no big deal but, in the world at the time, women were treated as second-class citizens. They were restricted in what they could do and where they could go. They basically had little to no rights. And yet here they are, apparently women with some money since they were the ones who were providing for the group’s needs out of ‘their resources’. And most importantly, they were treated as disciples, just as much as the Twelve.
Jesus gave them respect and dignity. He treated them as individuals with a unique character and He called them each by their name!
September 17, 2020 - 24th Thursday in Ordinary Time
Luke 7:36-50
Hospitality 101
Early last year Ginger’s parents decided it was time to simplify their lives and downsize their home. So we helped them sort through all their possessions and decide what they wanted to keep and what should be discarded. It involved cleaning out their current house and checking out new possibilities. Even when they moved into their new home at Central Baptist Village, there was still a lot to do – picking out new furniture and deciding on the best arrangement, everything to make their new home warm and comfortable. But not just for them! Such care was taken to make their home hospitable – open and welcoming to visitors, making sure there was room and seating, comfortable seating, for family and friends, for all who came to visit. Open door, open arms, open heart!
Quite the opposite of what we read in today’s Gospel. A Pharisee has invited Jesus to his home for dinner. But hospitality is sadly lacking, even non-existent. He doesn’t greet Jesus with a kiss. He doesn’t wash His feet to wipe away the dust of the street. Hospitality in your home was a given for the Jews at the time of Jesus. Otherwise you could be sure that people would not be hospitable to you in return. And yet this Pharisee shows none of it. It’s as if all he is interested in is himself. Maybe all he wanted was to tell his fellow Pharisess – guess who’s coming to dinner! Or maybe all he is doing is trying to get Jesus to perform a miracle, a trick for his friends. Either way, hospitality is far from his mind.
The sinful woman, however, shows all the elements of hospitality that the Pharisee lacks. In fact, her hospitality extends not from welcoming Jesus into her home. She is welcoming Him into her heart. And that is our question for today.
Are we welcoming Jesus into our home? Into our heart? What are we doing to prepare our home, ourselves, to welcome Him into our lives? We spend a lot of time and energy prepping our home for a dinner party, for a birthday – cleaning, cooking, best clothes, etc. How much effort do we expend to welcome Jesus into our soul? Is there downsizing that we need to do in our lives? Do we need to simplify our lifestyle? Do we need to stop thinking so much about ourselves and more about our relationship with Jesus? How welcoming are we really? How hospitable are we?
September 16, 2020 - Saints Cornelius & Cyprian
Walking in Caesarea Philippi
Luke 7:31-35
My Way or the Highway
We bought a new car recently, something with a lot more bells and whistles than we are used to. You know the deal – a display screen with way too many options, hands-free phone for all those really important calls you have to make while you’re stuck in traffic, Google assist for directions and even a real-view camera. But you know what, most of the time I prefer the old-fashioned way and you know why? Because I know better!
Whatever route Google tells me to take, I always think I know a better way! However long Google tells me it will take to reach my destination, I think I can get there quicker. And that rear-view camera, I don’t completely trust it! I prefer to listen to my own voice, my own thoughts. I know what’s best and I have all the answers!
And that is exactly what Jesus is warning us about in today’s Gospel. The Pharisees just won’t listen to anyone except themselves; they think they have all the answers. And if anyone different comes along, they should be condemned and ignored, like John the Baptist. Children play the flute but they refuse to dance; they sang a sad song but they refused to weep. They accept God, they believe in God, but only on their own terms! They are blind to God’s truth and message.
Creator, teach me to listen! To hear your voice and wisdom in the words of others! Teach me that, if I follow only my own path, I will lose my way and stray from the one true path that leads me to You.
(PS - I never get lost; sometimes I just take the 'scenic' route)
September 15, 2020 - Our Lady of Sorrows
Mary, Church of Dormition
Luke 2:33-35; John 19:25-27
If I ever had the choice of being a mom as opposed to a dad, thank you very much but NO, I am quite happy as a Dad. I’ve seen, we have all seen, the trials and tribulations our mothers have gone through: their disappointments, their worries, their silent suffering, all those moments of trial and tribulations that we put them through. And yet, in spite of all our antics and failures, they still love us. I guess, in a sense, we have all contributed to their ‘sainthood”.
For today’s Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows, there is a choice of 2 Gospel readings. One reading from Luke has Simeon's prophecy that sorrow will pierce her heart like a sword. And the other from John shows Mary at the foot of the cross at Calvary. One predicts her sorrow; the other described the fulfillment of that prophecy, sorrow at its worst.
But consider all the choices Mary made in-between, all that silent suffering when the Pharisees wanted to arrest Him. The upset when He was run out of Nazareth and almost thrown off the hill. How many times she must have wanted to take away the pain! While she was remarkably silent throughout most of Jesus’ ministry, it was her presence that speaks to us today. Maybe she couldn’t take away the pain but she could still be there with Him, supporting Him, suffering with Him, loving Him as only a mother could.
Think about that today; think about how much our mom has always been there for us, always present for us, always there to listen and to help, especially in times of pain and sorrow. When Jesus entrusted Mary to His disciple John at the foot of the cross, He was also entrusting her to all of us! So then consider today that Mary is also always with us – to guide us, support us, suffer with us, love us!
September 14, 2020 - Exaltation of the Cross
Site of the Crucifixion, Church of the Holy Sepulchre
John 3:13-17
The Sign of the Cross
What was the first prayer you learned growing up? Our Father? Hail Mary? Grace? Now I lay me down to sleep?
The Sign of the Cross!!!! Too often we don’t think of it as only an intro to prayer, not a prayer itself! But it is! A simple sign of our faith, our belief: in God, in the Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit!! It is a verbal reminder of our belief in God .
But the Sign of the Cross can also be something more. We come today to the Feast of the Veneration of the Cross, a perfect time to reflect on its meaning in our lives. Consider the visual aspect of the Sign of the Cross– we touch our head, our gut, and our shoulders!
Head – our thoughts, we are called to turn our thoughts to God, to pray to Him, to talk to Our Father OFTEN just as Jesus encouraged us to do.
Gut – our humanity, what we share with Jesus, our physical nature. But sometimes we focus too much on our physical needs – food, looking good, exercise, our self – all good but too often we overdo it – we end up thinking more of ourselves, OUR needs and not those of others. So during Lent God called us to reflect on our spiritual self and not so much our physical. He calls us to fast – to give up something we THINK we really need, something we believe we just can’t do without – that daily piece of pie or cookies, the hours we spend in front of the TV or the game system, to remember that, in the end, what matters is our soul!
Shoulders – we have all been filled with the Holy Spirit in Baptism and especially in Confirmation where we are given the strength to not only practice our faith but to witness to our faith in our actions with others. We are called to REACH OUT OUR HANDS to those in need, TO SHOULDER THEIR NEEDS, to give of ourselves to others. That is what we mean by almsgiving – sometimes it’s donating to a worthy cause, sometimes it’s contributing to a clothing drive or a food drive. Sometimes it’s simply giving our time – to listen when someone needs to talk, to comfort when someone is hurting.
But especially for today, when we recall Jesus’ crucifixion and death, when he gave up His life in atonement for our sins, the Sign of the Cross is a visual reminder of the Cross itself! It is a reminder of the suffering and death of our brother Jesus! Even after enduring a crown of thorns, a painful lashing with a whip, and a long path to Golgotha carrying a cross of at least 50 pounds, He was nailed to that cross and died a horrible, shameful, painful death. It was a public execution; he endured not only unbearable pain and agony, but also the taunts and jeers of the people gathered around the cross. It was a slow agonizing death, where muscles where stretched and the condemned was left gasping for a breath of air. The Cross – a symbol of execution and condemnation, a sign of our salvation!
But if that is all we believe about the cross, we are missing something! It is not just about pain and suffering and death. It is not just about shame and cruelty. It is first and foremost the sign of God’s love! That is how much God loves us! That is how much Jesus loves us. That He would willingly give Himself up to all that pain and suffering and death because He loves us! It really isn’t a sign of shame; it’s a symbol of LOVE!
And that is what we remember today – not merely Jesus’ sacrifice, not just the pain and death He endured, but the LOVE He has for each and every one of us, a love that we share in and return every time we PRAY, every time we GIVE UP the unnecessary things in life and focus on what’s really important, every time we help out someone in need.
September 13, 2020 - 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Site of Peter’s Denial, Jerusalem
Matthew 18:21-35
Forgiveness – I Am So Sorry
Two days ago we remembered those horrible events of 9/11 from 19 years ago. It’s a memorial that even today brings tears and sadness and causes us to remember where we were, what we were doing.
The day before, Sept 10, I walked out of school after a typically long Monday of classes, and drove home to an empty house – Ginger was away for a 2-week-long East Coast business trip. I proceeded to order out an overly large pizza which I totally consumed. I turned on the tv to watch Monday night football but grew bored with the game and went upstairs to read a book. Ginger called and we spent maybe 5 minutes of idle chitchat before saying the requisite “I love you” and “goodnight”. Life was normal, predictable.
And the next morning, the world changed.
We adults became as children – staring deaf and dumb at the tv as one image after another shocked us into silence. And our children became as adults – forced much too soon to witness brutal acts of unforgiveable violence and destruction and voicing questions for which we had no answers. Everything we believed in, accepted, took for granted, burst into flames and collapsed with the towers. We found we had no appetite for food and when we tried to force ourselves to eat, it seemed bland and tasteless. We spent our waking hours glued to the tv and, for many of us, we went to sleep, if we slept at all, with the radio on, afraid of more horrors to come.
I spent most of that day unable to contact Ginger, knowing she was somewhere on the East Coast but not exactly sure where she was and whether she was safe. Communications were down; her cell phone wouldn’t connect and it wasn’t until late that night we finally talked and made sure all was well. It was a day when I would have given anything to hear her voice, hold her hand. It was a day when each of us felt so totally alone and yet so completely united in grief. It was a day when saying “I love you” became more than just a daily ritual.
But it was also a day not just of love but of seeking forgiveness. I didn’t just want to say “I love you” but also “I’m sorry for any and everything I ever did to hurt you”, any time I screwed up or made you shed a tear or caused you disappointment or upset. It was a day of repentance and seeking forgiveness.
And that is what today’s Gospel addresses – repentance and forgiveness! Peter is looking for a way to limit the number of times he has to forgive someone and Jesus is not giving in. Earlier in the Gospel, Jesus had told Peter that even if someone comes to you 7 times in one day asking for forgiveness – you give it! So Peter figures – seven times is enough! Not quite! Peter is looking or a loophole, a limit! And Jesus answers him – not just once, not just 7 times, but 70 times 7, essentially infinity – Jesus’ message is clear - there is no limit to forgiveness. Just as there is no limit to love!
And He then uses a parable to make things crystal clear. A servant owed his master a huge sum of money, more than he could ever hope to repay in his entire life and yet the master, out of mercy and compassion, forgives the debt. But then the servant turns around and refuses to forgive one of his fellow servants who owed him only a few coins. In spite of being forgiven himself, he refuses to show the same mercy to his fellow servant. He even resorts to violence in an effort to recover his money. He has completely forgotten the lesson from his master.
He has completely forgotten the Golden Rule – treat others the way you want to be treated. The Golden Rule – it is not just about love, it is also about forgiveness. It is not just – love others as you want to be loved. It is also forgive others as you yourself wish to be forgiven. Love and forgiveness go hand in hand. If we want to be loved, we need to be loving. If we want to be forgiven, we need to be forgiving.
Jesus shows us the way of forgiveness – He forgave the woman caught in adultery, He forgave Thomas’ doubts, He forgave Peter’s denial. And He forgives us when we stumble and fall.
God’s mercy and compassion has no limits. He is kind and merciful, slow to anger, and rich in compassion. He pardons all our iniquities, heals all our ills. He redeems our life from destruction, crowns us with kindness and compassion.
And just as the master forgave his servant, we are called not just to ask for forgiveness but to be generous in forgiving others – not just once, not just 7 times, but overwhelmingly – just as Jesus does.
September 12, 2020 - 23rd Saturday in Ordinary Time
Storms over Mt. Carmel
Luke 6:43-49
Shaky Ground
An elderly carpenter was ready to retire. He told his employer-contractor of his plans to leave the house-building business and live a more leisurely life with his wife and enjoying his extended family. He would miss the paycheck, but he needed to retire. They could get by. The contractor was sorry to see his good worker go and asked if he could build just one more house as a personal favor. The carpenter said yes, but in time it was easy to see that his heart was not in his work. He resorted to shoddy workmanship and used inferior materials. It was an unfortunate way to end his career.
When the carpenter finished his work and the builder came to inspect the house, the contractor handed the front-door key to the carpenter. "This is your house," he said, "my gift to you." What a shock! What a shame! If he had only known he was building his own house, he would have done it all so differently. Now he had to live in the home he had built none too well..
For whatever reasons, the carpenter made some very poor, unwise decisions, he lost his drive, his heart for the job. He no longer believed in what he was doing. He lacked wisdom,. He lacked faith. He lacked spirit, heart!
Just like the carpenter, every day we build our own house, we build our lives – every day we hammer a nail, set up a wall, paint a room. And sometimes we don’t do a very good job, we get lazy, forgetful, less focused and some days we just give up, thinking we don’t have the will or the right tools for the job.
Today’s Gospel reminds us all of the need to build our house on solid ground, on a solid faith! On a house that can withstand anything – wind, storms, rushing waters! That solid house depends on our faith in the words of Christ! It depends on us living a real Spirit-filled life, energized to live out the Gospel. And it depends on a good dose of wisdom, the ability to make the right decisions even when faced with the storms of life.
Creator, heal my mind and my heart today! Let me not only see love but be love!
September 11, 2020 - 23rd Friday in Ordinary Time
Lighting a Candle, Church of Holy Sepulchre
Luke 6:39-42
Humble Pie!
A little boy was overheard talking to himself as he strutted through the backyard, wearing his baseball cap and toting a ball and bat. "I'm the greatest HITTER in the world," he announced. Then, he tossed the ball into the air, swung at it, and missed.
"Strike One!" he yelled. Undaunted, he picked up the ball and said again, "I'm the greatest hitter in the world!" He tossed the ball into the air. When it came down he swung again and missed. "Strike Two!" he cried out. The boy then paused a moment to examine his bat and ball carefully. He spit on his hands and rubbed them together. He straightened his cap and said once more, "I'm the greatest hitter in the world!" Again he tossed the ball up in the air and swung at it. He missed. "Strike Three!"
"Wow!" he exclaimed... "I'm the greatest PITCHER in the world!"
It’s good to believe in yourself. It’s good to be confident in your abilities and to be proud of your accomplishments. But many times we can go overboard and, in the process of thinking we are the best, we end up belittling everyone else. The sin of pride, of selfishness. The belief that I know better than anyone, the belief that I am better than anyone.
Here’s a little secret. We are not perfect, not you and certainly not I! there is such a fine line between being proud of our actions and boasting about them to the detriment of others. What we need is a little humility, perhaps a nice big dose of it sometimes to wake us up! And that is what the Gospel addresses today. We cannot spend our lives pointing out everyone else’s faults and not see the same faults in ourselves. We cannot spend our lives in arrogance, not seeing the needs of others and tending to them.
Especially today, on the 19th anniversary of 9/11, we are called to appreciate and remember all the families and victims of September 11th, 2001, for all selfless first responders: firefighters, police officers and emergency service workers who gave their lives in service and in humility.
It was a day that I learned what it really means to be a father, to be a husband, to be a friend. It was a day we all rushed to a phone or to get home, to hug our family, to tell them we loved them, to make sure they were all okay. It was a day when saying “I love you” became more than just a daily ritual. It was a day that we lost not only lives of friends and family, fellow human beings, but we also lost our innocence, when we can no longer take our sense of comfort and security, our relationships, for granted. It was a day that will forever change the way we look up at the sky at the sound of a plane. When wings became weapons and passengers became pawns.
It was a day that opened our eyes to a world of violence and uncertainty.
But it wasn’t just about loss – since that day, we have also gained – we have gained a greater appreciation for our parents and family, we have gained a deeper sense of what it means to call someone a friend. We have learned to value that, in the midst of tragedy, we are all one color, one faith, one soul, one people – and when violence affects one individual, it diminishes us all. But in the long run, if we are to gain any meaning from September 11, we must also open our hearts:
To provide food in a world where many walk in hunger
To witness to our faith in a world where many walk in fear
To be friend and family in a world where many walk alone
To appreciate all the days we have had together and all the days to come
To accept the joys and the sorrows that bind us ever closer together
To teach us that we can do no great things,
Only small things with great love
So that all that has divided us will merge
And compassion will come to a world that is harsh and unkind
And no one will be subject to the will of another
And all will be rich and free and varied
And all will share in the earth’s abundance
And all will care for the sick and the weak and the old
And all will cherish the young
And all will cherish life’s creatures
And all will make peace not just a word, but a way of life.
September 10, 2020 - 23rd Thursday in Ordinary Time
Going for a Walk
Luke 6:27-38
Keep It Simple!
I remember as a young father the times I would go outside after hearing the kids arguing or fighting about something. I felt somehow that it was part of my job as a parent to be a peace-maker. So I would go out, gather the kids together, have them all say they were sorry and shake hands. And I would get the dumbest looks from all of them. And for a very good reason. By the time I got outside, they had already moved on. They had already completely forgotten what they were arguing about and just went back to playing together. Forgive and forget!
If only it were so simple these days. If only we hadn’t forgotten how to be child-like! All we seem to see and read about today are adults acting CHILD-ISH! Spoiled, demanding to get our way, refusing to see the other side, angry, bitter, vengeful, full of spite and selfishness. We call each other fools and idiots; we belittle others because they are different. Why did we ever grow up? Why did we forget?
We face a hard lesson in today’s Gospel. Jesus has been leading up to these words over the past week or so. And today He lays down the law in no uncertain terms. Love everyone, even your enemies! Forgive all! Be merciful just as your Father is merciful.
Simple? Yes! Easy to carry out? Hardly! In fact almost impossible to practice! And yet, in another sense, it is easy. You don’t have to choose who to love and who not to love – just love everyone! You don’t have to decide who to forgive; forgive everyone! Treat everyone the same!
Treat others the way you want to be treated! We said before, in another homily, that sin affects the whole community, not just the sinner. How much more so LOVE! Jesus has given us a seemingly impossible task, difficult to practice much less master. But if not us, then who? if not here, then where? If not now, then when?
May the peace of Christ and the love of God our Father direct our hearts and our actions!
September 9, 2020 - 23rd Wednesday in Ordinary Time
Mediterranean Sea, Tel Aviv
Luke 6:20-26
Leaping for Joy
Have you ever had a moment when you literally leapt for joy? I mean literally jumped in the air because you were so happy? Maybe it was the last out when the Cubs won the World Series! Maybe it was you learned you passed that final exam of your worst class or that acceptance letter from your #1 college! Maybe when you made the softball team or passed the boards to become a nurse! A time when you were so full of joy that you couldn’t contain your excitement!
So multiply that by a couple of billion and maybe we get close to the joy that Jesus is talking about in today’s Gospel. The joy of entering the Kingdom of Heaven, the joy of realizing the Kingdom is yours! Leaping for joy and pumping your fist in the air, a joy that can’t be contained inside and must be bursting out of every pore in your body.
This is Luke’s retelling of the Beatitudes and it is quite different. More bold, more joyful and more direct! Blessed are you who are NOW poor, NOW hungry, NOW weeping, NOW being hated by others! What a comfort to those in pain and how insightful that Jesus addresses His words to only those clearly suffering in this life. A reminder that all you are suffering in this life will not last.
But Luke takes it a bit further and Jesus addresses the opposite group – the rich, the filled, the laughing, all those who are causing the suffering! Woe to you! In no uncertain terms, the ones who are preying on the poor and defenseless will also have their day of judgment.
But for the poor, the suffering, all those treated unfairly, the ignored and the invisible – the message is clear. You are not forgotten! You are loved and cared for and your Father in heaven has a reward for you greater than you can imagine. A reward well worth jumping for joy!
Great Spirit, give me the strength today to let go of my attachment to the things of this life – wealth, power, popularity, selfishness, hate, anger, bitterness and jealousy. Help me to let go of the things of this world and embrace the beauty of Your Creation! Help me to surrender myself to You and then find joy worth jumping for!
September 8, 2020 - 23rd Tuesday in Ordinary Time
Mary’s Home, Nazareth
Matthew 1:1-16, 18-23
Mom Time
Just last week, we celebrated my Mom’s 95th birthday. Well, not so much ‘celebrated’. I mean since I am here in Chicago and she is in Southern Maryland and given the reluctance to travel during the pandemic, celebrating is a relative word. But we did send her cards and flowers and a present (seriously, what can you give someone celebrating 95 years that they haven’t already gotten) and we did talk on the phone and give her our best wishes. Through it all, it was an opportunity to give thanks for her long life and her life as our mother. It certainly can’t have been easy “wrangling” the four of us but she more than managed it. And so we celebrated not only her life as a mother but the life she had given us as her sons and daughters.
We celebrate another birthday today – the Nativity of Mary. And we would do well to not only celebrate her birth but also her life as the Mother of our Saviour, a life that paved the way for our new life as sons and daughters of the Father. Matthew opens today’s Gospel with a long list of Jesus’ genealogy, tracing His roots all the way back to Abraham through the line of King David. That is no coincidence; it was through Abraham that the Jewish faith was instituted. And it is through Jesus that our Christian faith, our life as brothers and sisters of Jesus, originated.
Birthdays are always a time of hope and thanksgiving. Hope for the future, for many more days of celebration, hope for a long and productive life. And thanksgiving – a chance to look back on a life well-lived, a life full of memories and blessings.
And so let us celebrate our Blessed Lady’s birthday today in the same vein. Thanksgiving for all our blessings received, gratitude for Mary’s “YES” and her life of faith. And hope – hope for blessings still to come and a life to share in the Kingdom of Heaven.
September 7, 2020 - 23rd Monday in Ordinary Time
Falafel Time, Jerusalem
Luke 6:6-11
Timing is Everything?
Ever get bailed out, rescued, at the last minute? The teacher postponing that test you didn’t study for! That neighbor who helped you shovel out your car after a snowstorm! That job offer that came out of nowhere after months of fruitless looking? That best friend who calls you up just when you needed a supportive voice!
We’ve all had moments like this, a little miracle happening just when we needed it. But I wonder – is it just about timing? Is it any less of a miracle, a wonder, if it happened at a different time? Is timing everything? Is there ever a bad time for a good thing to happen?
Timing matters in today’s Gospel! Jesus is in the synagogue on the Sabbath. And the scribes and Pharisees are just waiting for Jesus to cure a man with a withered hand, to accuse Him of doing work on the Sabbath. For them, timing is all important. For Jesus, it’s not about the timing; it’s about compassion, caring for your brother! That man with a withered hand would not have been able to work, would not have been allowed to work. He would have been shunned and ostracized because of his deformity; he would have been an outcast. Do you think it mattered to him what day it was? But it mattered to the Jewish leaders.
Jesus makes it clear – there is nothing more important than taking care of your brother/sister. There is no law greater than love of your neighbor! So I pose this question – can there ever be a bad time to do a good deed? Is the ‘bad time’ more a matter of inconvenience for ourselves than ministering to the needs of others?
Let us remember on this Labor Day all those who give not only of their time but their heart to serve others!
Septmeber 6, 2020 - 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
Wailing Wall, Jerusalem
Matthew 18:15-20
Grudge Works
Remember that pool party when you were little that you weren’t invited to? Remember getting picked last for a baseball game and it was your best friend doing the picking? Or that promotion you were perfect for but you got skipped over like you weren’t even there? Remember what it felt like, how much it hurt?
Face it, we have all had those moments when someone hurt us deeply. Maybe it was deliberate, maybe unintentional, either way we are in pain, we are angry! What do we do with all that negative emotion? Many of us, myself included, tend to keep it inside. We fume and grumble and complain; we let it fester and grow until we reach the point where we take it out on everyone around us. What was once a problem between 2 people turns into something that affects the whole community.
We tell ourselves, and others, I’m not one to hold a grudge! But we do! I do! At times, I seem to be a master at it. Whether it’s a forgotten birthday or treated like I was invisible or unimportant, I don’t just hold a grudge, I feed off it and allow it to feed off me. It leads to resentment, negative feelings. It pushes us to live in the past, reliving over and over again those slights and mistakes of others. It prevents us from living in the here and now, prevents us from growing and moving forward, prevents us from allowing others to be the person they are and not the person we thought they were!
Jesus, in today’s Gospel, recognizes our oh-so human condition and provides a way out, a way to resolve the issue and heal the wounds. But it is not easy. It requires honesty, truth and a willingness to forgive, to be forgiven and to heal, a firm desire to move forward.
First, quit gossiping and complaining to others! The issue is between the two of you; so go directly to that person and speak your grievance. Hard? Of course, but in the process, you are not just healing the relationship, you are healing yourself, getting rid of those negative feelings and resentment. Besides, how many times have you faced the other person and it was only then that they realized they had hurt you. All that pain you were carrying around and they never knew, never realized! Second, if one-on-one doesn’t work, then bring 2 other persons with you as witnesses and try again. And if that doesn’t work, if they refuse to acknowledge their fault, then bring it to the whole community.
Drastic? Yes! Necessary? Yes! There is a basic message Jesus is trying to teach – sin affects everyone. Anger and resentment and jealousy and hate, if ignored, will only deepen and end up affecting the whole community, the whole family. As much as we are in pain and hurting, it will only get worse if we don’t seek to confront it and attempt to heal. That takes courage, honesty, a willingness to forgive and be forgiven, and love, especially love! It’s an opportunity not for us to lord it over someone else and show how wrong they are but the chance for repentance, for healing and reconciliation.
Jesus gave the Apostles the keys to the Kingdom, the power to bind and to loose. But He has given all of us the power to forgive and the command to love each other!
We are all called to look out for each other. How can we call ourselves a disciple if we see a wrong and do nothing, say nothing? How can we expect forgiveness for wrongs we committed if we don’t offer the same forgiveness to others?
Great Spirit, help me today to be humble, to realize that we are all fragile creatures. Let me not attack others but seek to heal and mend old wounds and build new and stronger relationships.
Help me to remain calm and strong in the face of danger and uncertainty.
Help me find compassion without resentment overwhelming me.
Help me to seek strength and courage, not to be greater than others
but to fight my greatest enemy: myself!
Make us always ready to come to you with clean hands and straight eyes.
In peace and protection walk before us.
In strength and wisdom walk beside us.
In honor and courage walk behind us.
In power and resolve fly above us.
Aho! And Miigwetch!
September 5, 2020 - 22nd Saturday in Ordinary Time
Fields of Plenty, near Gaza Strip
Luke 6:1-5
Have a Little Heart!
Have you ever read or seen Les Miserables? Simply Jean Valjean is sent to prison for stealing bread to feed his starving family. Cruel and heartless! Yes I know, stealing is wrong but aren’t there some exceptions, some times when basic human needs outweigh the law?
The Apostles, in today’s Gospel, are caught picking grain on the Sabbath. The law is clear: no work on the Sabbath and picking grain qualifies as work, even if you are hungry. Kind of reminds me of picking huckleberries in the woods behind our house when we were kids. Jesus reminds the Pharisees that there have been exceptions to the rule in the past, particularly King David when he and his men ate bread that was set aside only for the priests. And He tries to teach them that God is not just a Law-giver but a loving parent.
We all know that to be true! We all grew up with rules from our parents and discipline when we faltered. For those of us who are parents, there were certainly times when our child broke a rule and yet they were so heart-broken and devastated by it that any punishment from us would have been counter-productive. How could we discipline them any more than they were punishing themselves? So what did we do? We forgave them, we loved them. God reminds us today that He is Our Father! He is a loving, forgiving Parent. Yes, of course there are rules to follow. But through it all, God is merciful and loving and compassionate
We all need that day of rest, probably more a week or even a month of rest, a break from the work-a-day world, time to catch our breath, collect our thoughts, even energize our spiritual batteries. Especially in the midst of this pandemic, this Labor Day weekend is a good time to do just that. But God reminds us today that even as we take our “Sabbath break” from work, we can never take a break from treating others with love and compassion!
September 4, 2020 - 22nd Friday in Ordinary Time
Entering the Tomb, Jerusalem
Luke 5:33-39
The Times They Are A-Changin’
6 months! 6 whole months of wearing masks and keeping 6 feet of distance. 6 months of staying away from large gatherings, away from family and friends. Some of that time spent stuck at home, not even going out for groceries or church or even work. And sometime self-isolating ourselves after we came into contact with someone who tested positive. 6 long difficult months of getting used to the ‘new normal’. Well, it definitely is ‘new’ but it certainly is not ‘normal.’
It’s not like we really had a choice either. This isn’t the same as moving into a new house or starting a new job. For safety, for everyone’s health, this was and is necessary. But that doesn’t mean we have to like it. Some of us are still struggling, still upset, still reluctant to change, to adjust. And that is understandable. Some of us, myself included, have a hard time getting used to something new and different. We feel lost, untethered, and definitely upset.
Changes are coming in today’s Gospel as well. Jesus and His disciples are not acting ‘properly’, at least according to the Scribes and Pharisees. They aren’t fasting and observing the Law like John the Baptist and his followers. My goodness, they are eating and drinking as if they were at a wedding. And the Jewish leaders are furious; they are doing everything they can to maintain the status quo. They are not just reluctant to change. They are defiantly resistant! Things must stay normal, no matter the cost! “The old is good.” No need to change!
Jesus tells them that these changes are a good thing – new cloak, new wine, new wineskins. This is a cause for celebration. But the leaders don’t see it; they refuse to see it.
It is difficult to see much good in the midst of this pandemic but we have to try. We suddenly have all this spare time on our hands. How are we using it? To complain about what we have lost? Or use it for something positive? I have certainly ‘upped’ my baking skills – not just zucchini bread, but cake and muffins, even baking bread every week! We take daily walks through the neighborhood and people are actually saying hi as we cross paths. And we are spending time in prayer.
If nothing else, we have been given the precious gift of time, time to grow in our faith and time to learn from the Master. Time to toss out the old wine and savor the new! Time not so much to complain about what we miss but to appreciate all that we have.
Great Spirit, I know that every change is preceded by a struggle. Help me through this struggle. Pour down your grace and strength and courage and hope to face this new day.
September 3, 2020 - Feast of Saint Gregory the Great
Sea of Galilee, Capernaum
Luke 5:1-11
Waiting for that Lightning Bolt
How many times have you walked away from a challenge? Turned your back on something so new and different that you were afraid? Something that you knew would completely change your life? Either it was too radically different or you were too comfortable with the life you were living?
10 years ago I was happily teaching high school religion. Life was good and very full not only as a teacher but as a husband, father and grandfather. And I knew retirement was not that far away. But then a chance comment after Mass changed everything. Have you ever thought about becoming a Deacon? Simple answer – NO! End of story, or so I thought. But the possibility kept nagging at me and I kept ignoring it. I figured – fine, I will just wait for that obvious lightning bolt from heaven, just to be sure. Reluctant to change, sure! Nervous about upsetting my life – absolutely! Difficult choice? Actually ‘choice’ is not the right word. Response is more accurate – response to the call. So yes it was a difficult response but also one that ended up merging my home life, my work life and my spiritual life into one. In the end, there was no lightning bolt, only a gentle call that comes to you where you are at and offers you a new direction. (More about that some other time)
Peter, in today’s Gospel, is given that call. He has already seen Jesus preach in the synagogue in Capernaum. He has seen Him cure his mother-in-law. And now coming to shore after a long and fruitless night of fishing, Jesus asks to borrow his boat to preach to the crowd. OK, fine! But then Jesus asks him to put back out onto the Sea of Galilee. Peter is reluctant but OK, fine! And they catch a multitude of fish. When they get to shore, Jesus asks Peter the really challenging question – drop everything and follow Me! Leave your home, your wife and family, your job and friends and take on a new challenge. Peter is afraid; he knows he isn’t perfect and he asks Jesus to leave him in his unworthiness. But Jesus persists and Peter answers the call.
And so it is with all of us. Jesus comes to each one of us – not with a lightning bolt or a burning bush. He meets us where we are at; he meets us in the events of our ordinary lives and offers us the challenge not to separate our spiritual life from home and work but to make it all one. To make our faith and love of God the focus of our daily life, not just something we do on a Sunday morning.
Creator, help me to let go of old ways, old thoughts. Let me be open to change to growth and let that change be an opportunity for me to draw closer to You!
September 2, 2020 - 22nd Wednesday in Ordinary Time
Ruins of Peter’s House, Capernaum
Luke 4:38-44
A Warm Reception
In case you hadn’t noticed, this week our daily Gospel readings have shifted from Matthew to Luke. Tradition tells us that Luke was a Gentile and that he was a doctor. So it’s not unusual then that, when Jesus performs a healing miracle, Luke provides a bit more detail to the illness. And so Peter’s mother-in-law is not just “sick”; she is sick with a severe fever. In the days ahead when we go deeper into Luke, you will also see an emphasis on Jesus as the Savior of all people, not just the Jews. In fact, He show a particular affection for the second-class citizens: the poor, the sick, the non-Jews, women and the oppressed.
But today, consider what’s been happening ever since the week began. On Monday we saw Jesus being run out of Nazareth, His home town. In fact, the people tried to throw Him off a cliff. And then look at these past 2 days. Jesus comes to Capernaum, preaches in their synagogue and then today heals Peter’s mother-in-law. And their reaction? They are amazed at His words and His authority, then anyone who was sick was brought to Him and cured, and they spread the word about this amazing preacher.
What a warm reception! What a different reception from what happened in Nazareth! In fact, Jesus comes to make Capernaum basically His home for the next few years.
Yesterday we talked about whether or how we know Jesus. Today the focus is on how do we react to that ‘knowledge’? If we really do believe Jesus is the Son of the Most High, how do we respond? Do we try to push Him out of our life, get rid of Him like the Nazareans? Or do we provide a warm welcome, open our arms and our hearts to His words and actions? What kind of reception do we give to Jesus? Do we offer such an open response that Jesus doesn’t just visit us but He takes up residence in our hearts?
Great Spirit, allow me today to feel Your presence. Help me to remember and appreciate that You are always here beside me. Give me the openness to welcome You into my life.
September 1, 2020 - 22nd Tuesday in Ordinary Time
Synagogue in Capernaum
Luke 4:31-37
I Know You!
With 40 years of teaching high school religion under my belt, that adds up to thousands of students. And even after all this time, it seems I never forget a face. It’s a running joke with Ginger that we can’t go anywhere without us running into a former student. If that wasn’t odd enough, as soon as I see them, I recognize them and know their name. Then I proceed to tell Ginger – You remember them, they were… they did, they were in that class… and ginger’s pat answer – I don’t remember!! But I do! I remember them! I know them!
That’s what happening in today’s Gospel – Jesus is preaching in Capernaum and the people are amazed at His teaching. But there is a man there possessed by a demon. And it’s the demon who recognizes Jesus and calls Him by name – You are the Holy One of God!! He recognizes Him not merely as a preacher but the Son of God. Says something doesn’t it? Even the demons recognize Jesus for who He really is!
The question for us today is – do we know Jesus? How do you know Him? Is He just words on a page or stories that you’ve heard or repeated? Is He real? Would we recognize Him? In all those times of trial and heartache, when we prayed so fervently for help, do we remember the Son of the Living God? Do we see Him in the face of others who cry out for justice or mercy or peace? Do we recognize Him in the cries of the poor, the homeless, the lost and forsaken? Do we take the time and the energy and the patience to look for Jesu?, Remember His presence in our lives and to know that He truly is the Son of the Most High!
August 31, 2020 - 22nd Monday in Ordinary Time
Mount Precipice, outside Nazareth (Mt Tabor in the distance)
Luke 4:16-30
A Rush to Judgement
Ever had that experience of running into an old relative, someone who hasn’t seen you since you were little and they proceed to treat you like you were still that little child they used to play with. It’s as if, from their perspective, you never changed, you never grew up. And when you try to tell them all that you have accomplished and the bright future you are working toward, they almost refuse to believe it – no, no my little boy!
That is what’s happening in today’s Gospel. Jesus has returned to Nazareth after being baptized by John and praying for 40 days in the desert. At this point, He has done nothing – no miracles, no parables, no preaching- nothing at all. And He goes to the synagogue to offer His first sermon. And He reads from the Prophet Isaiah: “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to bring glad tidings to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim liberty to captives
and recovery of sight to the blind, to let the oppressed go free” It is a prophecy about the Messiah, the long hoped-for Messiah. And He then tells them clearly that today that prophecy is fulfilled! I am the Messiah.
They are enraged and upset. This can’t be; we know this man! He is just the son of the carpenter. We saw him playing as a child! He is just a Jew like any of us. They become so upset that they drag Him out of the synagogue, out of Nazareth, to the top of Mount Precipice to throw Him off the cliff. But He passes through their midst and leaves to begin His mission. In spite of their denial, their hatred, and their doubt that He will amount to anything, Jesus begins His Mission.
We have all faced moments of push back from others, moments when we start a new job or career or a new life and all we get from others is doubt! You won’t make it; you won’t be able to handle it! Do you think he’s really going through with it? He’ll never amount to anything! Moments that make us doubt our choices and perhaps rethink our life goals. Moments when we question our abilities and our resolve.
But we have had moments like that in the past and we got through them. Moments when God was with us all along. So maybe today could be the day to spend in gratitude, to thank God for all He has done for us to get us this far in life. To thank Him for His many blessings that gave us the strength and courage to move on in life. To thank Him for those special people in our lives who love us, encouraged us, pushed us and corrected us when we needed it, and people who gave us the courage to move forward and succeed. People like my mom, who celebrates her birthday today. Happy 95th Birthday, Mom!
August 30, 2020 - 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
Via Dolorosa, Jerusalem
Matthew 16:21-27
Taking the Easy Road
A King was growing old and knew it was time to choose his successor. Instead of choosing one of his children, he invited all the young people from his kingdom and told them, "I am going to give each one of you a seed today – one very special seed. I want you to plant the seed, water it, and come back here one year from today with what you have grown from this seed. I will then judge the plants that you bring, and, based on your efforts, I will choose the next ruler
One of the boys went home and excitedly told his mother the story. She helped him get a pot filled with soil, and he planted the seed and watered it carefully. Every day, he would water it and watch to see if it had grown. After about three weeks, some of the other youths began to talk about their seeds and the plants that were beginning to grow. He kept checking his seed, but nothing ever grew. Three weeks, four weeks, five weeks went by, still nothing. By now, others were talking about their plants, but he didn't have a plant and he felt like a failure. Six months went by -- still nothing in his pot and he knew his seed had died. Everyone else had trees or flowers, but he had nothing. A year finally went by and all the youths of the kingdom brought their plants to the king for inspection. The boy reluctantly took his empty pot to the palace. He was amazed at the variety of plants grown by the other youths. They were beautiful -- in all shapes and sizes.
When the king arrived, he surveyed the room and greeted the young people. And the boy tried to hide in the back. Suddenly the king spotted him at the back of the room with his empty pot. He ordered his guards to bring him to the front. He was terrified. The king asked him what happened. I don’t know, he said. I planted the seed, watered it every day, pulled weeds and cared for it as best I could. But nothing grew. I’m sorry!
Then the King spoke to the crowd "One year ago today, I gave everyone here a seed. I told you to take the seed, plant it, water it, and bring it back to me today. But I gave you all boiled seeds that would not grow. All of you, except this boy, have brought me trees and plants and flowers. When you found that the seed would not grow, you substituted another seed for the one I gave you. This boy was the only one with the courage and honesty to bring me a pot with my seed in it. Therefore, he is the one who will be the new king!"
That young boy had a choice, actually all the youth had a choice. But he was the only one to make the honest decision, the tough decision, to take the right road even though it was difficult and uncomfortable. All the others chose to take the easy road – no worries, no responsibilities, a dishonest path. They all faced a sort of temptation – right or wrong, easy or demanding.
We see a similar choice in today’s Gospel. It was only last week that we heard Peter proclaim Jesus as the divine Son of God and Jesus gave him the keys to the kingdom of heaven and made him the rock on which the Church is built. Today Peter returns to that impetuous, stubborn, blunt and brash Apostle we are so used to.
Jesus has just predicted His own suffering and death. And what does Peter do? He jumps right in and contradicts Jesus – No, no way, that’s not gonna happen! And Jesus responds by calling Peter Satan. Jesus, in His human nature, also faced temptations (like in the desert). And He faces one here. The temptation to take the easy road – no pain, no suffering – or the difficult path of suffering and death. Jesus is basically addressing not only Peter but Satan himself, recognizing the temptation for what it si – the temptation to avoid a demanding life and death and to take the easy path. His response is clear – begone Satan, don’t tempt me!
As Christians we are all faced with difficult choices – difficult temptations. And there are plenty of times when we do take the easy way out. Either out of laziness or fear or a simple lack of courage, we look for quick solutions and then have to deal with the consequences of our lack of action! We jump headlong into a situation, kind of like Peter jumping out of the boat in the middle of a storm, and then we’re stuck with ‘how do I get myself out of this mess.’
Jesus reminds us that in order to truly follow Him, we all must take up our cross. Will it be difficult? Yes! Is it an easy path? Definitely not! But the reward is eternal life. May God give us the strength, the courage and wisdom to make the difficult choices, to turn away from the easy path and to follow in His footsteps, No pain, no gain!
August 29, 2020 - Beheading of John the Baptist
Masada, Herod the Great’s Fortress near the Dead Sea
Matthew 6:17-29
Don’t Lose Your Head
Today’s Gospel is a study in contrasts. There is Herod, so full of greed and lust, that he promises Salome anything, even half his kingdom, after she dances for him. A man so focused on his own vices and desires that he can’t think rationally. And there is John the Baptist who, in this passage, is notable for his absence. He doesn’t say a word and yet he is the center of the story. Two men, utterly different, like 2 sides of the same coin, and yet their lives were so interwoven and connected. And the story ends so gruesomely with John’s head being brought to Salome on a platter and who then hands it to her mother.
Contrasts! John spending his life focused on his mission to prepare the way of the Lord. So dedicated to the truth that, when Herod marries his brother’s wife, John publicly and forcefully calls out Herod for living in sin. So devoted to calling people to repentance of their sin that he is not afraid to call Herod to task for his sin and for the need to change his life and turn away from his sin. Courage, faith, witness to the truth!
And then there is Herod who is only concerned with his own base desires and selfishness. A king more filled with lust and greed than the truth. He would do anything for a pretty face or to satisfy his appetite. A man who makes ludicrous promises without thought or good judgement and only feels remorse after the fact.
All of us have probably felt that same tug in 2 directions, whether we admit it or not: the desire to be truthful, honesty, loving of others and the urge to look out only for ourselves and our desires. The tug of war between what is right and what is easy. That battle goes on inside each of us every day. In the end, this story ends with both men losing their head: John for the sake of his faith and Herod for the sake of his desires. What about us? Who wins today?
August 28, 2020 - 21st Friday in Ordinary Time
Church of Holy Sepulchre
Matthew 25:1-13
Tough Love
Anybody have one of those friends, someone who always seems to be in trouble or in need? Someone who always runs to you for help, for money, for solutions, for bail, or maybe even an alibi! And out of friendship, out of love, you always help them out. I mean, face it, isn’t that the Christian thing to do?
I think that’s what’s happening today in the Parable of the Wise and Foolish Virgins. The foolish ones are asking for help, give us some of your oil. But the wise ones say NO! What? How rude! How unkind! How unfriendly! How unchristian! Aren’t these the wise virgins? Why aren’t they helping?
But perhaps that is exactly the point. Sometimes you have to say no; sometimes you have to practice a bit of tough love. Sometimes foolish friends become too dependent on you to always come to their rescue. They expect there will always be a safety net. And sooner or later they have to learn to stand on their own 2 feet, make their own decisions, and take responsibility.
Sometimes maybe the most Christian thing we can do is not solve all their problems but give them the opportunity to resolve them themselves. I don’t mean we abandon them or leave them stranded. I mean we still love and support them but we provide the opportunity for them to direct their own lives. We give them the chance to pick themselves up and carry on. Face it, when we finally stand before God, we will only be carrying our own lamps, our own oil.
August 27, 2020 - 21st Thursday in Ordinary Time
Caesarea Philippi
Matthew 24:42-51
Ready? Set! Go!
Remember that first day of school when we were little? Maybe we were excited? Maybe upset that the summer was over? Maybe glad that we get to see our friends again? Maybe nervous about a new teacher, new classes, new homework! But do you remember all the work, all the preparation that our parents went through to get us ready for that day? Shopping for school supplies, new clothes! Trips to the grocery store for extra food to make for school lunch! Maybe even getting us up early weeks before school started so that we were back on schedule.
Our parents probably spent weeks getting us ready for that first day of school. And for many of you, you were doing exactly the same thing this week, getting your kids ready for school. But this time was different; this time it wasn’t just after 3 months of summer; it was after 6 long months of isolation, 3 of e-learning and 3 of a very weird summer. And the preparations were different as well. Now you were looking for masks and shields, special guidelines on what they can/can’t bring for lunch, social distancing even at recess!
So much preparation! And why do we do it? Because we love our kids and we want to keep them safe and protected! We want to make sure they are prepared for the new day, the new school reality.
And so it is with today’s Gospel and the story of the faithful and unfaithful servant. The faithful servant is always ready, always prepared for the return of the master. And the unfaithful one wastes his time and never looks to the future. Too late, he rushes at the last minute to make up for all the lost time and opportunities. We are all called to be ready for the return of the master; it is not a simple last minute rush; it’s a lifelong preparation. It requires faith and dedication and yes, even love. It requires the sort of effort we put in to get our kids ready for school and, dare I say, for life. It is an unquestioning faith in the future and an unconditional love for each other and for the Master!
Creator of all, keep me focused today and every day on my one true purpose – to serve You! Guide me, lead me to always be ready to answer the call to turn my faith in You into an active love for others.
August 26, 2020 - 21st Wednesday in Ordinary Time
Ancient Cemetery Outside Jerusalem
Matthew 23:27-32
Whitewashed Tombs
There’s a story about a preacher who was accused of not practicing what he preached. He responded; “Well, at least I don’t preach what I practice.”
Hypocrite! It comes from a Greek word for “actor”, someone who put on a show for others. Someone who acts a part and pretends to be good just for admiration! If you thought Jesus was blunt in yesterday’s Gospel, today goes way beyond! The Pharisees and Scribes are like whitewashed tombs with only dead men’s bones and filth inside. They only appear righteous but they are only concerned with themselves! The Jews believed that contact with the dead automatically made you unclean; so the tombs were painted white to warn the people away, to prevent them from touching the stones.
But why such harsh words? Why does Jesus condemn the Pharisees so bluntly? Maybe it’s because their supposedly ‘sincere’ words were leading others astray. They care only about one thing – themselves – and about garnering applause from others. Maybe Jesus was concerned of the effect of their words on others! It’s bad enough that a person says one thing and does something completely different. What’s worse is if they can convince others to follow their example.
At some point in our lives, we have all been swayed by the ‘honeyed’ words of another. They said the right things, the things we wanted to hear, what we needed to hear at the time. We were fooled and we learned a bitter lesson not only about who to trust but how much our own words have an effect on others.
The lesson here is twofold: to value others not only by their words but by their actions AND not to fall into the same trap of being a hypocrite ourselves – saying things just for the admiration or applause of others!
Great Spirit, help me to live for others today and learn that love is the key and that my words must reflect what is in my heart.
August 25, 2020 - 21st Tuesday in Ordinary Time
Spice Market, Jerusalem
Matthew 23:23-26
Rotten on the Inside
Perhaps one of the only good things to come out of this pandemic is that Ginger and I had the opportunity to put in a small garden, something we haven’t been able to do for at least 5 years. It’s a modest garden: green peppers, tomatoes, a few herbs and zucchini. And I am enjoying a real bumper crop with the zucchini, a few dozen loaves of z bread already and much more to come. I’m even trying some new recipes, something I’ve not had the time or energy to do before.
But every once in a while, I get a bad one. And the problem is you don’t see it coming. On the outside, all looks great, perfect. But then I cut it open and the zucchini is all rotten on the inside. And then you have to just throw it away. Ugh! A very unpleasant surprise!
In today’s Gospel, Jesus uses extremely harsh language for the Pharisees and Scribes for being so clean and perfect on the outside, but utterly rotten within. He chastises them for being so concerned about collecting tithes on herbs like cumin and dill and yet not caring at all about the welfare of the people. It was the law that the people would contribute 10% of all of their produce and crops to the Temple. Too often, instead of burning them as an offering, the Pharisees and Scribes would take them for their own personal use. Lawful on the outside, rotten within. They pay more attention to outward appearance and not to one’s inner soul, more attention to crops and herbs and not to justice and mercy and compassion.
Maybe this is our wake-up call – to look deep inside ourselves. Does our outward appearance match our inner attitude? Do we put up a good front but are dead inside? Do we worry too much about ourselves and not enough about other? Do I do the right thing but for selfish reasons? We all make mistakes; we are all, at times, blind to the needs of others.
What can I do today so that my words and actions, my thoughts and intentions, fully reflect the Spirit within? Take some time today to look deep inside, cut open that “zucchini” and see what you find. Is it worth making some “bread” with?
The Creator has a purpose for each and every one of us. We may not know it; we may not understand it. But we are on this earth to fulfill that purpose. It is our task to prepare ourselves – by prayer, by being unselfish, by choosing to walk a spiritual path.
August 24, 2020 - Feast of Saint Bartholomew
Northern Shore, Sea of Galilee
John 1:45-51
The Journey of Faith
I don’t know about you but I am not a fan of walking into new siutations or meeting people for the first time; I feel awkward and quite a bit tongue-tied, wondering what to talk about and how they will react to me. It takes me a while to warm up to them and feel comfortable. Yeah, I know what you’re going to say – you’re a teacher, you’re used to getting up in front of a crowd of strangers, most of them unimpressed, and trying to grab their attention. But this is different; one on one is more direct, nowhere to hide.
We celebrate today the Feast of St. Bartholomew, one of the Twelve. Most Scripture scholars identify him as the Nathaniel we read about in today’s Gospel, the brother of Philip. We see in this gospel his first encounter with Jesus. And while there is that first-time awkwardness, he quickly warms up to Jesus and eventually chooses to follow Him.
This is a good example of our journey of faith. At first, we are reluctant, even skeptical. Nathaniel, when invited by his brother Philip, really wants nothing to do with this “Jesus”. He believes that nothing good can come out of Galilee; this “Jesus” is not worth the trouble. But he eventually agrees to just take a look at the man. And what is Jesus’ reaction? He sees him coming from a distance and immediately loves him; He recognizes him right away as a good and honest and faithful man and He loves him! And He promises Nathaniel/Barthomolew that, if he joins the other disciples, he will see even greater things! And he follows Jesus!
Is that any different from our own journey of faith? At first, we are reluctant, uncomfortable, unwilling to move in that direction. It would mean change and we don’t like to change. We are skeptical, doubtful that anything good can come from this. And then what is Jesus’ reaction? He immediately loves us, loved us from the very first moment, from the very first encounter! No restrictions, no conditions, simple complete love. And then He offers us the chance to follow Him and to earn a reward so unimaginable, so overwhelming, so eternal!
And that is where He leaves it. It is then our choice, our decision – follow Him or not! We face that choice every day! Every moment of our lives we have the chance to say YES, to follow Him, to follow that journey of faith. Where, I ask, does that journey take you TODAY? What will be your response?
August 23, 2020 - 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time
The Door/Entrance to Church of Holy Sepulchre
Matthew 22:34-40
The Key to Success
I don’t know if I’m the crazy one or if everyone has one of these cups. This cup is filled with keys. There are house keys and apartment keys, car keys, lock box keys, luggage keys for travel, keys that I don’t even remember what lock they fit. In a sense, this cup contains a record of my adult life – my first car, my first apartment, our first home as husband and wife, the keys we were given when we bought our first and only house. There are keys that open doors and keys that lock away and protect valuables.
Keys seem to be a recurring theme in today’s readings. Eliakim, in the first reading, is given the keys to the House of David the King. He will control all the storerooms and treasuries of the King. In effect, he will be responsible for taking care of the needs of the people – providing them with food and resources like a father would for his family.
And in today’s Gospel, Jesus gives to Peter the keys to the Kingdom. He establishes the Church on the rock, Peter, literally PETRUS which means rock. Traditionally this scene took place on the northern shore of the Sea of Galilee, at a place called Tabgha and there is a church called Church of the Primacy of Peter built over the site of the rock!
Jesus first asked His disciples who am I? kind of reminds me of the theme song from CSI TV show – Who Are YOU??? And His disciples respond with answers like – John the Baptist, Elijah, Jeremiah, one of the prophets, you’re a miracle worker, a teacher, a preacher. Different answers but they all have one thing in common – they reflect a view that Jesus is merely HUMAN! It’s only Peter who responds with something different, something illuminating – you are the Christ, you are the Son of God – You are Divine!!! Not just human.
And for that statement of belief, Jesus established the Church and gives Peter the keys to the Kingdom. Jesus establishes Peter and his successors, the Popes, as the foundation, the rock, of the Church. Like Eliakim, Jesus is entrusting Peter with the resources of the Kingdom, to distribute to the faithful! Jesus established Peter and his successors not as kings but as stewards of the House of God. – to open the way to the Kingdom of Heaven and to safeguard the teachings of Christ, the riches and the wisdom and the knowledge of God! Even today we see the image of those keys in the papal coat of arms – 2 crossed keys, one silver and one gold, tied together with a red cord!
The holiest place in Jerusalem is the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, the site of Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection! Since the 7th century the key to the Church has been held by one family. Early every morning, around 3am they open the Church and every night around 9am they lock the doors. And because the keyhole is so high on the door, a ladder has to be passed through a small opening in the door in order to reach it and then passed back through the hatch.
It is a ritual that requires cooperation between the family outside and the friars within. It requires devotion and duty and dedication. And it is a ritual that requires faith – a shared faith between the Christian priests of the Holy Sepulchre and the Moslem family who have been entrusted with that key for over 500 years.
KEYS! They open up doorways to new life, new opportunities, new possibilities! They lock away and protect our valuables! Nowadays most of our keys don’t really look all that much like keys anymore; they are a set of words and symbols, they’re the passwords we use to access bank accounts, medical records, email accounts and personal information.
And even in the Church, keys don’t always look like keys! I am holding our daughter’s Baptismal candle. 2 days ago was the anniversary of her Baptism. This is one of many symbols from the Sacrament of Baptism that opened the door to her new life as an adopted daughter of God. This is a key to her new life as a member of the family of God.
And this is a cross – the key that, through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus, opened to us all the Kingdom of Heaven. And yet these are only a few examples. The keys to the Kingdom are all around us:
A grieving mother, a hungry child, a sick parent, a friend suffering from depression, the gradual reopening of our churches to prayer and the sacraments.
The keys are right there in front of us, the doors have been opened! It remains for us to step through!
August 22, 2020 - 20th Saturday in Ordinary Time
Palm Sunday Road, Jerusalem
Matthew 23:1-12
Walking the Walk
You can talk the talk but can you walk the walk? Practice what you preach! Put your money where your mouth is! You talk a good game but…… Put up or shut up! We hear it all the time! We probably say it all the time! And in today’s Gospel, even Jesus calls out the Pharisees who preach the teachings of Moses but fail to act on their own words.
We celebrate today the Queenship of Mary; we celebrate Mary who, as a teenage girl, said YES to God’s will with the Angel Gabriel. And she then spent her whole life living out that YES, acting and serving God because of that YES. She spent her entire life not just hearing God’s Word but acting on it!
As the world tentatively tries to reach some sense of normality, as the churches slowly open, we all find ourselves back in the pews listening to the Scriptures, hearing the pastor (or deacon ) preach. We respond with “Amen” and “It is right and just”. And then we leave and return to our lives. Has anything changed? Do we feel any different? Do we act any different? Has there been any effect on us from hearing the Word and receiving the Eucharist? Have we changes at all?
It is well past time for us to be Christian not just in words but in our actions, not just within the walls of the Church but out in the world. It is well past time for us to show that we can not only talk the talk, but walk the walk!
Great Spirit, thank you for the gift of walking with you today. May it open my eyes and my heart to the world around me!
August 21, 2020 - 20th Friday in Ordinary Time
Mass at Magdala
Matthew 22:34-40
He Loves You, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah
I admit there were plenty of times when I was little that I really pushed the limits on my parents’ rules, tried to see how much I could get away with. I’m guessing we all did, at some point. Wash your hands, clean your room, do your homework, obey your parents, don’t lie, make your bed, don’t steal. Too often, our words of rebellion were simple: WHY?
And it was probably not til we were much older that it all began to sink in and we understood that not only do we all need reminders of right and wrong from time to time but we do good out of love for others.
Many of the Jews at the time of Jesus seemed to have forgotten that. They stuck strictly to obedience of the Commandments simply because they were the Commandments. But they had forgotten WHY they should be followed! And that motive – LOVE – is key to all our relationships! Think about it; most of the 10 Commandments are about avoiding evil – don’t do this, don’t do that. I could lock myself away in a box for the rest of my life and obey most of them – no one to lie to, to steal from. But all I’m doing is avoiding evil! Am I actually doing anything GOOD? Jesus reminds us in the Gospel today that the greatest commandment is LOVE. Love of God and love of neighbor. I do good, I avoid evil, because I care about others, because I love God! And I don’t want to hurt that relationship.
One more thought – the love that Jesus is talking about is active! It is not simply a nice feeling I have inside. It is this powerful, energizing emotion that reveals itself in all our actions. It is not just a bunch of words but it’s what we do and how we treat our loved ones. It’s how we give of ourselves for their benefit even when it’s inconvenient, even when it’s difficult. It’s a love that grows and flourishes, makes us stronger and better!
Great Spirit, you created us out of love. Help us to realize that the base of all things is love, love of you and love of others.
P.S. I still make my bed, occasionally!
August 20, 2020 - 20th Thursday in Ordinary Time
Chapel at Cana
Matthew 22:1-14
Dress Code
Years ago I remember going to a business lunch with a group of teachers in New York. I didn’t realize there was a dress code (jackets) and I didn’t bring one. They gave me one awful looking slightly smelly jacket that was available just for people like me. It was embarrassing!
We read in today’s Gospel about a wedding feast given by a rich man for his son. All his friends and relatives were invited; and all refused to come. They didn’t just forget; they made a deliberate choice not to attend. Eventually the father invites in anyone/everyone he can find – the poor, the good, the bad. But when the father comes in to greet all his guests, he sees someone not wearing a wedding garment.
Now this is where I always had problems with the parable. That poor man, how can you expect him to have a wedding garment; he just got invited at the last moment. How rude! How inconsiderate of the host! But wait a minute, not so fast!
It was the responsibility of the host to provide a wedding garment for all the guests, not the guests themselves! That way, no one needed to feel embarrassed because they were not dressed as well as others. This way everyone was dressed the same and all could enjoy the celebration.
I guess that would have worked well for me if everyone was wearing that same awful coat
This is obviously a metaphor for the Kingdom of Heaven. All are invited. But some will refuse to come! Others come willingly and accept the wedding garment (following the teachings of Christ). And that other guest? Well basically the guest without a wedding garment was making a deliberate choice of disobedience and disrespect. He was offered the garment but he refused. He wanted to enjoy the benefits of the wedding feast without following the instructions of the host (God). He wanted to enter the Kingdom but only on his terms.
Too often, we think we know better; we have a better plan than anyone else, even God. We want to walk our own path without concern for others. And only later do we see and suffer the consequences. Following Christ is not always easy but the reward is worth it.
Creator of all, grant me today the wisdom and humility to follow your Word and the courage to see it through. Aho!
August 19, 2020 - 20th Wednesday in Ordinary Time
Working in the Fields, Israel
Matthew 20:1-16
It’s Not Fair
There are no easy answers today, just a lot of infuriating questions. It seems so unfair, so unjust. The first laborers worked all day and the last ones barely at all. And yet they get paid the same. The land-owner also could have avoided any fuss by just paying the all-day guys first and sending them on their way. But he pays them last and they get to see what everyone else gets.
And maybe that’s the point – the lesson is for them. The other laborers don’t get paid more; they all get paid the same! So if we see the land-owner as God, then the payment must be eternal life. Keeping the faith, practicing the faith brings us to the Kingdom of Heaven. There are no separate Kingdoms, only one. The reward is the same for all of us. And for God, it doesn’t matter WHEN we hear the Word and follow it, it only matter IF we hear the Word and follow it!
This is a parable that speaks to us of the mercy and compassion of God! He is a generous God who offers all of us eternal life, no matter who we are, where we are or when we receive His Word!
Great Spirit, help me today to not be so focused on comparing myself with everyone else. Help me to keep my life in balance, to learn to be in harmony with You and with myself.
August 18, 2020 - 20th Tuesday in Ordinary Time
Jaffa Gate, Jerusalem
Matthew 19:23-30
Let It Go – Part II
Today is a sort of follow-up to yesterday’s Gospel about the rich young man. Jesus spends some time explaining to His disciples how difficult it is for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. He speaks of the importance of sacrifice.
The image that stands out, however, is that of the camel and the gate. It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter heaven. Our first thought is that of a sewing needle and the tiny eye where we run the thread through. But Jesus was probably talking about something a lot more familiar to His disciples.
There were 8 Gates leading into the ancient City of Jerusalem, most of them still visible and used today – gates like the Jaffa Gate, East Gate, Lion’s Gate, Zion Gate, even the Dung Gate (used to take out the garbage).
But there is also a very narrow, small gate that was used by merchants. In order to get their camels through the gate, all the baggage, all the cargo, had to be unloaded off the camel in order for the camel to pass into Jerusalem. That is the metaphor here. When we enter the Kingdom of Heaven, we carry nothing with us, no house, no car, no headphones, no money, no possessions of any kind. We bring only ourselves and it is only ourselves by which we are judged. God looks into our hearts, not our wallets or purses. He looks into our soul!
Just as we came into this world, so we enter the next. Our riches are measured not in dollars or investments but in our love for others and our faith in the Creator. The more we see the things of this world as just that, things, and not an end unto themselves, then the closer we get to the Kingdom, the closer we get to God.
Great Spirit, help me to appreciate all the things of this world as gifts and not goals. Grant me the wisdom to respect all the wonders of creation and to see in them Your great love and care.
August 17, 2020 - 20th Monday in Ordinary Time
Overlooking the Old City of Jerusalem
Matthew 19:16-22
Let It Go!!
Perhaps one good thing about these past 5 months has been that many of us have had the chance to ‘clean house’ in every sense of the word. Slowly and methodically, I’ve been able to clean every room in our house, top to bottom, even windows and curtains. That also meant cleaning out closets and drawers, packing up and getting rid of lots of ‘stuff’ that has been lying there un-used for years. It has been a downsizing event that still continues as we move to a simpler, practical, and ultimately more satisfying life together!
But in the process of removing all those possessions, I think most of us are forgetting the other ‘stuff’, the stuff that’s lying around inside of us, all those slights and grudges that we insist on holding onto. We all have them! Whether they are relationship that have become toxic or moments when we felt hurt or abandoned or betrayed or forgotten, we hold onto them like they are some battle wound or badge of courage. For any other injury, we would head to the doctor for stitches and healing. Instead we deliberately keep the wound open and sore and decide that it’s the responsibility of the other person to fix it, not us.
And in the process, look at what it does to us. We grow cold and distant. We see the other person only in the light of that single hurt! We stunt our spiritual growth and choose to live in the past. We make ourselves, at times, to be a great martyr for bearing the hurt. We hold onto it like it’s a prized possession. We refuse to let it go and move on. Our view and attitude toward that other person is ‘frozen’ in time and yet, in reality, we are the ones who are frozen – stuck in the past, stuck with anger and pain and hurt.
The rich young man in today’s Gospel is also stuck. He knows what he has to do to become a follower of Jesus. Another version of this story tells of Jesus looking on this young man with love. All he has to do is let go and he can’t do it. For him, it’s his physical possessions, all his stuff! What is it for us? Is it that person who lied to us about something completely unimportant? Is it that person who forgot your birthday? Is it that person who constantly slights you to your face or behind your back?
Whoever or whatever it is, the damage remains only as long as you allow it to remain. Let It Go! Clean Your House! Downsize Those Negative Feelings! Look at it more not as giving up but freeing yourself, freeing yourself to follow Christ! If there is anything the rich young man gets right, it’s the question he asks – What must I do to gain eternal life! That’s the question we should be asking ourselves today. Are all these hurt feelings and resentment helping me to gain eternal life? If not, let them go!
Great Spirit, help me to live a good life, a life of peace and justice, of trust and honesty, of respect and hone, and a willingness to learn and grow in wisdom and grace.
On an entirely personal note, happy 46th to my lovely, patient wife, Ginger! No worries, I am never letting you go!
August 16, 2020 - 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Caesarea Philippi
Matthew 15:21-8
But She Persisted!
As many of you know, Ginger and I are cat people. We have 2 cats – Rosie and Gracie – both of them 18 years old. Which means they are senior citizens and are really starting to slow down and act their age. Gracie especially has really struggled these last 4 months or so. She cries throughout the night, not simple meows but painfully moans. So Ginger has had to get up every couple of hours every night to feed her. And I have risen for the day at 4/4:30am every morning to give Ginger a little time to get some sleep. It has been exhausting. But we couldn’t just leave her to cry through the night. We found that wouldn’t work – she is very persistent and won’t take ignoring her lightly. And even though we were tired and crabby, we still got up to take care of her not so much because we had to but because we care for her. Not unlike getting up throughout the night to answer the call of a crying newborn. We do it out of love to answer her persistent call.
In today’s Gospel, a woman comes up to Jesus, tells Him her daughter is afflicted with a demon and asks Him to cure her. Seems simple enough; we already know how this should end – Jesus says yes and cures her daughter. Easey peasey, right? But not so fast!
It is obvious that the woman has great faith; she truly believes He can cure her daughter. She truly believes that Jesus is more than just a man; she even goes so far as to bow down before Him and pay Him homage. But faith is more than something you feel inside your soul; it is more than something you keep to yourself.
But she doesn’t just have faith; she has faith in the face of adversity! In the culture she is living in, she literally has no rights. She has everything going against her: she is a woman, she is a pagan and a foreigner. Add to that the fact that she is an unaccompanied woman who deliberately confronts Jesus in public and tries to engage Him in a conversation. She has everything going against her and yet she persists! And how does Jesus respond? At first, He completely ignores her, snubs her, treats her as if she doesn’t even exist. And when she persists, He then insults her and essentially compares her to a dog. And yet she persists! She calmly accepts His insult and replies back to Him, not with anger, but with a firm belief that God hears the prayers of all people, even foreigners, even pagans, even non-Jews.
And perhaps most importantly, she has faith in action! Her faith shapes her life and her actions. It is a faith that is open for all to see. It is a faith that shows her love for others (her daughter) and her hope for the future. It is a faith that guides and supports her even in times of distress.
In spite of being ignored, snubbed, treated as if she was a nobody, undeserving of even a simple conversation, in spite of being insulted, she persisted! Her faith persisted! And because of that faith, a miracle occurs!
And that is our challenge – to keep our faith in the Creator! Even when it’s inconvenient, even when it’s uncomfortable, even when we are ignored or mistreated, even when everyone else around us questions and doubts, even when the world seems to be falling apart!
Keep the faith! Be persistent!
Creator God, give me courage today, give me strength to believe in You, to trust in You, even in the midst of sickness and pain, of violence and hatred, of ignorance and mistrust. Give me courage to keep my faith in You, in my thoughts, in my words and in my actions. Aho!
August 15, 2020 - Solemnity of the Assumption of Mary
Church of the Dormition, Jerusalem
Luke 1:39-56
Joy, Joy, Joy
Remember that Christmas when you were little and all you wanted was that ONE present, that ONE toy. Nothing else mattered! And yet as much as you wanted it, you were also convinced that it just wasn’t going to happen; you knew you wouldn’t get it. And then Christmas morning, you opened your presents and there it was. Do you remember how you felt? Do you remember how happy you were? Was that JOY? Is that how you would define JOY?
Or maybe it was the day you said “I do” to the love of your life, knowing you would get to spend the rest of your life with that soulmate, that vision of loveliness! Is that how you define JOY? Or the miracle of the birth of your first child or grandchild? That wonder over new life that is beyond words.
Joy comes spilling out of today’s Gospel! It is expressed by 2 women: Mary and her cousin Elizabeth. It’s a joy that can’t be contained; it rushes out like a torrent of water in their words and their actions. Two cousins, both pregnant, embracing each other with happiness over each of their impending births. Each of them praising God for not only the miracle of new life but the promise of redemption and salvation. And Mary bursting forth with the Magnificat, the Canticle of Mary, which as deacons we pray every evening as part of the Liturgy of the Hours. It is a praise of God for all He has done and all He will do through Jesus, Mary’s child.
We celebrate today the Feast of the Assumption of Mary; we celebrate her being taken up into heaven, body and soul. It truly is a day of great joy. Mary suffered much throughout her life: the long tiring trip to Bethlehem, left alone while He began His public life of preaching, and watching her Son being tortured and put to death on a cross. But this is a day of great joy because it is a reminder to us all of what we hope for, live for – resurrection and reunion with Christ. That is the importance of today! Mary has been raised and is now together with her Son! This is the Joy we are all working toward! Far beyond the joy of any Christmas present, this is a Joy that lasts forever!
Creator of all life, teach me to respect and appreciate all life. Help me to see You in every leaf, every flower, every child. Help me to see Your Spirit in every living thing and to treat others not only with respect but with love and joy!
August 14, 2020 - 19th Friday in Ordinary Time
Chapel at Cana
Matthew 19:3-12
In Good Times and in Bad…
A month ago our TV stopped working; so we went and bought a new one, a bigger one. We downsized last week, got rid of our 2 cars and are now managing with just one. The pump on our pool died; so we replaced it.
We live in a disposable world; we seem to have lost the ability, perhaps even the will, to fix things. It’s easier to throw it out and buy a new one. Have a disagreement with your boss, quit and look for a new job! That wasn’t always the case. I remember working a lot on my old cars, learning from my father-in-law how to tune a car, replace the brakes and rotate the tires. These days we want something done quickly and with as little effort as possible. Better to toss it out and move on; it saves time and aggravation.
Unfortunately we do the same with people. When things get tough, when problems arise, it’s easier to walk away from the relationship than to put in the time and effort to work on it. We can’t be bothered!
Souvenir Shop at Cana
That is what Jesus is addressing in today’s Gospel when He is asked about divorce. We are meant to be together; we are meant to commit ourselves to each other. That doesn’t mean there aren’t times when relationships die or when they become so violent or harmful that we must step aside. What I mean is that sometimes we give up too easily! Relationships, marriages, require time and effort; it is not something we take for granted. Those “I do’s” signal the beginning of a marriage, the beginning of WE, not simply I.
On Monday, Ginger and I will be celebrating 46 years of marriage. Smooth sailing? Not always! Was it work and effort? Yup! And there was also a lot of laughter and love. But through it all, we grew and we grew together. Just remember God loves us always and never gives up on us. He is committed to our growth in faith and in love. He reminds us today to do the same – don’t give up on each other, don’t give up so easily on any of our relationships. Put in the effort and work at being a better US! God hasn’t given up on us; why should we give up on each other?
Creator Spirit, make me a channel of your peace, of your love. Guide me and strengthen me to see the value of others in my life, even those who test my patience and my faith.
August 13, 2020 - 19th Thursday in Ordinary Time
Sunset in Galilee
Matthew 18:21-19:1
Fool Me Once, Fool Me Twice
It’s hard enough to forgive someone but what if they constantly hurt us, lie to us, apologize and then go and do it again and again? We have all been there and it always hurts and makes us question – why should I forgive?
Today’ Gospel picks up right from yesterday’s – forgive! Confront the person who hurt you and help them to change. And today Peter jumps in, like always, and asks the question we are all silently asking. How many times do I have to do this? How many times do I have to forgive? Seven? No, seventy time seven; essentially our response must be to forgive ALWAYS!
Seriously? After all times they betrayed me, after all the times they turn around and repeat the same thing? Seriously? Yes, seriously! God reminds us He is a God of compassion and mercy, a loving parent, like the father in the Prodigal Son! Maybe we should turn the question around. How many times do you want to be forgiven? After all the time we mess up, all the times we stumble and fall, how many times should we be forgiven? Do we really want a limit?
Just like the debtor in today’s Gospel, if we want to be forgiven, then we also have to be forgiving! And not just forgiving by our words! We can all say the words but then still let it fester inside of us. No, we need to be forgiving in our words and our actions, in our heart! Kind of like “let it go” in Frozen! Forgive just like we pray in the Lord’s Prayer – forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us! Difficult, yes! Impossible, No!
Great Spirit, I am so grateful that you are always here with me, guiding me and protecting me even when I falter and doubt myself and others. Give me strength today to see the best in others, to see your presence in all those around me and to act with compassion and kindness towards all my brothers and sisters.
August 12, 2020 - 19th Wednesday in Ordinary Time
On the Shores of the Sea of Galilee
Matthew 18:15-20
Houston, We Have a Problem
Remember that pool party when you were little that you weren’t invited to? Remember getting picked last for a baseball game and it was your best friend doing the picking? Or someone close to you completely forgetting your birthday? Remember what it felt like, how much it hurt?
Face it, we have all had those moments when someone hurt us deeply. Maybe it was deliberate, maybe unintentional, either way we are in pain, we are angry! What do we do with all that negative emotion? Many of us, myself included, tend to keep it inside. We fume and grumble and complain; we let it fester and grow until we reach the point where we take it out on everyone around us. What was once a problem between 2 people turns into something that affects the whole community.
Jesus, in today’s Gospel, recognizes our oh so human condition and provides a way out, a way to resolve the issue and heal the wounds. But it is not easy. It requires honesty, truth and a willingness to forgive, to be forgiven and to heal.
First, quit gossiping and complaining to others! The issue is between the two of you; so go directly to that person and speak your grievance. Hard? Of course, but in the process, you are not just healing the relationship, you are healing yourself, getting rid of those negative feelings and resentment. Besides, how many times have you faced the other person and it was only then that they realized they had hurt you. All that pain you are carrying and they never knew, never realized! Second, if one-on-one doesn’t work, then bring 2 other persons with you as witnesses and try again. And if that doesn’t work, if they refuse to acknowledge their fault, then bring it to the whole community.
Drastic? Yes! Necessary? Yes! There is a basic message Jesus is trying to teach – sin affects everyone. Anger and resentment and jealousy and hate, if ignored, will only deepen and end up affecting the whole community, the whole family. As much as we are in pain and hurting, it will only get worse if we don’t seek to confront it and attempt to heal. That takes courage, honesty, a willingness to forgive and be forgiven, and love, especially love!
Jesus gave the Apostles the keys to the Kingdom, the power to bind and to loose. But He has given all of us the power to forgive and the command to love each other!
Great Spirit, help me today to be humble, to realize that we are all fragile creatures. Let me not attack others but seek to heal and mend old wounds and rebuild relationships.
August 11, 2020 - 19th Tuesday in Ordinary Time
Easter Egg Hunt
Matthew 18:1-5, 10, 12-14
A Child-like Wonder
150 days ago, you and I began this daily Gospel conversation. I know, hard to believe. Sometimes the days pass so slowly; sometimes they just whiz by. 150 days (at least) of isolating from friends and family, from liturgies and Eucharist! And you know what I have missed the most (besides Mass and family and friends) – I miss my kids, I miss my altar servers!
I miss their enthusiasm, their dedication, their energy. I miss their excitement as 4th graders showing up for new server training, their trying on the robes for the first time and learning how to tie their cord with the “secret knot”. I miss their nervousness at serving their first Mass and their drive to make sure they do everything right. And yes even their upset when something goes wrong. I miss their joy at serving a special Mass like Confirmation with the Bishop or the Holy Week liturgies! I miss their wide-eyed excitement and their jumping up and down nervousness before Mass starts. And I miss them running up to me at school recess asking me “when is the next time I serve Mass”. Their joy, their sheer energy brings out the same in all of us.
That is the “child” that Jesus talks about in today’s Gospel, the child we are all called to be! That child is what Jesus calls “the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven.” And that is what we are all called to be: a child – trusting, humble, joyful, energetic for the Faith, willing to learn and grow, willing to serve! A child who sees everything as if for the first time like their wide-eyed excitement at opening presents on Christmas morning or hunting for eggs on Easter Sunday morning.
We are called to remember that child inside us all; we are called to live a life of joy and wonder as we serve God and each other.
Creator of all, help us today to be a source of joy and peace to others. Guide us and remind us of the simple joy of laughter and play, of love and service.
August 10, 2020 - Feast of Saint Lawrence, Deacon and Martyr
Amphitheater, Caesarea Maritima
John 12:24-26
Service with a Smile
We are all a bit like the seeds in today’s Gospel. The life, the real life, lies inside the seed and, in order for the life to come out and grow, the seed has to die, to break open and let the life burst forth. That means we all have to die a little, let go a little of the things of this life – money, power, personal fame, possessions - in order to prepare for the Kingdom. In order to reach the Kingdom, we have to sacrifice and we have to serve!
As Deacons, we are all called to one mission – service! It comes from the Greek “diakonia” which means servant. I learned something new today; it also means ‘dusty one’, someone who kicks up the dust of the street as they go about on their errands. I kind of like that, someone who get dirty as they perform their service.
We celebrate today the Feast of St. Lawrence, deacon and martyr. When he was asked by the Prefect of Rome to bring him all the treasures of the Church, Lawrence brought him all the poor, widowed, maimed and lepers – the real treasures of the Church. When he was being roasted to death, he is purported to have said “Turn me over, I’m done on this side.”
A life of service – it is what we are all called to – to serve God by serving others. St. Lawrence’s life, and Jesus’ words today, remind us that it will not be easy and we will have to sacrifice. But, like St. Lawrence, we should not be afraid to get ourselves dusty and we should perform our service with joy, even a good sense of humor!
August 9, 2020 - 19th SUnday in Ordinary Time
Sea of Galilee
Matthew 14:22-33
The Sea Was Angry, My Friend
I’m holding a Rosary – I must admit I don’t pray it as often as I should. In some ways, I think it goes back to when I was a child and the times when we prayed it altogether as a family. We would be in the car driving somewhere and we ran into the middle of a snowstorm. It was only then that my mom would whip out the rosary and have us all pray together. Or when we were at home during a terrible thunderstorm, lightning, noise, rattling of the windows and shaking of the house, and then the lights go out. And then we would pray the rosary. Good times, right?! Maybe that’s why I tend to avoid it a bit, it’s been a reminder of dark times, of storms and threatening weather!
And that’s what we hear in today’s Gospel – a storm on the Sea of Galilee. I bought this rosary 10 years ago, the first time I visited the Holy Land, the first time I took a boat ride on the Sea of Galilee. It was a calm, sunny day and the water was like glass. It was so quiet and peaceful. But our guide reminded us that all of that could change in a matter of minutes. That’s how short a time it would take for a storm to suddenly spring up and change the moment into a stomach-churning rollercoaster experience. And that is what happens in today’s Gospel.
It’s about 4 in the morning and the storm hits, the Apostles in a small boat tossed about by the waves, fighting against a strong wind, and all of this in the darkness.
And yet I can’t help wondering – what was Peter thinking? Why in the world did he jump out of the boat? He is a fisherman by trade, he’s been fishing all his life on the Sea of Galilee. He is used to fishing in the dark, he is used to dealing with storms and high winds! What the heck was he thinking? Jumping out of the boat in the dark in the middle of a storm is the last thing any experienced fisherman would ever do! I mean, it’s not like you can out-swim or escape the storm!
We already know that Peter can sometimes be bold, impulsive, rash! He rushes into words and actions without thinking and only considers what he’s doing afterwards! Peter who when Jesus says – come follow me, drops everything – his boat, his friends, his family and immediately follows Jesus. Peter – who, when Jesus tries to wash his feet at the Last Supper, says No and then says ok wash everything. Peter- who insists I will never deny you and then goes and denies Jesus 3 times.
But maybe what he was doing was not as impulsive as we think, maybe he wasn’t trying to get away from the storm but to get TO Jesus!! In the middle of the storm, battered by the wind and the waves, fearful for his life, all he wanted was to be near Jesus!
Isn’t that what we all do – when a storm or one of life’s difficulties smacks us in the face, don’t we all tend to hunker down, gather together in prayer and ask for safe passage through the storm. Whenever we are battered by the storms of life, don’t we all seek shelter, don’t we all shelter in place, don’t we all call out to Jesus in prayer, ask for His help, His protection from the storm. Don’t we all cry out to Him like Peter – Save me, Lord!
Is that really any different from my Mom, pulling out the rosary when the storm hits, when the lightning crackles! All she wanted was for us to join together, be close to God, to pray to Him, to ask for help in the midst of fear. My goodness, I think I just admitted my mom was right!!
August 8, 2020 - 18th Saturday in Ordinary Time
Rainbow, Jordan River
Matthew 17:14-20
Have a Little Faith in Me
After some 5 months of masks, six feet apart, small groups, a slow return to Mass and a ton of Zoom meetings, I think we all have the same question. Okay, God, what’s Your plan here? What’s the big picture? What the heck are You doing? We just don’t see it! Sure we still believe in God but we wish we had some glimpse of how He is working!
That is what today’s Gospel addresses! O you of little faith! Just because we don’t see God at work doesn’t mean He isn’t working! Just because everything seems the same, or even worse, doesn’t mean God isn’t looking out for us, caring for us. God is working even if we don’t see it with our eyes. Have a little faith – faith that God has a plan - that things will work out according to God’s plan and time, not our own. I helped lead scores of high school retreats; they were called Kairos – God’s Time! That is real faith – that there is a God, that He is looking out for us, that He will see us through this – according to His Time!
Have a little faith!
August 7, 2020 - 18th Friday in Ordinary Time
Via Dolorosa, Jerusalem
Matthew 16:24-28
Via Dolorosa, Jerusalem
Life is hard. I don’t really need to tell you this. Unless you’ve been living on a deserted island for the past 5 months, you already know that. Fear, isolation, sickness, separation, anxiety, loss, feeling financially and spiritually poor, even depression. We have all been there, wondering what’s next and looking for that light at the end of this long dark tunnel. We sit with this dazed expression on our face wondering what’s next!
The disciples must have experienced something like this; they have already had their share of being cast of villages, banned from the Temple, ignored and laughed at for leaving their families to follow this itinerant preacher. And then in today’s Gospel, Jesus tells them bluntly that things will get worse. If you really want to follow Me, then you must deny yourself and take up your cross. Things are gonna get tougher! Certainly not the best of pep talks, eh?
To be a true follower of Jesus, yes, it will not be easy; there will be suffering and pain. But even in today’s Gospel, Jesus reminds them there is also reward; so be strong!
It reminds me of something I say at committal services when I speak about Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead, a reminder to us all that Jesus is both divine and human. He knew Lazarus was dead and He cried. He knew that moments later He would raise Lazarus from the dead and yet He still cried. He knew death was not forever but the Kingdom is! And He cried. He cried because knowing the end of the story is the Kingdom doesn’t mean you don’t cry at the sad parts.
This is one of those sad parts but it is not the end of the story!
Slow me down, Lord! Help me today to look beyond the overwhelming issues of the world and appreciate the simple gifts of life and love, of family and friends, and of Your presence in all I see and do!
August 6, 2020 - 18th Thursday in Ordinary Time
Church of the Transfiguration, Mount Tabor
Matthew 17:1-9
Climbing the Mountain
Back when I was in the seminary, the Blue Ridge Mountains were our back yard and climbing the mountain right behind the seminary was a rite of passage. The goal was to head out immediately after breakfast, race to the base, climb the mountain, race back to the Seminary before dinner time. It was a grueling test of fortitude but the few moments you had at the top surveying the surrounding countryside was incredibly fulfilling, much less awesome and peaceful.
In the Old Testament, mountains are mentioned over 500 times. It was a place where you encountered the divine, where you were closer to God. Mount Ararat – where Noah’s ark came to rest and God made first covenant. Mt. Sinai where Moses met God, received Ten Commandments and his face shone white. Mount of Olives where Jesus often went to pray. Mount Zion where the Temple was built. Mount Hebron where God makes his covenant with Abram. Mount of Beatitudes on the shores of the Sea of Galilee, where Jesus gave us the New Law. And Mount Tabor where today’s Gospel takes place.
Mount Tabor is a very high, very steep mountain; it has a treacherous, windy, switch-back road with no guard rails with barely enough room for 1 vehicle, much less 2-way traffic. It is better experienced with your eyes shut. But the view from the top!!!! Spectacular! And the time and effort to get there – well worth it!
We all have mountains to climb, when our minds are occupied with earthly things, especially these days! But we are reminded that our citizenship is in heaven, that these frail human bodies will be transformed into glorified bodies, like what Peter, James and John experience on Mount Tabor, a taste of heaven.
That is what awaits us all on the mountain top – the Kingdom of Heaven - if we only have the courage and the faith to climb the mountain!
August 5, 2020 - 18th Wednesday in Ordinary Time
Wailing Wall, Jerusalem
Matthew 15:21-28
But She Persisted!
A woman comes up to Jesus, tells Him her daughter is afflicted with a demon and asks Him to cure her. Seems simple enough; we already know how this should end – Jesus says yes and cures her daughter. Easey peasey, right? But not so fast!
It is obvious that the woman has great faith; she truly believes He can cure her daughter. She truly believes that Jesus is more than just a man; she even goes so far as to bow down before Him and pay Him homage. But faith is more than something you feel inside your soul; it is more than something you keep to yourself.
She doesn’t just have faith; she has faith in the face of adversity! In the culture she is living in, she literally has no rights. She has everything going against her: she is a woman, she is a pagan and a foreigner. Add to that the fact that she deliberately confronts Jesus in public and tries to engage Him in a conversation. She has everything going against her and yet she persists! And how does Jesus respond? At first, He completely ignores her, snubs her, treats her as if she doesn’t even exist. And when she persists, He then insults her and essentially compares her to a dog. And yet she persists!
And perhaps most importantly, she has faith in action! Her faith shapes her life and her actions. It is a faith that is open for all to see. It is a faith that shows her love for others (her daughter) and her hope for the future. It is a faith that guides and supports her even in times of distress.
In spite of being ignored, snubbed, treated as if she was a nobody, undeserving of even a simple conversation, in spite of being insulted, she persisted! Her faith persisted! And because of that faith, a miracle occurs!
And that is our challenge – to keep our faith in the Creator! Even when it’s inconvenient, even when it’s uncomfortable, even when we are ignored or mistreated, even when everyone else around us questions and doubts! Keep the faith! Be persistent!
Creator God, give me courage today, give me strength to believe in You, to trust in You, even in the midst of sickness and pain, of violence and hatred, of ignorance and mistrust. Give me courage to keep my faith in You!
August 4, 2020 - Feast of Saint John Vianney
Cure d’Ars, Joliet, Illinois
Matthew 14:22-36 or 15:1-14 or 9:35-10:1
A Simple Soul, A Simple Faith
For some reason, depending on which source you use, there are at least 3 options for the Gospel today, one of which is the same reading from yesterday. Curiouser and curiouser! What to do?
So let’s just focus a bit on the Feast Day instead! St. John Vianney, the Cure d’Ars! He continues to be my mom’s all-time favorite and patron saint. We grew up with various religious statues and medals of him; at times we gifted her with a special relic. And we often visited a neighboring church that had a shrine dedicated to him; in fact, it was just a few years ago that the shrine went through a renovation and updating! Even my grandson Tyler, when he was confirmed a few years ago, it was in a basilica that also had a shrine to St. John Vianney. Needless to say, we did take pictures.
He was a simple, gentle soul. And his gifts lay more in compassion than in academics; it was a struggle and perhaps a miracle in itself that he was approved for ordination. He spent his life as a simple parish priest and was widely known for spending up to 18 hours in the confessional every day, ministering and counseling his flock. This simple man spent his life laboring to reconcile his people to God. He is the patron saint of priests and, to my knowledge, is the only parish priest to be canonized.
Too often we look for faith in heavy tomes of academic learning and come away more confused than before. Sometimes faith comes to us in simple terms, in the simplicity of life. We only have to take the time to see it, embrace it and share it!
Great Spirit, help me today to be a source of compassion and hope to those around me. May my life be a weaving of simple words and actions, all directed to serving you.
August 3, 2020 - 18th Monday in Ordinary Time
Matthew 14:22-36
Give It A Rest
We will hear today’s Gospel – the Calming of the Storm – again this coming Sunday. So let’s focus more on the first few verses before the storm hits.
Jesus has just spent the entire day with a crowd of over 5,000 people – preaching, teaching, and providing them with the miracle of the multiplication of loaves and fish. Imagine how exhausted He must have been. And yet the journey continues, His mission continues. So what does He do? He sends the disciples on ahead and He goes up the mountain to pray.
With all that He still has to accomplish, all the people He still wants to share the message with, all the sick He will still cure, He takes the time to take care of Himself. In fact, He doesn’t just TAKE the time; He MAKES the time to step aside to catch His breath, to basically recharge his batteries – His physical and His spiritual energy. He makes the time to talk with His Father. That is a lesson for us all.
We are all over-worked and over-stressed, weighed down by the cares of the world and of our family, worries about their health and well-being. But if we don’t take care of ourselves first, we end up not being able to care for others. If we don’t make time for ourselves to catch our breath, to recharge our spiritual batteries, then who will? Yes I know, we all have too much to do and not enough time to get it done. Just consider what Jesus does – He takes some time apart and then gets right back into the mission.
The work will always be there for us to tackle. The cares of the world will always be there for us to stress over. So I’m asking you today – give it a rest – take some time for yourself today, have that extra cup of coffee, do that crossword puzzle, watch the sun rise, breathe, settle down in a quiet place and just be at peace!
Great Spirit, be with me today and always. Calm my fears and ease my worries. Help me today, in some small way, to step aside from the cares of the world and appreciate all that you have gifted me! Aho!
August 2, 2020 - 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Machaneh Yehuda Open Market, Jerusalem
Matthew 14:13-21
Food for the Soul
I admit it – Ginger and I are FOODIES!! We watch more than our share of food and cooking shows, Top Chef, Chopped, you name it! And from to time, we have been lucky enough to dine at some pretty incredible TOP CHEF restaurants, places where you want to take out your phone and take pics of the food before you even eat it. Those were amazing, memorable meals. And sometimes it’s just a simple breakfast in a picnic basket shared on the beach as we watch the sun rise.
But sometimes you don’t have to go out for a great meal and great food. Sometimes it happens at home when we work together to prepare a meal, where, in the midst of chopping veggies and trimming the meat, we also share memories and laughter.
All of them wonderful memories and, truth be told, it wasn’t just about the food or sharing a meal; it was the conversation, the laughter, the remembering and the sharing of our hearts. It was the combination of the words and the food, not just one or the other.
But, let’s face it, some meals are memorable for all the wrong reasons. Going out for a speaker and a meal – the words were forgettable and the meal was one of the rubber chicken experiences. Or using a new recipe at home and the result was ‘disposable’
We hear about another meal in today’s Gospel, the multiplication of the loaves and fishes. The crowd has been following and listening to Jesus all day, in the heat and the dust. And it’s only in the evening that the disciples tell Jesus – we are far away from any town and the crowd is hungry –5000 people, not even including women and children, what should we do? All we have is 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish. And then the miracle happens.
Most homilies I’ve heard focus on the food and use it as a symbol of Jesus feeding us His Body and Blood in the Eucharist. In fact, this is the Gospel that is proclaimed on the Feast of Corpus Christi, the Body and Blood! Some focus on the miracle itself – the physical multiplication of the loaves and fishes to feed the crowd.
Machaneh Yehuda Open Market, Jerusalem
But I want to focus on something else! What if – what if there is more than the one miracle taking place here? What if there are more miracles going on than just the one we can see and touch and taste? What if the real miracles happened not so much in front of our eyes but deep inside our hearts? What if that crowd just wanted to give Jesus a quick listen, to hear this new preacher, and then go on with their day? What if His words touched them deep in their hearts, so much so that they ended up staying the entire day, listening to His words of love and compassion? That would be a miracle!
What if they were carrying some food along with them but had no intention of sharing, especially with strangers? What if Jesus’ words touched them so deeply that the real miracle was a change of heart? What if, touched by His words, they changed, on the inside, in their hearts and in their souls! Changed so much that selfishness and greed and fear transformed into love of neighbor and caring for those less fortunate?
Think about it – the miracle of the multiplication of the loaves and fishes, the filling of their bellies, the satisfying of their physical hunger – that lasted just one day. But the other miracle – the filling of their hearts with the Word of God, the promise of eternal life – that’s a miracle that changes not only their physical selves but their soul and that will last for a lifetime!
That crowd gathered for a talk! In the process, they shared a meal! In the process, they experienced a change of heart, an awakening of faith, a conversion.
Every time we gather for the Eucharist, we gather first to hear the Word of God – proclaimed and preached! And then we share a meal – not simple bread but the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ! Are we changed? Is our faith awakened and refreshed? Do we experience a change deep inside our soul, a conversion of spirit and of direction in life?
Every day God calls to us, reaches out to us, offers us words of comfort and hope, offer us food for the soul, food for our spiritual journey. May we today respond to this miracle in our lives with faith, with humility and with a renewed spirit!
August 1, 2020 - 17th Saturday in Ordinary Time
Old City of Jerusalem
Matthew 14:1-12
Remember when you were little and you did something wrong? Maybe you broke something and then tried to hide the evidence. Maybe you stole something or played with matches. Maybe you lied to your parents, maybe more than once! And nothing happened! You thought you got away with it and you breathed a sigh of relief. And then later on, days even months, suddenly the truth comes out and bites you in the rear. You thought all was well and then it all comes back to haunt you.
That’s what happens to Herod Antipas in today’s Gospel. He hears about Jesus, the preacher, the miracle worker. And his first thought is – oh no, John the Baptist is risen from the dead. He has come back to torment me again, even though I had him beheaded.
Herod had let his insecurities, his fears, his selfish desires, rule his life. He allowed them to shape his decisions even though he knew what was truly right and what was wrong. At times, we all fall into that trap. We give in to our personal desires and weaknesses even though we know better. And as time goes on, we tell ourselves that we are just fine, we got away with it! And then it goes and hits us right in the face.
We all make bad choices; we all falter along the way. But even when we do fall, God is there – not to say “Gotcha” but there to help us shake off the dust and get back on our feet, to offer a loving hand, to forgive! Let’s never forget that!
Great Spirit, we are all trying to stay on the right path but we know we sometimes stumble and fall. Be with us today. Keep our eyes clear and steady, our heart pure and open to your counsel. Give us the courage to stand and the wisdom to carry on.
July 31, 2020 - Feast of Saint Ignatius of Loyola
Synagogue in Nazareth
Matthew 13:54-58
Going Home
A father passing by his teenage son’s room was astonished to see that his bed was neatly made and everything picked up off the floor. Then he saw the envelope propped up prominently on the pillow. With a sickening feeling he moved in closer to investigate. The letter was addressed to him. With the worst premonition, he opened the envelope with trembling hands to read what was within.
Dear Dad,
It is with great regret and sorrow that I’m writing you. I had to elope with my new girlfriend, because I wanted to avoid a scene with Mom and you. I’ve been finding real passion with Stacy, and she is so nice. However, I knew you would not approve of her because of her piercings, tattoos, and tight motorcycle clothes. Also, she is so much older than me. Stacy said that we will be very happy. She owns a trailer in the woods and has a stack of firewood for the whole winter. Don’t worry, Dad. I’m 15, and I know how to take care of myself. Someday, I’m sure we’ll be back to visit, so you can get to know your many grandchildren.
P.S. Dad, none of the above is true. I’m over at Jason’s house. I just wanted to remind you that there are worse things in life than the school report card that’s under my pillow. Call me when it’s safe for me to come home!
We can only imagine the “homecoming” that awaits Joshua when he finally comes home! I’m guessing we all had a moment when we had to face our dad after screwing something up, times when we failed and had to answer for our failure. I remember just after getting my license, coming home and pulling into the driveway and denting both of the family cars all at once. It was not a pleasant homecoming or conversation with my father.
But there were also plenty of times when the homecoming was one of joy not fear! Times when I would come home from a year away at college, or that first visit after we married or after that first child, times of love and laughter. For me, those were also opportunities for me to work side by side with my dad in his little country store – ringing up customers, stocking shelves, pumping gas. And then spend Sundays playing softball or just throwing the ball around. No matter when we would come home – we greet each other at door, sit down for some conversation and then move to the dining room table to share a meal. That’s what homecoming means.
In today’s Gospel, Jesus comes home! And it is not pleasant; He is not accepted and He makes the choice not to return again. But what’s significant is this – when He does go home, where does He go? He goes to the synagogue, not His family home or Joseph’s shop. He goes home to the house of His Father where He preaches and teaches.
Your church, your parish, your faith, is your home, your spiritual home. We are all one family of God our Father! We call God Our Father – he raised us up out of the dust of the earth, he cares for us, he nurtures us, he guides us and helps us grow, he does all he can to prepare us for the kingdom of heaven where one day He will welcome us HOME!!!
July 30, 2020 - 17th Thursday in Ordinary Time
Jesus Boat, Capernaum
Matthew 13:47-53
Gone Fishin!
So, after many on-the-water adventures, here is my definition of fishing. It’s a couple of minutes of either joyful success or utter failure surrounded by hours and hours of absolutely nothing, mostly utter failure.
When you finally snag something on your line, it can be anything from a clump of seaweed, a piece of garbage, a fish so small you have to throw it back, tangled lines with your fishing buddy or maybe an actual keeper. Don’t get me wrong, those long hours of boredom can be very relaxing and meditative. But the real thrill, the real sense of hope and anticipation comes when you feel that pull on your line. You think maybe this is the ‘big one’, the one I can tell stories about the rest of my life. But hope meets reality only when your hook breaks the surface of the water and hope transforms into reality. You never know, you hope, you pray, but you never really know for sure until you haul it into the boat.
So it is with today’s Gospel. At the end of time, God will pull all of us into the boat. He hopes that the catch, us, will all be keepers. He wants all of us to share in the Kingdom. But nothing is for sure, not until we break the surface of the water and brought into the boat. Until then, it is all up to us, how we live, how we treat others. God always offers His guidance, His love and His grace but the choice of how to live this life falls to us. Dare I say it? Sink or Swim!
Creator, help me today to keep my focus on You and how I can best serve You. Guide me and lead me forward along the Red Road so that I may always be alive to Your presence in my life.
July 29, 2020 - Feast of Saint Martha
The Family!
John 11:19-27; Luke 10:38-42
Family Matters
We celebrate today the Feast of St. Martha, sister of Mary and Lazarus. And we actually have 2 options for the Gospel reading. One is from Luke where Jesus visits the town of Bethany and comes to dinner at Martha’s home. Mary spends her time sitting and listening to Jesus while Martha spends all her time cooking and serving the meal. She then complains bitterly about Mary not helping her out with the chores.
The second Gospel is from John and tells of Jesus’ other visit after the death of Lazarus. Martha, hearing that Jesus is on His way, doesn’t wait for him to enter the house but rushes out to greet Him on the road. She unloads her grief and a bit of anger at Him, complaining that, if He had been there earlier, Lazarus would not have died. And, in the end, she also professes her faith in Jesus as the Resurrection and the Life.
Consider this – the emotions that Martha shares with Jesus are not the sort of emotions you share with just anyone. They are deep feelings we share only with our family, our siblings and our parents. The upset, the anger, the joy, the grief – these are all deeply felt gut-wrenching emotions that, in moments of crisis, we share with those we love because we feel safe with them. We trust them; we love them.
But there are people missing from these stories – the parents! Nowhere do we hear anything about Mary and Martha and Lazarus’ parents. And yet we actually do! For these 2 sister to share such heartfelt emotions with Jesus speaks of children whose parents comforted them in times of distress, encouraged them in times of uncertainty, cared for them in times of loneliness, taught them in times of need, and loved them always.
They must have been parents like my parents (in-law) who today celebrate their 70th wedding anniversary – Bob and Shirley. Parents who love and teach and guide and counsel! Parents who provide an example of patience and forgiveness. Parents who raise their children by their words and their example and especially their love.
Parents like God the Father who knows our struggles and our successes, our highs and our lows, our failings and our recovery. Parents who are always there for us now and in the Kingdom of Heaven.
July 28, 2020 - 17th Tuesday in Ordinary Time
Church of St. Peter’s Primacy, Tabgha
Matthew 13:36-43
A Wise Man Once Said…
I am not the greatest at asking for directions or for help. I am more a ‘learn from my mistakes’ kind of guy. Give me a project like assembling a 400 piece bookshelf/office work-station and I will go at it completely on my own. In the process, I must admit it probably takes me twice as long to complete but then I tell myself – I did it all by myself! So in the end, I feel what I lack in wisdom is made up for with brute force, not always a good thing!
The disciples in today’s Gospel are in a much better frame of mind. Jesus has just shared the Parable of the Sower and the Seed. And they don’t understand! They don’t get it! But give them credit; they then ask Jesus to explain it to them. For once, I think Jesus’ explanation takes a back seat to the attitude of His disciples. They are honest – they are willing to admit that they don’t get the meaning of Jesus’ story. That shows a good deal of honesty – I’m not as smart as I think I am. It shows a willingness to learn – teach me the meaning! And it displays a certain wisdom – admitting that I don’t have all the answers and that I need help and direction! And it shows an attitude of humility – that there are many things that I just cannot control.
It’s an attitude that, in the face of disease and uncertainty, we all need today. We are living at a time with a lot more questions than answers and we need that attitude of “teach me” now more than ever. This is not a time when I can ‘do it all myself”. As trite as it sounds, we will only get through this together! We all need those daily reminders – wash your hands, disinfect your phone, where’s your mask, 6 feet please, and wash your hands again! We all need to remember that what I do affects those around me. We all need a good dose of humility, of honesty and wisdom. We all need, like the disciples, to admit we don’t have all the answers and to put ourselves in the hands of Jesus – to pray for His guidance, to ask for His helping hand!
Great Spirit, help me today to appreciate my failings and your Wisdom, to abandon my selfishness and seek comfort under your wings. Give me a caring heart and a discerning mind!
July 27, 2020 - 17th Monday in Ordinary Time
Making Bread!
Matthew 13:31-35
With Great Abandon!
You see this dot at the end of this sentence. Yeah, the period. That’s how big (small) a mustard seed is. That tiny little dot that Jesus talks about in today’s Gospel. That smidgen that can end up growing to a height of over 9 feet. What Jesus doesn’t mention is that the mustard plant is essentially a weed! Once it takes root, it grows with great abandon and is almost impossible to get rid of. Kind of like kudzu in the South! Nobody sows mustard seed; nobody puts it in their garden. If they did, it would take over the garden and choke out any other plants. Such an exaggeration!
And in the second of today’s parables, Jesus speaks of a woman who prepares 3 measures of flour to make bread. One thing I have become relatively proficient at over this past 5 pandemic months is baking bread. I always avoided the effort and thought it would take too much time, most of which is spent waiting for the dough to rise. But now I’m baking bread every week and we haven’t bought a loaf from the store in over 3 months.
The recipe I use requires about 4 cups of flour; out of that, I end up with 2 small loaves of fresh bread. However the woman in today’s parable is using 3 measures of wheat flour. That’s over a bushel of flour and would end up making over a dozen loaves of bread. In Jesus’ time, baking bread was a daily chore and no family is going to eat that much bread in one day.
So what’s going on? We know Jesus is a master story-teller. He is also a master exaggerator for the sake of making a point! And the point here is all about faith, real faith in God and in Jesus! It’s all about a faith so deep, so strong, that once it takes root in our heart, it grows with abandon and is impossible to uproot from our lives. It is a faith that energizes our hearts and our lives to spread it around. It fills us with love and hope for the future; it feeds our souls!
Creator of all life, no matter where we turn, you are there with us, to guide us and to shelter us from the storms of life. Be with us today and every day. Help us to grow in faith in You and love for our brothers and sisters.
July 26, 2020 - 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time
View of Mt. Tabor from Mount Precipice, Nazareth
Matthew 13:44-52
Greater Treasure - Greatest Joy
So I have a question – what’s your greatest treasure in this life? What/who brings you the greatest joy? Maybe it’s your spouse or your child, your best friend or that first grandchild. For me, the answer is simple – it’s Ginger, my wife. I can still remember the very first time I ever saw her. I was working at Loyola U. of Chicago and I walked into the Student Government Office and saw this vision! She took my breath away, so much that I just lost the ability to talk coherently. I remember her sitting there fiddling with her camera and, in my idiocy, the first thing I did was offer to show her how to use the camera. Little did I know that she was already working as a professional photographer. Worst opening line ever!
But look at us now, married almost 47 years and counting. Through all those years of tears and smiles, ups and downs that life has thrown at us, she is my greatest treasure, my greatest joy. She makes me a better person, a better husband, a better father and papa and deacon. She challenges me to ask more of myself than I could imagine. And what would I do for her – anything, everything! I would pay any price, sacrifice anything for her!
Greatest Treasure! It’s the same theme we hear in a couple of parables in today’s Gospel. So let’s focus on the first one. A laborer is working in the field plowing the land and he finds a hidden treasure. He is just a tenant on the land, not the owner. And the law at the time dictates that anything found on the land belongs to the owner, not the one who finds it. So what does he do? He re-buries the treasure and then goes off and scrapes together every bit of money he can; he probably even sells most of his possessions. And he then buys the land from the owner in order to possess the treasure.
He is willing to pay any price, endure any hardship just to get that treasure. He is willing to sacrifice everything; no price is too high! That is ridiculous, that makes no human sense at all! To give up any and everything you have just to possess one thing! And yet we all know there are treasures in our life worth any price!
The question for us today is where does God fit into this reflection; where does God fit into your life? How much of a treasure is your faith? How much do you value your relationship with God? How much of a price are you willing to pay to be a disciple of Christ? What would you sacrifice for your brother Jesus?
That laborer in the field didn’t think twice about the price of the field or the sacrifices he would be making. His only thought was one of joy! The joy of possessing that treasure! And so it should be for us. The treasure is eternal life, the treasure is the Kingdom of God. We often focus on the cost of discipleship, the sacrifices we have to make. Today instead let’s focus on the JOY of discipleship! Let’s reflect on the joy of having God as our Father and the treasure of His presence in our lives. Let’s focus on all the joys God has bestowed on us in this life – parents, children, friends and family – and all the joys we hope for in the next!!
July 25, 2020 - 16th Saturday in Ordinary Time
Synagogue Church, Nazareth
Matthew 20:20-28
Sons of Thunder
Years ago when our daughter was in grade school, I remember some sort of honors ceremony where she was hoping to get an award (don’t remember what) but she didn’t. And she was upset! So like any loving dad, I went out and bought her a generic trophy too help her feel better. Yeah, I was one of those parents! But let’s face it – we all want the best for our kids; we would do whatever it takes for them, and I still do! But, in reality, there is only so much we can do for them; most of the time they need to learn and to grow from their successes and failures on their own.
As we celebrate today the Feast of St. James, Apostle, we see in the Gospel a mother who demands that Jesus give her 2 sons, James and John, thrones of authority to rule the Kingdom alongside Jesus. Jesus shows incredible restraint and calmness with her, much more than the other 10 Apostles who grumble about such a request. I have to wonder whether their upset is more about – why didn’t I ask first?
Jesus reminds them all that ruling is not about lording it over others. To rule is to serve. And James will learn that lesson for the rest of his life. Later on in the Gospel, Jesua and the Apostles are kicked out of a certain town. James and his brother John asks – do you want us to call down thunder and lightning on them! That is why they were called the Sons of Thunder. They still had a lot to learn.
And so do we! We need to remind ourselves that the greatest leaders are those who serve others! We need to remember that we are all earthen vessels and that power comes from God, not from ourselves. We need to realize that we cannot spend eternity with Jesus if we can’t accept service, suffering and sacrifice (like James) in this life.
Creator God, wake me up! Open my eyes and heart to the needs of my human family. Help me to see and respond to their suffering, to their needs, without demanding any reward. Aho!
July 24, 2020 - 16th Friday in Ordinary Time
Starved Rock
Matthew 13:18-23
The Sower & The Seed - Part II
Yes, I know. We just visited this Gospel parable 2 Sundays ago. The sower scatters sees everywhere and only some falls on rich soil. And then Jesus explains the parable to the disciples.
So let’s make this short and to the point! We know the seed is the Word of God. We know the Word of God is proclaimed to us every single day! We know God speaks to us every day! So my question is this – what “soil” are YOU today? Are you the rocky soil that starts off joyful and then that joy quickly fades away? Are you the soil among the thorns, so caught up in the cares of the world that you are too stressed to hear? Or are you the rich soil that hears the Word and lives it out? What soil are you today?
And if you are the rocky soil or the soil with thorns, ask yourself – what is it that prevents you from hearing and living out the Word? What in this world are you so attached to, so anxious about, that it prevents you from listening? What can you do to change it TODAY?
And if you are the rich soil, what are you going to do with the Word today? How will you live it out? Who will you share it with?
We all walk the same path we call life! And yet we all see and experience a life quite different from each other. May our path today be rich and fruitful!
July 23, 2020 - 16th Thursday in Ordinary Time
Town of Magdala
Matthew 13:10-17
Let Me Tell You a Story!
My very first semester of teaching was a complete disaster. I knew all the material, I had all the training and preparation I needed, I was prepared – or so I thought! Nothing worked! I presented the notes but all I got back was a classroom full of blank stares. There was no engagement; it was like we were on 2 different levels or speaking two different languages. And that, in the end, was completely true. I was teaching the material but not to them! I realized I needed to speak to them where THEY were at, not at a level where I was at! And so I began to weave in stories to make my point, to throw out some corny jokes or stunts to catch their attention. Go figure – it worked for 40 years!
Every time we read the Gospel, it seems as if Jesus is always being followed by an immense crowd. Whenever He speaks, the crowd is there hanging on His every word. How did that happen? Why would anybody sit for hours in the blazing heat of Israel just to listen to someone speak. We all know the answer – Jesus spoke in parables! He shared His message of hope, of love and forgiveness in stories! And not just any stories, but stories His audience could relate to, could identify with. These were ordinary salt of the earth people with simple lives and occupations. So Jesus told stories about farmers, and fishermen, about fathers and sons, about weddings and disagreements, about baking and sharing a meal. He KNEW HIS AUDIENCE! He spoke to them where they were at, not where He wanted them to be!
But He did something more – He always added a twist to His parables, a surprise ending, something to make sure they were listening, something to make them stop and think! Nobody leaves 99 sheep to go off just to find 1 lost sheep. No one throws a party for a son who has squandered his inheritance and wished his father were dead. No one sells everything they have just to buy a pearl.
That is why in today’s Gospel He tells the Pharisees that they see but don’t understand, they hear but don’t really listen. The mysteries of the Kingdom have been revealed to the disciples and they will understand with their hearts and be converted. Jesus continues to speak to us today through these simple (not so much) stories. We need only to open, not just our ears and our eyes to His words, but our hearts as well!
Great Spirit, you whisper to me every day. Help me to calm my fears, to open my eyes and to listen with my heart to your words of peace and solace. Aho!
July 22, 2020 - Feast of Saint Mary Magdalene
Mary Magdalene, at Magdala
John 20:1-2, 11-18
A Rollercoaster of Emotions
Just a few days ago I mentioned a quote from Bishop Barron – every saint has a past and every sinner has a future. There is no better example than Mary Magdalene whose feast we celebrate today. Tradition holds her to be a former prostitute, probably the one who washed Jesus’ feet with her hair and whom Jesus forgave and told to sin no more. She was a faithful disciple of Jesus. And today’s Gospel portrays her at the tomb on Easter Sunday morning.
Consider this – she is the first witness to Jesus’ Resurrection – not Peter, not John, not even Mary His Mother. She is the first Evangelist – she is the first to proclaim the Good News that Jesus is risen from the dead!
Consider also the all too painful range of emotions she experiences. The utter grief and despair as she finds the stone rolled away and the tomb completely empty. Who stole Jesus’ body; where have they taken him? And then the unbridled joy and happiness when Jesus reveals Himself to her, her all too human desire to hug Him out of relief that He is risen. Such a rollercoaster of emotions!
In this time of uncertainty and worry, we have all had our share of conflicting emotions – sadness over the separation from loved ones, grief from the passing of a family member and the sheer gut-wrenching agony of not being there to hug them, comfort them. And sometimes hopefully that joy of talking with them, crying with them, perhaps even being able to see them, although from a distance.
Mary Magdalene experienced that whole range of emotions and yet through it all she still proclaimed the Risen Jesus; she still kept the faith. And that is what we pray for today – the strength to see the Risen Jesus, the courage to keep the faith, and the wisdom to feel joy even in the midst of sorrow.
July 21, 2020 - 16th Tuesday in Ordinary Time
Chapel at Magdala – the Family!!
Matthew 12:46-50
They Ain’t Heavy, They’re My Brother (Sister)
I ended yesterday’s reflection with a prayer to the Creator asking for strength to rededicate myself to my brothers and sisters. But I never said specifically who they were. I have one brother, George, and two sisters, Mary and Theresa. By blood these are my brother and sisters. But today’s Gospel reminds us that all are brothers and sisters! That’s gonna make for a lot of birthday presents;)
Seriously, it’s a simple message but it demands much of us. We were all adopted as sons and daughters of our heavenly Father at Baptism. That makes us all brothers and sisters in faith. And it means we are called to treat each other as such. No, not fighting tooth and nail like we do sometimes as siblings. But treating them with respect and love and dropping everything at a moment’s notice because someone else was threatening them. You know that to be true. We may fight and disagree at times but God help anyone who tries to hurt my sister! Jesus today reminds us that, if we truly are His disciples, then we must treat each other as brothers and sisters. And we should expect to be treated the same as well. And, by the way, my brothers and sisters, my birthday was July 3 – some of you missed it but I am still accepting presents from all my brothers and sisters
Great Spirit, give me the courage today to speak the truth and to act on that truth. We are all Your children. May my words and actions today reflect that simple and loving truth.
July 20, 2020 - 16th Monday in Ordinary Time
Sign, Mount of the Beatitudes
Matthew 12:38-42
What’s Your Sign?
In case you haven’t noticed, we live in a world of signs! Not just traffic signs and price tags, for sale signs and animal crossings! And consider how much more dependent we have become lately on signs. Stores now have only one entrance and one exit door. There are one-way signs for the aisles in grocery stores and 6 feet apart signs for us to keep our distance in banks. Arrows to direct us which way to go to communion in church and signs to warn us about wearing masks.
Signs! They protect us, provide us with information, they give us direction. And in today’s Gospel, that is exactly what the Scribes and Pharisees are looking for from Jesus! Give Us A Sign!! Show us the way! Show us who you really are! Prove yourself!
I have to admit, given all that we are going through lately with Corona and business shutdowns and social distancing, I am guessing we are all in the same boat as the Pharisees on this one. Give me a sign. Give me some idea of where we are going, how is this all going to pan out. Give me some sign that things are going to get better!
Of course, the Pharisees were just looking for a way to trip Jesus up, to embarrass Himself. We, however, are looking for encouragement, comfort. We are all praying to find some meaning and purpose to all that is going on. But maybe that is the sign. Maybe all that is going on is the signal for us to re-examine all that is “normal”, all that is “routine”, all that we have taken for granted. We have been given an opportunity to step away from “normal” and take the time to really appreciate all we have in our life – family, friends, faith! To take the time to re-order our lives and our priorities. To realize all that we have missed – the touch of a loved one, the gathering together of our faith community, the simple gift of eating out, the gift of the Eucharist! Maybe the sign really is a sign – to refocus, to re-direct my life!
Creator, help me not to be discouraged during this time of unrest and uncertainty. Give me the strength and wisdom to refocus my life and rededicate myself to You and my brothers and sisters, to re-energize my heart and my soul.
July 19, 2020 - 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Tied Up in Knots!
Matthew 13:24-30
Be Patient, My Child
We have all had that week(s) from hell. What started out as a relatively normal, calm week turned into more work, more stress, more demands to carry out. And it wasn’t just work; it was also people asking for help, people you couldn’t and wouldn’t say no to. So you just let it pile on. That day you thought you had completely free was transformed into a non-stop rush here and there to take care of a variety of commitments. Now don’t get me wrong; many of those commitments were done willingly and out of love because you just can’t say no and you truly want to help. But at the end of the day, you are exhausted.
And so it is for Jesus in today’s Gospel. The Pharisees are openly plotting to arrest and kill Jesus. So He went away from that place. But the crowds follow Him. And He CURED THEM ALL! He didn’t avoid the crowds; He didn’t tell them to leave Him alone! He welcomed them and cured them, and not just some, ALL of them! No matter how tired, how overloaded He was, He responded to the needs of those in pain. He responded out of love.
Those of us who are parents know those nights when we are so tired that we can’t move. All we want is uninterrupted sleep. And yet, if our child calls out in the middle of the night, we get up and tend to their needs – out of love!
And so it is that we are called to do the same. No matter the time, the circumstance, no matter how tired or stressed we are, when a friend in need calls out, we answer the call! The Responsorial Psalm says it quite plainly: “you behold misery and sorrow, taking them in your hands. On you the unfortunate man depends; of the fatherless you are the helper.”
Great Spirit, open my eyes and my heart today, so that I may better serve you and my family! Aho!
July 18, 2020 - 15th Saturday in Ordinary Time
Matthew 12:14-21
No Rest for the Weary
We have all had that week(s) from hell. What started out as a relatively normal, calm week turned into more work, more stress, more demands to carry out. And it wasn’t just work; it was also people asking for help, people you couldn’t and wouldn’t say no to. So you just let it pile on. That day you thought you had completely free was transformed into a non-stop rush here and there to take care of a variety of commitments. Now don’t get me wrong; many of those commitments were done willingly and out of love because you just can’t say no and you truly want to help. But at the end of the day, you are exhausted.
And so it is for Jesus in today’s Gospel. The Pharisees are openly plotting to arrest and kill Jesus. So He went away from that place. But the crowds follow Him. And He CURED THEM ALL! He didn’t avoid the crowds; He didn’t tell them to leave Him alone! He welcomed them and cured them, and not just some, ALL of them! No matter how tired, how overloaded He was, He responded to the needs of those in pain. He responded out of love.
Those of us who are parents know those nights when we are so tired that we can’t move. All we want is uninterrupted sleep. And yet, if our child calls out in the middle of the night, we get up and tend to their needs – out of love!
And so it is that we are called to do the same. No matter the time, the circumstance, no matter how tired or stressed we are, when a friend in need calls out, we answer the call! The Responsorial Psalm says it quite plainly: “you behold misery and sorrow, taking them in your hands. On you the unfortunate man depends; of the fatherless you are the helper.”
Great Spirit, open my eyes and my heart today, so that I may better serve you and my family! Aho!
July 17, 2020 - 15th Friday in Ordinary Time
Celebrating Mass at Capernaum
Matthew 12:1-8
Saints and Sinners
Have you ever read or seen Les Miserables? Simply Jean Valjean is sent to prison for stealing bread to feed his starving family. Cruel and heartless! Yes I know, stealing is wrong but aren’t there some exceptions, some times when basic human needs outweigh the law?
The Apostles, in today’s Gospel, are caught picking grain on the Sabbath in order to eat. The law is clear: no work on the Sabbath and picking grain qualifies as work. Jesus reminds the Pharisees that there have been exceptions to the rule in the past, particularly King David. And He tries to teach them that God is not just a Law-giver but a loving parent.
We all know that to be true! We all grew up with rules from our parents and discipline when we faltered. For those of us who are parents, there were certainly times when our child broke a rule and yet they were so heart-broken and devastated by it that any punishment from us would have been counter-productive. How could we discipline them any more than they were punishing themselves? So what did we do? We forgave them, we loved them. God reminds us today that He is Our Father! He is a loving, forgiving Parent. Yes, of course there are rules to follow. But through it all, God is merciful and loving and compassionate! I read a line today from Bishop Barron that speaks directly to today’s Gospel – all saints have a past; all sinners have a future!
July 16, 2020 - 15th Thursday in Ordinary Time
Sharing a Moment
Matthew 11:28-30
Share the Load!
We all have our burdens; we are all weighed down with cares and stress and worries for ourselves, our family, our world. We all trudge through long days and sleepless nights, wondering when we will find a break from the load and relief from the hardships.
In today’s Gospel, Jesus tells us to bring our troubles to Him and He will give us rest. Ok, sounds good. But then He says to take on HIS yoke because His yoke is easy and light and we will find rest. Seriously?? His yoke is easy? Let go of my burden and take on His? How is that gonna be any better? Are we missing something here? Well, of course we are!
Unlike Jesus’ followers, most of us lack simple farming experience; we simply don’t realize that a yoke is meant for TWO oxen! And that is the crux of Jesus’ words today. The yoke is not meant for one; it is meant for two to share the load. The burden, no matter what it is, is not meant to be carried by yourself alone. Jesus tells us that His yoke has room for one more person – YOU! Jesus says to bring your worries to Him and let’s share the load. And by sharing the weight, your burden becomes easier and lighter.
You don’t have to carry your stresses and worries alone! Share your burden with Jesus; share them with the people that God sends to you today, the ones who ask how you are doing and is there anything I can do for you!
Creator, help today to learn how to share – to share my burdens with those who care, to share your spirit with those who need a gentle voice and a supportive shoulder!
July 15, 2020 - Feast of Saint Bonaventure
Walking along a Country Road
Matthew 11:25-27
God Bless the Child (in all of us)
I don’t care how old we are or how old we feel; there is something about summers, even one as weird and unsettling as this one, that brings out the child in all of us. We become nostalgic; we reminisce and try to recapture those care-free times from the past. Running through the sprinklers or racing down the slip-n-slide. Chasing the ice cream truck. Riding bikes with our friends around the neighborhoods. Swinging so high the poles came out of the ground. Picking berries and catching fireflies. (Thanks Teri). Family vacations, watermelon and lemonade, camp fires, sunsets on the beach and endless games of catch.
They were times of innocence and happiness, times when we appreciated the value of friendship and family, when we listened to stories from Papa and baked with Mom. But it is only now that we appreciate the value and the memories of being a child.
That is what Jesus is talking about in today’s Gospel – the wisdom of a child! When we could see the world around us and appreciate and savor its simplicity and beauty. Just recently a friend of mine was dealing with a lot of stress in their life – long days and a longer week of work – stressed to the max and unable to find a way to let it all go. I told her simply – get out of the house, find a shady place nearby like a garden or park. And then just sit down and “smell the roses.” Take the time to appreciate all that the Creator has given us!
I think it is no coincidence that today’s Gospel follows yesterday’s observance of St. Kateri, patroness of the environment. Ginger and I ended the day sitting on the deck in the dark, burning some sage, praying to Kateri, and enjoying the quiet and the gentle breeze. We all need that time, that space, to just step away from the stress of the world and be thankful for all the Creator has gifted us. Take that time today. Remind yourself of that child-like innocence and wonder and trust. And go catch some fireflies!
Great Spirit, help me to remember to touch the earth. Slow me down today. Help me to recapture that gentleness and kindness of childhood, that trust and wisdom of our elders, and that love of you who has given us life. Aho
July 14, 2020 - Feast of Saint Kateri Tekakwitha
St. Kateri National Shrine, Fonda, New York
Matthew 25:1-13
Stay Awake! Be Prepared!
As many of you know, besides being stationed at St. Robert Bellarmine Parish, I also serve as the Deacon for the Native American community in the Archdiocese of Chicago, based at the St. Kateri Center at St. Benedicts on the north side.
We celebrate today the feast of St. Kateri Tekakwitha. To give you a little background. Kateri was born to an Algonquin-Mohawk tribe in upstate New York in 1656. When she was a child, smallpox hit her village; her mother, father and brother all died. She survived but the smallpox left her partially blind, weak and her face permanently scarred and blistered the rest of her life. She often went out in public with a blanket to hide her scars.
She was adopted by her uncle and at the age of 10 the village was visited by the Black Robes. Her encounters with the priests and other Christians, and the stories she heard of the gospel, moved her. And so, at the age of 19, on Easter Sunday, she was baptized, taking the name Kateri in honor of St. Catherine of Siena. For that, she faced persecution and abuse from her uncle and from the entire village. She was called lazy for not working on Sundays. She was called a traitor to her roots; they accused her of witchcraft and promiscuity and incest. She refused to accept marriage and instead dedicated herself to the Catholic Faith.
Kateri’s devotion was total. Every morning, even in the coldest days of winter, she stood before the chapel door until it opened and remained inside the church until after the last Mass. She had a great love of the Eucharist and the crucified Christ. She helped catechize the young, and care for the old. You’ll see her depicted holding a small cross made of twigs. She often would fashion these crosses herself and place them throughout the woods.
Because of the smallpox, her health was always frail, and in 1680 she caught a cold and died at the age of 24. Her final words were: “Jesus, I love you.” Moments after her death, it is said, her face became luminous and the scars completely vanished. On October 21, 2012, she became the first Native American to be recognized as a saint by the Catholic Church. She is venerated today as the patroness of ecology and the environment, of those living in exile and all Native Americans.
St. Kateri National Shrine, Fonda, New York
The Gospel today tells the story of the 5 wise and the 5 foolish virgins. Staying awake, staying prepared! It’s the difference between knowing what to do and actually doing it! Knowing how to be a Christian and actually living a Christian life.
For example, knowledge is knowing that zucchini is a fruit, a berry, not a vegetable! Wisdom is NOT putting it into a FRUIT salad!
Kateri serves as a perfect example of a wise virgin. She spent her life in service to Jesus, refusing marriage and taking a vow of perpetual virginity. In spite of the taunts and persecutions of her village, she not only kept the faith, she spread the faith by teaching the young, caring for the elderly and praying for the conversion of her village.
I was blessed a couple of years ago to visit her national shrine in upstate New York where I was also honored to deacon that community’s Sunday Mass. It was there I learned another example of the difference between knowledge and wisdom. Just because I am a deacon doesn’t mean I know everything. Up to that point, I had always pronounced her name as KAteri or KaTERI. What I learned that day, after a great deal of practice and teaching from a group of Mohawk women, that the proper pronunciation is GA DA LEE.
We learn something new every day! We hopefully grow every day, not only in age but also in faith. We pray today for the wisdom of Kateri who, like the wise virgins, stayed awake to the power of the Spirit and the coming of the Savior into her heart. Who, by her prayerful life, and constant loving service to others, prepared all her life for meeting the Creator in the Kingdom. And so we pray:
St. Kateri National Shrine, Fonda, New York
O Saint Kateri, Lily of the Mohawks, Your love for Jesus,
so strong, so steadfast, pray that we may become like you.
Your short and painful life showed us your strength and humility.
Pray that we may become forever humble like you.
Like the bright and shining stars at night, we pray that your light
may forever shine down upon us, giving light, hope, peacefulness
and serenity in our darkest moments.
Fill our hearts, Saint Kateri Tekakwitha with your same love for Jesus
and pray that we may have the strength and courage to become one like you in Heaven. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
July 13, 2020 - 15th Monday in Ordinary Time
Praying in the Church of Holy Sepulchre
Matthew 10:34-11:1
Been There! But Have I Done That?
If you’re like me, you’re reading today’s Gospel and it’s like, wait a minute, didn’t we just recently proclaim this Gospel? As a matter of fact, YES , 2 weeks ago, 13th Sunday of Ordinary Time. On that Sunday, I preached about mini-golf cards and the cost/rewards of being a disciple. I spoke of the need to take up the cross. I spoke of the need, not to abandon parents and siblings, but to set priorities in our lives.
So what now? It’s been 2 weeks since that reflection. Maybe this is the perfect time to look back on the past 2 weeks and examine our spiritual journey! What’s changed? Have you changed? Have your priorities changed or been adjusted? Have you done anything to proclaim to the world that your faith matters? Have you given that cup of water to a little child? Summer-cleaned your house and donated what you don’t need to a worthy cause? Increased your prayer time? Done any spiritual reading? Mended any family fences? Settled any grudges? Forgiven or asked to be forgiven?
The world certainly has not changed for the better in the last couple of weeks! Have you? What have you done to lessen your attachment to this world and increased your attachment to the Kingdom?
This is your two-week notice! How’s it going??
July 12, 2020 - 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time
The Fields of Galilee
Matthew 13:1-23
Spread the Word
Most of you know I have been a high school religion teacher for 40 years. So it’s not unusual for me to cross paths with some of my former students. And it’s always a special treat to reconnect with them. And that is what happened this week. I had the chance to meet up and chat with one of my students. We spent almost an hour catching up, what’s new with her, what I’m up to, and how our respective families have grown over the years. But what struck me the most was that moment when she got out of her car and our eyes met. She was crying! And I’m like, what’s wrong – nothing at all, just so glad to see you and to thank you for all you’ve done for me. Sheesh! Throughout our conversation she constantly talked about what an influence I had on her not just in high school but through the ensuing years.
It was humbling, embarrassing, and uplifting. You see, she graduated from high school 36 years ago. And all this time, she remembered, all this time I had no idea how much of a difference, how much of an effect I had on her life. Many of us have had that experience – where something we said or did years ago resonated with someone, touched them, and perhaps changed them.
The Gospel today is very a familiar one. The Sower and the Seed. Some fell on rocky ground, some on the path, some among the thorns, and some on fertile soil. We know from Jesus’ explanation to the disciples that the seed is the Word of God, the message of salvation. And the different soils are the many different people who hear the Word.
Often we reflect on what type of soil we are – how open are we to the Word? Do we hear it and follow it for just a while and then move on? Are we so caught up in the worries of the world that those worries choke the Word out of us? Does it take root? Does it bear fruit? In the process, we picture God or Jesus as the sower.
But let’s do something different – let’s put ourselves in the role of the sower. Picture yourself as the one who scatters the seed. Every day we scatter the seeds, the seeds of faith, the seeds of the Word of God. Isn’t that our calling? To be Christian? To act Christ-like?
From our perspective, the Sower in the parable is a miserable failure – 75% of the seed he scatters never takes root, never bears fruit! But does that really make him a failure. Whether he knows it or not, some of what he scatters does take root, it does blossom and bear fruit.
And so it is with us! Every day we scatter the seed (the Word), every day by our words, our actions, and our interactions with others. The seed falls where it may and most of the time we never see it take root, most of the time we never realize that we are sowing the seed. We just sow the seed and move on in life.
And sometimes, unbeknownst to us, like that former student of mine, something we did, something we said takes root and makes a difference in someone else’s life.
We are all called to be Christian, we are called to bear witness to the Gospel message, we are all called to be sowers of the seed. And that is what we are challenged to do today – to scatter the see, to spread the Word!
July 11, 2020 - 14th Saturday in Ordinary Time
Mass at Gethsemane
Matthew 10:24-33
Don’t Worry, Be Happy
We have been down this road before in an earlier homily. Be No Afraid. It is the most repeated phrase in the Bible, repeated 365 times, one for every day of the year. It is a reminder to trust in God, to let go and let God.
And in today’s Gospel, Jesus speaks these words of comfort just before He sends the disciples on their way, just after preparing them for their mission, just after speaking frankly to them about how painful this mission will be. Don’t be afraid! Remember that you are precious in the eyes of God. Remember that others may hurt your body but not your soul.
We live in a time of fear – fear for our health, our future, our livelihood! We live in a time of uncertainty and stress. But if Jesus’ final words to His disciples, before they went off to spread the Word, were words of comfort and compassion, then maybe those are the same words that should bring us some solace as we face this new day. And maybe that can also be our mission today as His followers – offer some words, some sign, of comfort and consolation, to someone else today. For that family member who is just about to lose it, for the neighbor with that stunned blank look on their face, that child of ours who is having a meltdown for no particular reason, for that spouse who is feeling the weight of too much uncertainty, offer those same words. Don’t be afraid; I am right here with you!
Creator, help me to make this a day to give more than I receive, to help and not hinder, to create and not destroy!
July 10, 2020 - 14th Friday in Ordinary Time
Garden of Gethsemane, Jerusalem
Matthew 10:16-23
This is Gonna Hurt - A Lot!
Nobody likes to go to the doctor’s office. Besides the fear that something serious is wrong, there is that underlying terror that you are going to hear THOSE words – this is going to hurt a little. What a lie! It never hurt a little; it hurt a lot and it kept hurting for hours afterward.
Today’s Gospel continues Jesus’ “marching orders” to His disciples as He prepares to send them off to spread the Word! So far He has instructed them on what to bring, what not to bring, what they will be doing and how to approach people in general (peace be with you). But today is different, way different.
Jesus basically waits til the last minute to add these words to His instructions. It is His “oh by the way” talk. He warns them that the world will respond very poorly to their message. You will be whipped and abused. You will be hauled into court and accused of all sorts of crimes. You will be betrayed and your own family will disown you. You will be hated and constantly on the run. You will be like sheep among wolves. Now get going!
Worst Pep Talk Ever!!
However, in the midst of all that doom and gloom, Jesus does remind the disciples that the Spirit will be with them to guide and inspire them. You are not alone, ever! That is a good reminder for us all when we feel down or troubled, alone and abandoned. You are not alone; you never have been!
Creator, thank you for the dawn of a new day. Each sunrise brings the hope of new life and a renewed spirit. Help me to see Your presence all I do and all I encounter this bright new day. Aho!
On a personal note – birthday blessing and best wishes today to my sister, Theresa!
July 9, 2020 - 14th Thursday in Ordinary Time
Rosary Procession, Nazareth
Matthew 10:7-15
Marching Orders!
Years ago when I was about to move into my first apartment as a Sophomore at the University of Maryland, I can remember my mom and dad giving me a rather lengthy talk on all the things I should/shouldn’t do in order to survive. There were instructions on laundry, grocery shopping, cooking, what I should/shouldn’t be eating, how to spend/save my money, cleaning, and remembering to call them OFTEN! I am sure most of you went through something similar in your life. At some point, we all got our marching orders!
In yesterday’s Gospel, Jesus prepares to send His Apostles off to spread the Word. Today He gives them their marching orders – all the do’s and don’ts. Don’t bring any extra clothing, no money, no walking stick, no extra pair of sandals. Go out and cure the sick, raise the dead, drive out demons. And wherever you go, always greet people with a sign of peace. And if people will not accept the Word, then just move on and continue the mission.
We are all called to that same mission. Maybe we won’t be healing the sick or raising the dead. But we are all called to spread the Word, to share and live out our Faith. And we are all called to do so in peace. Peace! That should be very familiar to us. We share a sign of peace at every Mass although these days it is from a distance. And at the very end of Mass, when we are sent back out into the world, it is with PEACE! The Mass is ended; go in PEACE. Go in PEACE glorifying the Lord by your life.
That is our mission! That is our daily Mission. Go forth in peace and spread the Good News! And remember – travel light!
Great Spirit, help me to appreciate the mission you have given me. Let my mind be clear to hear your voice and peace-filled to share your word. Aho!
July 8, 2020 - 14th Wednesday in Ordinary Time
St. Peter’s House, Capernaum
Matthew 10:1-7
You’re On the List!
Throughout our lives, we end up on a lot of lists. Some of them are simple – voter registration, wedding invitation list, seating charts for class, tax records, basketball team roster. Same reflect past accomplishments – dean’s list, honor roll, all-star roster, graduation, top girl scout cookie sellers. Some speak of the future – deacon ordination list, wedding party, list of company new-hires. And some lists that we would rather not be on – Mom’s “list”, detention list, Santa’s naughty list. Good and bad, past and future, each of them speak of who we are and who we are capable of becoming.
We read of another list in today’s Gospel – the listing of the names of the Apostles. From our perspective, we can look back on their lives and appreciate all that they accomplished from that moment in time – they spread the Word, they healed and cured, they kept the Faith and they died for it. But at that moment in time, they were just a ragtag bunch of fishermen and farmers and tax collectors (a group of nobodies) with little education or incentive. And yet Jesus specifically chose each one of them; He saw something in them that they couldn’t see themselves. And He gave them a mission – to spread the faith! That simple list of names established the Church, gave us a spiritual goal and direction and it set us all on a path to the Kingdom.
We too are on a list. The Creator has called each one of us by name to spread the Word, to be the Word for others! He sees in us qualities and abilities that we have not yet realized much less imagined. He knows us better than ourselves. He knows who we are and what we are capable of becoming! Go out then and spread the Word!
My Creator – take my hand and guide me through the day!
July 7, 2020 - 14th Tuesday in Ordinary Time
Site of Nativity, Bethlehem
Matthew 9:32-38
I Am Tired!
Are you tired? Worn out? Stressed out? You get up after a fitful night of sleep feeling even more exhausted than the day before? We are all feeling it – tired of disease, of worry, of watching the news, tired of violence and hatred, tired of unconscionable acts of cruelty, tired of seeing nothing change, tired of people with too many divisive words and not enough healing actions. I think we are all feeling that way lately, a bit lost, sheep looking for a good shepherd!
We don’t often see the human side of Jesus in the Gospels. Mostly we see the miracle-worker, the raiser of people from the dead, the healer, the teacher, the Resurrected Son of God. But sometimes, like in the Garden of Gethsemane, we see His humanity, what we share in common with Him. And we get a glimpse of that human side in today’s Gospel.
Jesus spends all His time traveling from town on town (on foot). He teaches in the synagogues, He preaches the Kingdom of God and He cures every illness and disease. And it never stops; the crowds keep coming, the poor, the sick, the lame, the neglected, they all keep coming with seemingly no end in sight.
And He welcomes them all. He comes across as physically tired and exhausted and yet, out of compassion for the abandoned and the troubled, He turns no one away. He knows they need a shepherd. But He also knows that more shepherds are needed. He recognizes that there will always be the poor and the sick and the marginalized. And so He prays that more laborers, more shepherds, step up to the task.
And that is our calling. No matter how tired we are, there is always someone else who doesn’t even have a place to sleep. As stressed as we are, there is always someone else whose problems and situation are so much worse.
Great Spirit, help me live today with an open heart. No matter how tired or worn out I am, may I be open to the needs of others, open to compassion and service, open to the sick and the troubled, open to the call of the Creator!
July 6, 2020 - 14th Monday in Ordinary Time
Raising of Jairus’ Daughter, Magdala
Matthew 9:18-26
Touchy! Touchy!
In today’s Gospel, we hear of, not one, but two miracles – the cure of the woman with a 12-year hemorrhage and the raising of Jairus’ daughter. In both cases, the miracles occur through a simple touch of the hand. For the woman, it was a touch of faith, belief that she could be cured by merely touching Jesus. With Jairus’ daughter, Jesus takes her by the hand and brings her back to life. Touch! A gentle touch of faith, a touch of love and compassion, a touch of healing and rebirth.
We all know the value and meaning of such a gesture. That pat on the back that encourages! That strong handshake of friendship! The gentle touch of love on the cheek! That two-handed touch on the shoulder that imparts comfort and blessing. We all know that touch! And in this time of pandemic and social-distancing, we all miss that touch. We value it so much more now that it’s missing.
There used to be an old AT &T commercial about “reach out and touch someone”. If we haven’t already done so, maybe this is exactly the time to “reach out”. We are all missing that physical contact, that visible sign of friendship, love and support. And if we are missing it, then our loved ones and our family are missing it too. So take the time today, reach out with a gentle touch, let your family and friends know you are thinking of them, missing them, caring for them. Maybe we can’t touch their hand but we can still touch their heart!
Great Spirit, I ask you today to help me to be more loving and compassionate, to step out of my comfort zone and reach out to others, to be a gentle caring person who sees the hurt in others and is willing to be a source of healing and faith. Aho
July 5, 2020 - 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Open Market, Jerusalem
Matthew 11:25-30
The “Little Ones”
There’s a story about a rather eccentric teacher who was always looking for creative ways to test (torture) his students. Sometimes it was crazy project and sometimes it was a wacky exam that tested not just their knowledge but also their experience.
So one day he hands out a test, typical normal test, Q/A, except this was the last question. What’s the name of the school janitor? One of his students looked at the question and thought – I know he’s short, wears glasses and has light brown hair but how in the world would I know his name? So he left it blank and turned in his paper.
When class was over, he went up to the teacher and asked whether that last question would count in the test grade. Absolutely, said the teacher. Throughout your whole life, you will find that every person you cross paths with is important, significant. They deserve your respect, your attention and care, even if all you do is smile and say hello.
Everyone is important! Everyone is significant!
In today’s Gospel, Jesus reflects on the “little ones” and that God has hidden things from the wise and the learned and revealed them only to these “little ones”. Too often, I think, we look on those 2 words as referring to children – that “out of the mouths of babes comes wisdom”.
But perhaps this phrase has a much broader meaning! What about all the people that society calls “little” – the unimportant, the poor, the marginalized, the forgotten, the ignored, the invisible/ These are exactly the people whom Jesus directed His mission – the poor, the sick, women, the outcasts, the gentiles, the Samaritans. All those who needed to hear the word of God, to feel His compassion and His love, to appreciate His wisdom.
These are the people who best understood Jesus’ words and message. These are the people who have no illusions about having wealth or power or influence. These are not the “wise ones” in society who think they have all the answers. They are not the self-righteous who think they are in control.
They are the check-out clerks,
janitors, the hospital cleaning crew,
the grocery store worker, the animal shelter care-giver.
They are all the service workers –
nurses, medical assistants, EMT’s,
food pantry workers, the bus driver, the barista at the coffee shop,
the security guard, the hotel maid and restaurant cook,
the newspaper delivery guy, the mailman and the Fedex guy,
that street-corner musician and the baker.
The sandwich vendor and the kid who mows the neighbor’s lawn.
These are the Little Ones. They may struggle to put food on the table but still share with others who have nothing. They are willing to give their clothes to someone who seemed to need them more. These are the little ones who seem to have gotten the message, who share the good news that Jesus came to announce.
Those are the little ones! These are the ones that St. Paul speaks of in the 2nd reading – those who live not in the flesh but in the Spirit! Those in whom the Spirit of God dwells! Those who do labor and are burdened but who have put on the yoke of Christ and have found rest.
Jesus reminds us today - Everyone is important! Everyone is significant!
But especially the “little ones,” those faithful “un-famous” people, the ones ignored and taken for granted by today’s society, who have heard the wisdom of God, who live by it, and show all of us the way to God- if we only pay attention.
He reminds us that the Lord lifts up all who are falling, He raises up all who are bowed down. The Lord is gracious and merciful, slow to anger and rich in kindness, good and compassionate to all.
July 4, 2020 - 13th Saturday in Ordinary Time
Irish Singers at the Jaffa Gate
Matthew 9:14-17
The Pharisees in today’s Gospel are complaining to Jesus that His disciples do not fast like any fine upstanding Jews. Jesus’ reply is a reminder to us all that, even in the midst of fear and sadness, we should not avoid celebrating those times of joy, those moments in life that call for laughter and child-like wonder.
Happy 4th of July! Are you happy? Do you really feel like celebrating? Is your whole family gathering to celebrate like you’ve done in the past? We are living in a time of divisive language and rhetoric, a time of unrest, sickness and fear, a time of isolation and dis-connectedness. We mask our faces and our feelings. We distance ourselves from family out of concern for their health and safety. What the heck is there to celebrate?
Jesus reminds us today that there are times when we NEED to celebrate, to remind ourselves of who we are and all that we have – friends, family, the gift of life and love, the beauty of nature granted by the Creator, the freedom to speak our mind and practice our faith, the simple gifts of food on the table and a place to lay our heads.
Maybe this holiday is a different mind-set. Maybe we can’t celebrate WITH our entire family but we can celebrate their presence in our lives. Whether it’s a 70th birthday on the 3rd (hint, hint) or the 244th birthday of our nation on the 4th, don’t let the worries of the world stop you from celebrating! If for no other reason, we all need a moment to smile, to appreciate our famiy and friends, to be grateful for the many gifts of the Creator.
Great Spirit, keep me free today, free of fear and stress and sadness. Bring joy to my heart and gratitude to my soul. Aho!
July 3, 2020 - Feast of Saint Thomas, Apostle
The Upper Room, Jerusalem
John 20:24-29
No Doubt!
Throughout our lives, we all have moments where our confidence falters, where our faith just seems to disappear. It can be our faith in ourselves, in others, even our faith in God. Moments of doubt and disbelief! That moment when we have that presentation to give that can make or break our job security. That moment of riding our bike for the first time without the training wheels. That moment as a parent when you have to just sit quietly and watch your daughter take that first bike ride. That moment when we face asking her/him to spend the rest of their life together. That moment when you wonder what this world has come to – violence, racism, pandemic, mistrust, unkindness, outright hatred, anxiety, frustration. That moment when you are paralyzed with worry and fear about the future.
We are all human; we all have doubts. And we worry whether this makes us less in the eyes of the Creator. And yet, in today’s Gospel, after Thomas expressed his doubts about Jesus rising from the dead, the very first words Jesus says to him is “Peace be with you”. He didn’t yell, he didn’t correct him or sit him down and give him ‘the talk”. Jesus’ words were those of calm and compassion. He understands! He doesn’t turn His back on us; He doesn’t walk away. He holds out His hands to us with calm and compassion and love.
Creator God, calm our fears. Be with us today and every day. Give us peace and comfort in times of worry and fear. And help us to be that source of faith and love to others. Aho!
July 2, 2020 - 13th Thursday in Ordinary Time
Magdala Chapel
Matthew 9:1-8
A Helping Hand
We are all hurting these days. Whether it’s the pain of being apart from our loved ones or the pain of a loss of income or even our job. Maybe it’s the pain as a parent dealing with our kids’ stress and their questions about what’s going on. Maybe it’s the stress of missing what used to be so normal and easy – going to the store for groceries, taking a walk or answering the door. Or we worry when we get a cough or our muscles start to ache. We are all in pain. We are all hurting. We all in some way need healing and comfort.
We see this with the paralyzed man in today’s Gospel whom Jesus heals. Most often when we hear this story, we focus on the paralyzed man. But let’s change our perspective. The only way he meets Jesus, the only way he has the opportunity to be cured, is because of the kindness of others. He can do nothing for himself. He has to rely on others to bring him to Jesus. That calls for a very healthy dose of compassion and of faith. Sickness back then was a sign of sin; you avoided that person so you wouldn’t get “infected”. And yet people carried him to Jesus out of compassion for his suffering and out of an obvious faith that Jesus would cure him.
We are all hurting these days. You don’t have to look too far to see that. Are we just going to ignore the pain of others today? Are we just going to walk on by and avoid eye contact? Or are we going to stop and lend a helping hand? Out of compassion and out of a deep faith in the Creator!
Great Spirit, I pray today that you awaken us to the needs of others! I pray that you awaken us to what we should be doing for others!
July 1, 2020 - 13th Wednesday in Ordinary Time
Storms over Mount Carmel
Matthew 8:8-34
The Demons Inside
We are all, in some way, fighting demons. They may be in the form of addictions to alcohol or drugs. They may be painful moments from the past that haunt us daily and prevent us from moving forward. They may be unhealthy personal relationships that we just don’t have the strength to break away from. They may be habits that limit our growth and isolate us from our family and friends.
In yesterday’s Gospel, Jesus calmed the storm on the Sea of Galilee. Today the journey continues. He and the disciples arrive at the land of Gadara, the southeastern shore of the Galilee. And it is there that He casts out 2 demons. Look at it this way. Yesterday He calmed the outer storm. Today He calms the storm WITHIN! His power is over not just the forces of nature but over the destructive elements inside us all.
We fight these demons every single day, every moment. And as time goes on, we realize we can’t maintain this battle all on our own. We rely on the love and concern of our family and friends. And we have faith that, whether the storms are in front of us or inside of us, we are not alone. He is with us!
Great Spirit, help me today to move beyond my fears, my insecurities, my doubts, my demons. Help me to see beyond my faults and failings and appreciate the good within. Calm the demons inside of me so that I can be a source of good not only for myself but for others. Aho!
June 30, 2020 - 13th Tuesday in Ordinary Time
Stormy Night, Tel Aviv
Matthew 8:23-27
The Storm Inside
Ever been driving in the middle of a snowstorm. Roads are iced up and you can barely see ahead of you. Windshield keeps fogging up and you can’t even tell if you’re on the right side of the road? Ever been home in the midst of a long and loud thunderstorm. The house is shaking and the windows are rattling to the point you think they will break. And you keep checking the basement for water. Terrifying times that shake you to the core.
That’s where the disciples are in today’s Gospel. This is no leisurely ride on the Sea of Galilee. Storms pop up out of nowhere and this one is terrifying even for the disciples, most of whom are fishermen and should be used to it. They are scared and fearful for their life. And Jesus? Well, He is sleeping!
After awakening, He rebukes them for being worried for their safety. He reminds them that He is right there with them. And then He simply calms the sea and the storm subsides.
Perhaps the lesson is this – Jesus was right there. The disciples forgot He was right there and they lost faith. How often do we do the same thing? All the trials, all the stresses and harships that life throws at us, all the times when we become hopeless and fearful for our life. How could we forget? Jesus is right there with us! He is always with us! Trust in God! Trust in Him always being there for us! In the midst of the storm, have a little faith!
June 29, 2020 - Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul
Church of St. Peter Primacy, Sea of Galilee
Matthew 16:13-19
Who Are You?
Who are you? No, I don’t mean the theme song from CSI! I mean, if someone asked you who you are, how would you answer? Some would respond simply with their name. Others might say I’m a father, a wife, a son, grandma, cousin, friend. Still others might say teacher, police officer, carpenter, lawyer, nurse, student, bus driver, web designer, athlete. No matter what the answer, each response speaks of a relationship, a connection to others. Each response ties us to others in unique and personal ways. None of us live in isolation; we all live in relationship with others.
Jesus asks a similar question in today’s Gospel. Who do people say I am? Some say John the Baptist reborn, or Elijah or Jeremiah or a prophet. Jesus then asks - who do YOU say I am? And it’s Peter who responds – You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God! Peter’s answer is one of faith! But it also a recognition of Jesus’ relationship to us. You are the Christ – the Messiah, OUR Savior. You are the SON of God! It is an answer that reflects relationships! Jesus is not just God; He is OUR Savior. He is OUR Brother!
Just as we define ourselves by our relationships, so too Jesus is recognized by His relationship with us. It is a relationship of love and affection, a family connection. It is probably a relationship we tend to take for granted. For example, did we think to add “child of God” or Jesus’ brother/sister to our response to “who are you”? Why? Why not?
We celebrate today the Feast of Saints Peter and Paul, 2 completely different individuals. Peter was a poor uneducated fisherman living off the sweat of his brow. He was hard-headed and didn’t always understand what Jesus was saying; he kept asking Him to explain things. Paul was highly educated, rich, a Roman citizen, and a Pharisee who persecuted Jesus’ followers. The two of them did not always get along. And yet they had one key thing in common – they were brothers in Christ. They were committed to spreading the Word of God. And they died for their beliefs.
Who are you? Do you consider yourself a child of God? How important is that relationship to you? Do you live your life spreading the Word? How dedicated are you to your Brother Jesus?
June 28, 2020 - 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Via Dolorosa, Jerusalem
Matthew 10:37-42
The Cost/Rewards of Discipleship
I’m holding in my hand a simple piece of paper, barely bigger than an index card. It’s a mini-golf scorecard and it’s 47 years old. At the time, the game itself probably cost only about $6. Certainly a lot less than you would pay today. So the cost today doesn’t seem like much. But for me all that time ago, it was a wealth of money. So it cost me a lot. But the rewards of the card? Well, that is priceless. This was one of the first dates Ginger and I went on. And who would have guessed how that would turn out? All the memories we have shared, painful and joyful. All the times we have shared together and the people who have touched our lives! Priceless!
Cost and reward! Two vastly different concepts but they play a key role in all of today’s readings. In the first reading, a rich woman goes out of her way to set aside a room just for the prophet Elisha. The cost for her, probably not much. But the reward? She saw in Elisha a good man, a prophet, a holy man of God. And she was rewarded with a son in her old age.
In the second reading, Paul reminds us all that, if we are baptized into Christ, then we are also baptized into His death and, just as we are buried with Him, so too we will be raised with Him to life eternal. Cost and reward!
And in the Gospel, we are confronted with that stark saying – if you want to be My disciples, you must take up your cross and follow me. But to do that, we must commit ourselves to Christ and to the mission. It means we need to set some priorities. It means that it will cost us. It doesn’t mean that we abandon our family. It means that we don’t allow ourselves to become so attached to this life that we miss the big picture – the Kingdom of Heaven. Love your parents, love your children, and love God!
Will there be suffering? Will we experience pain and loss and grief? Of course! But remember this – the COST is temporary! The value, the reward, is eternal!
And for anyone asking the really important question – Ginger beat me in that first miniature golf game 53-62. Ouch! That cost me :)
June 27, 2020 - 12th Saturday in Ordinary Time
Nazareth Synagogue
Matthew 8:5-17
Words Words Words
Words! They can cut to the heart of the matter or they can cut a relationship in two. They can bring comfort, hope, encouragement, support, and love. But they can also be the source of anger, hatred, jealousy, disinterest and despair. They can bring unity and peace or division and resentment. They can bring faith and healing.
We all know this to be true. The kind word when we are in pain. The words of encouragement from a teacher that emboldens us to move forward. The gentle words of a loving parent to ease our moments of hopelessness.
The Roman centurion in today’s Gospel knows the value of words. And he believes in the power of Jesus. His faith in Jesus is so strong that for him all it takes is just a word from Jesus and he knows that his beloved servant is healed. He doesn’t need to have Jesus come to his home. Just tell me he is healed and I believe!
Words and faith go hand in hand. Words literally mean nothing to us unless we trust the person who is speaking them. Words and faith! Words have the power to heal, to give us hope, to wipe away our tears and lead us out of the darkness. How much more so then, the Word of God!
June 26, 2020 - 12th Friday in Ordinary Time
Chapel at Magdala
Matthew 8:1-4
Father Knows Best
At some point in our lives, we have probably had that unfortunate experience of wanting something a bit too much. Maybe it was a toy, a new bike, new fancy sneakers, whatever. And we were willing to do anything to get it – even throw a nice little tantrum in public to get our point across. I did that once for a bright red sweater that I thought I just had to have. And I sulked and pouted in the store until I got what I wanted. Not very proud of that. In the end, I probably only wore that sweater a couple of times before I got tired of it.
In today’s Gospel, we have a leper who only wants one thing – to be cured. But his approach is not that of a little kid. First of all, He approaches Jesus! Jesus performs a lot of miracles in the Gospels but, the majority of the time, it is Jesus approaching the afflicted person. And yet here it is the leper who approaches Jesus. He is an outcast, shunned by the people, expected to keep his distance. Imagine the courage and faith involved for him to go to Jesus in public. Imagine the humility in recognizing his own suffering and asking for help.
But it’s what happens next that really sets this miracle apart. He simply and calmly does 2 things. He first pays homage to Jesus; He worships Him and acknowledges Him as Lord. And then he simply says “If it is Your will, You can make me clean.” He doesn’t demand that Jesus cure him. He doesn’t beg for it to happen. He doesn’t cause a scene just to get what he wants. It is a simple request acknowledging that Jesus is Lord and that His will is greater than anything. It is a recognition that, as much as he would like to be cured, he leaves it all in the hands of God. He sees that Father Knows Best! That is real prayer!
June 25, 2020 - 12th Thursday in Ordinary Time
Entrance to Church of Holy Sepulchre
Matthew 7: 21-29
Walking the Walk
Time for a short trip in the Way Back Machine with Sherman and Mr. Peabody!
Did you clean your room? Did you do your homework? Did you put your dirty dishes in the sink? Did you take out the garbage? Shall I go on? We all know the answer to those questions and we all know it’s the same – YES! Yes I did. Or at least that was the answer until we got caught. And then we had to actually DO the work.
That is what Jesus is talking about in today’s Gospel. It’s not enough to say the words. It’s not enough to make grand speeches or to proclaim what a wonderful person or Christian we are. We are called to ACTION! Don’t just say the words; act on them! Don’t just call yourself a Christian; live a Christian life!
It’s not enough to talk the talk; we have to walk the walk! So excuse the brief reflection, I have a pile of dirty dishes to clean!
June 24, 2020 - Nativity of St. John the Baptist
Jordan River
Luke 1:57-66, 80
We Are Called…
We are called….! How would you finish that sentence? Some of us would answer with our name and perhaps how we came by that name. I am called Bill, first born son, named after my father. And then, since we share that name in common, I could speak about how much alike we are in action and temperament with our name-sake. Such a conversation reveals a lot about who we are, where we have come and our connection with the past.
We celebrate today the Birth of John the Baptist. It is his mother Elizabeth who insists that he will be called John, not Zechariah like his father. He will be called John even though no one else in the family has that name. He will be unique.
But there can another meaning to that phrase! And it speaks not to the past but to the future. We are called… Isaiah, in the first reading was called, called to be a prophet, called to be God’s spokesman. St. Paul, in the second reading, was called, called to spread the Word to the Gentiles. And John the Baptist was called to be a voice crying out in the desert, to proclaim a baptism of repentance and the coming of the Messiah! This other “calling” speaks not of the past, but of the future, what we are called to become!
We are all called… Called by a name that reflects our connection to our family, to our shared past. But we are also called by name by God to move forward, to proclaim, in our own way, the Word of God, in our words, in our actions, in our relationships with others. We are all called….. What are you called? What are you called to be?
June 23, 2020 - 12th Tuesday in Ordinary Time
Door of Humility, Bethlehem
Matthew 7:6, 12-14
It Ain’t Easy Being…… Christian
I consider myself a half-way decent handyman, not great but I manage. I try to get things done, get things fixed. And during this time of isolation, I certainly have had the time to tackle my honey-do list. But on occasion, I try to cut corners, to do a quick patch job, and then I pay for it farther down the line. I slap some paint on a window sill but neglect to scrape and prime the area first. And then months later, that same sill needs painting again after my quick job flakes away.
We all wish life was easy, manageable, predictable, but that just isn’t the case. Life is hard; living is hard. And any attempt to rush through it ends up eventually slapping ourselves in the face – snap out of it! This is what Jesus addresses in today’s Gospel. We all have one task – to be Christian, to treat others the way we want to be treated. But too often we rush to complete the task. Too often, we think we have better things to do. Too often we choose to take the wide gate.
Take a good look at today’s photo. This is the entrance to the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem. Do you see the entrance? It’s that little dark square roughly in the center of the picture. That doorway/entrance is only 4 feet high and 2 feet wide. The only way to enter the Church is to bow, to crouch down. That’s why it’s called the Door of Humility. If you really want to enter, you have to make an effort.
Jesus tells us we have a choice – the easy way or the hard way, the wide gate or the narrow one. We all wish life was easy; we all hope for an uncomplicated life. But, as they say, the only reward in taking the easy way is that it’s easy. Jesus reminds us today that being Christian, living a life of love and service to others, is not easy. But the reward is eternal life.
June 22, 2020 - 12th Monday in ordinary Time
Along the Jordan River
Matthew 7:1-5
Dirty Laundry
I know I have used this story before but, given today’s Gospel, it bears repeating.
A young married couple are sitting in the kitchen of their brand new home having breakfast. The wife looks out the window and sees her neighbor hanging her laundry on the clothesline. That laundry isn’t clean, she said, it’s still dirty. Someone should teach her how to wash her clothes. She has a lot to learn. This happens again a few days later, and again a few days after that. Each time the wife complains about the neighbor and her dirty laundry.
Finally one morning she looks out the kitchen window and, in surprise, she says, Wow, someone must have taught her how to wash clothes, someone must have finally said something to her. Her husband looks up at her and says, No dear, actually I got up early this morning and washed the window.
Don’t judge unless you want to be judged. Quit finding the faults in others and not see the same faults in ourselves. I guess it’s human nature that, in finding fault in others, we raise ourselves in stature above them. At least, I know how to get my laundry clean. At least I’m not like them. We pump ourselves up in pride and egotism by looking down on others.
We are so good at finding faults in others that we miss the same failings in ourselves. And, perhaps even worse, all the time and energy we spend in judging others ends up being time we should have spent in loving others. How can we possibly help others with their problems when we turn a blind eye to our own? How about we spend a bit of time today cleaning some of our own ‘dirty laundry”.
June 21, 2020 - 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Masada, Judaean Desert
Matthew 10:26-33
Scary Thoughts!
I have a question for you. What are you afraid of? What is it that sends a chill down your spine and leads to sleepless night and stressed out days. For some of us, it’s a fear of heights, fear of flying, enclosed spaces, fear of the unknown, maybe it’s spiders or snakes, or maybe a fear of the darkness.
When our daughter Jaime was growing up, she was not all that comfortable with going to sleep at night. We had a whole routine to go through every night so that she would feel safe. After the bedtime stories, we had to check under her bed, open the closet door and shoo out of the room all the monsters lurking in the darkness. We left her door open just a bit and we kept a light on in the hallway. That pretty much did the trick to calm her fears.
We all have fears and that is what Jesus speaks about to us in today’s Gospel. Do Not Fear! Be Not Afraid! It is the most repeated phrase in the entire Bible. Some scholars, apparently with a lot of time on their hands, have said that the phrase is repeated 365 times throughout the New and Old Testament.
365 times! I can’t believe that is just a coincidence. One for every day of the year. A reminder to us not to be afraid, no matter what the situation, no matter what day. God is always with us. No matter what we are afraid of, no matter how hopeless we feel, no matter what stresses we are dealing with – we are not alone!
I know we find that hard to believe; I know we all still stress; I know we all have had days and situations that we thought we would never survive. But think about it! All those days we thought we thought we were completely alone, that we would never make it out alive, when everything seemed hopeless. Looking back now, we did survive, we did make it, despite all of our worst fears. And if truth be told, we realize now that we couldn’t have gotten through it all by ourselves, all on our own. Someone had to have been watching over us, looking out for us, calming our fears and reminding us that we were never alone. That was God, Our Father in Heaven.
Unfortunately too often we seem to recognize God’s presence AFTER the fact and not during the crisis! For example:
I remember when I was little and my parents took us all to the movies. But it wasn’t any cute Disney movie; it was a horror movie – THE FLY! And I was terrified! I kept asking to go to the bathroom, not for the normal reason but so I avoid watching the movie. Eventually my dad figured out what was going on and told me NO MORE! Sit next to me and stay put. I thought I was being punished! But when the next scary scene happened and I cringed in fear, my dad took his hat and simply covered my face until the scene was over. He continued to do that throughout the rest of the movie. But it’s only now that I realize how much he was looking out for me, protecting me, calming my fears, being with me at a difficult time. How he was there for me when I was afraid.
Today we celebrate Father’s Day. We celebrate our dads and all those father figures in our lives. All those men who stood beside us, guided us, protected us in times of fear and worry, all those fathers who told us time and again – don’t be afraid, you are not alone! Whether they are still here with us physically or remain in our hearts and memories, they continue to tell us - I am with you always.
And if that was my experience of my father, how much more so Our Father in heaven who reminds us today and every day– Fear Not! You are not alone, you are right at home. You are worth so much more than you can imagine. And I am with you always!
It’s the same feeling, the same love that we hear in a song I came across recently:
Close your eyes, lay your head down
Now it's time to sleep
May you find great adventure
As you lie and dream
If you're scared of the darkness
I will calm your fear
There's a light in the hallway
So you know I'm here
So count your blessings every day
It makes the monsters go away
And everything will be okay
You are not alone
You are right at home
Goodnight, goodnight
June 20, 2020 - Memorial of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Church of St. Joseph, Nazareth
Luke 2:41-51
A Journey of Faith
Pardon for a moment my warped sense of humor – today’s Gospel recounts the story of Jesus being “lost” in the Temple. And I keep getting this image of Mary and Joseph praying to God: “You know that Son of yours? Um, we lost Him.” Okay, moving on!
Those of us who are parents have probably had a moment when we turned around in the grocery store for just a moment and we lost sight of our little one. The panic, the fear, that empty feeling in the pit of our stomach – where did he go? Now imagine Mary and Joseph going through that for 4 days! And imagine their joy and relief at finding Him.
In the end, this was not merely a journey to Jerusalem to celebrate Passover. It was not just a journey to find Jesus. And it was not just a journey back home to Nazareth. It was a journey of faith. For Mary and Joseph, this was the first glimpse of Jesus’ true nature, His divinity. This was their first realization that He was more than just a carpenter’s son. This was a journey of faith! It is a journey that we all take.
That journey of faith will have moments of joy and moments of great sadness and pain. It is personal and life-long. It involves loss and sorrow, doubt and re-awakening. It is a journey that brings great rewards and tremendous sacrifice. At times, we will feel lost and abandoned, But in the end, that journey leads us all home!
June 19, 2020 - Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Walking the Streets of Jerusalem
Matthew 11:25-30
Out of the Mouths of Babies
Many years ago, when our daughter was barely 2 or 3 years old, we went to visit my Papa who was very sick. We knew it was probably the last time we would have the chance to see him before he passed. What amazed me during our visit was that Jaime seemed to go out of her way to get Great Papa to help her – get her dressed, tie her shoes, that sort of thing. It was something that I hadn’t seen her do before. It was like she was building up memories (for her?, for him?, who knows).
A few months later he passed away and, after we returned home from the funeral, I spent many a sleepless night grieving his loss. One night, as I sat there wide awake and teary-eyed, Jaime comes in and climbs into my lap. She asked me why I was crying and I told her – I miss Papa. She looked at me and simply said – you don’t need to cry, Papa is in heaven! Out of the mouths of babies!!!
Today’s Gospel speaks of the need for us all to become like little children. God has revealed Himself not to the wise but to the child-like. Truth be told, as we grow, we all become a bit jaded, cynical; we seem to develop this hard shell where we keep the world out and our emotions inside. Jesus reminds us today that we need to become like that little child. We need to keep that sense of wonder, that feeling of looking at things for the first time, fresh and clean and new. We need to take the time to stand in awe of the simple things like a newly blossomed flower, the beauty of a rainbow, the touch of a loving hand. Yes, that means stop and smell the flowers!
But that also means we need to let go of our burdens, to lighten our load, to not get so wrapped up in the stressed of life that we miss the obvious – God loves us! We need to take on some of that self-lessness that a child possesses and move away from our own ego and self-importance. Take that weight off your shoulders and find that child within.
June 18, 2020 - 11th Thursday in Ordinary Time
Matthew 6:7-15
It’s All in the Name
Ever notice how a name, what we call someone, speaks volumes about our relationship with them. Sometimes formal and aloof, sometimes affectionate, sometimes comical and relaxed. When I was little, I always called my father “Father”. It was formal, respectful and reflected a very proper sort of relationship. It reflected my view of him as a rock, steady and strong. As life went on, though, that relationship changed and I began to call him “Dad” and our greetings always included a warm hug.
The Jews in the Old Testament and in Jesus’ time had a name for God – Yahweh. It was the name God called Himself with Moses at the burning bush. It was and is a word that Jews will never speak out loud. It is a word of reverence and respect, like a subject for their king. It speaks of a relationship of obedience and awe for someone I am not worthy to even call by name.
But then Jesus comes along and, in today’s Gospel, turns everything on its head. He tells us to call God “Abba” when we pray. Let’s be clear; Abba does not mean “Father”. It means ‘daddy”. It’s the word a little child uses for their father. It’s a word full of love and affection. It speaks of a new and different relationship that Jesus calls us to. God is closer to us than a king to his people. God is our father. He loves us like a father. He cares for us, guides us and protects us like a father.
Relationships! It’s all in the name!
June 17, 2020 - 11th Wednesday in Ordinary Time
Mass at Gethsemane
Matthew 6:1-6, 16-18
It’s Not Just for Lent Anymore!
If today’s Gospel sounds familiar, you would be correct. Barely 4 months ago, we heard this same Gospel reading. It was Ash Wednesday and the intent was obvious. We were entering a time of self-reflection and penitence in preparation for the events of Holy Week. So why now? Why do we have to hear this again?
Perhaps it’s a reminder that prayer, fasting and almsgiving are not just Lenten practices. Perhaps these religious disciplines are meant for all of us all the time. Scary! You mean I should pray every day? Fast every day? Take care of others every day? And even more troubling – I have to do it for the right reasons? Not for show but out of love?
So in this time of isolation and stay-at-home, how is that going for ya? Are you praying more? Fasting more? Giving more? We certainly have more time on our hands. How are we using it? Are we leaving ourselves some quiet time just for ourselves and the Creator? Maybe in the morning with that first cup of coffee and watching the beauty of a sunrise? Maybe at the end of the day when we turn off the tv and reflect back on the events of the day?
And what about fasting? Are we cutting down on our food intake? Chances are we are doing the exact opposite. Most of us have heard about the college Freshman 15. It’s normal for a teenager to pack on an extra 15 pounds that first year of college. Anyone experiencing a Covid-15? Are we eating more, snacking more?
And how am I supposed to give to others when I am so separated from everyone? Consider this – we all have more time on our hands these days. Perhaps this is an opportunity to reflect on all we have, all we should be grateful for. And then how about making the effort to clean out the excess “stuff” in our house to donate to worthy causes. How about making the time to send off a donation to that food pantry or shelter whose work we admire and applaud.
Prayer! Fasting! Almsgiving! It’s not just for Lent anymore!
June 16, 2020 - 11th Tuesday in Ordinary Time
Synagogue in Capernaum
Matthew 5:43-48
Enemy Mine!
Who’s your biggest enemy? That co-worker who is always trying to undercut your efforts? That family member who always treats you like you were 9 years old? That former best friend who betrayed your deepest secrets? That parent who just doesn’t understand you? Enemies, we all have them or so we think. They vex us, torment us, make us think of sad and hurtful times. They refuse to forgive and move on; they harp on the past and treat us like we will never grow up.
And yet, in the end, I have to admit that my greatest enemy is myself. My greatest enemy is my refusal to move on, to let go. It’s that attitude of seeing others as how I choose to see them and not as they really are. We spend our lives focusing on what makes us different and not on what we have in common. We put people into categories; we play Goldilocks! They are either too big or too small, one color or another, one gender or another, one culture or another. We keep looking for people who are “just right”, not too hot and not too cold. And then we get upset when someone does the same to us. We keep focusing on the differences.
Ask ourselves this question – did Jesus have any enemies? Sure there were plenty of people who considered Him an enemy. But was there anyone He considered an enemy, much less treated them as an enemy? Not really. If there was, then His sacrifice on the cross was meant for only a select few. And do we really believe that. He forgave the thief on the cross; he forgave His executioners. He forgave His disciples who denied Him, deserted Him, betrayed Him.
Someone once said that racism is telling the Creator that He made a mistake. I can’t believe that! I won’t believe that! Jesus challenges us in today’s Gospel to love our enemies, to love everyone. Is that hard, of course! It means we need to stop looking at what separates us, to stop looking at our differences and to look at what we all have in common. The sun rises on all of us, good and bad. The rain falls on all of us, just and unjust. We are all children of God; the Creator made each and every one of us. And the Creator does not make mistakes.
June 15, 2020 - 11th Monday in Ordinary Time
Walking the Via Dolorosa, Jerusalem
Matthew 5:38-42
Hit Me, Baby, One More Time
If we look back on our childhood, most of us will remember all the times we got into a fight, sometimes just verbal, sometimes out and out physical. Sometime we won, sometimes we lost. Sometimes we came away bloodied and defeated; sometimes we gave as good as we got. Through it all, we probably have forgotten why we were fighting in the first place, only the fight itself. But we do remember that, at the start, we had a choice. We could either fight or run. That was it; or so we thought!
In today’s Gospel, we realize there really is a third option! We hear the familiar words of Jesus to “turn the other cheek.” I always pictured this scene as the height of cowardice, to just stand there and take it, to do nothing. I saw this as utter passivity, cowardice. But it’s not! It is an act of defiance. I could just run away, essentially try and avoid the situation. Or I could give back to the aggressor exactly what they are giving me – violence! What Jesus says is to stand there, look them in the eyes and give them the chance to really think about what they are doing, without resorting to violence. Peaceful, non-violent protest! Gandhi learned that lesson. Martin Luther King learned that lesson. Rosa Parks learned that lesson.
This is not about being passive; this is about standing strong in the face of violence and hatred. It’s about giving the other person a chance to think about what they’re doing, to consider the consequences of their actions. It’s about standing up against aggression, hatred, bigotry and racism and saying I am not going to fight according to your rules and I am not going to run away from the problem.
Stand up for what you believe in! Be courageous! Be forgiving! Be strong! Be Christ-like!
June 14, 2020 - Solemnity of Corpus Christi
Mass at Bethlehem
John 6:51-58
It’s the Real Thing!
My watch stopped working a couple of weeks ago. But because of corona, I had to wait even longer just to take it in to get fixed. That may not seem like such a big deal but that watch is 50 years old, it belonged to my Dad and since his death, I have worn it faithfully every day. I also wear a ring on my right hand, a class ring. But not mine, it was also my dads for his 1939 high school graduation. It is 81 years old.
Both of them are a constant reminder to me of my dad, our relationship and all the memories I have of him. They give me a feeling that my dad is still here with me, guiding me and encouraging me. But in the end, the watch is not my dad, the ring is not my dad. They are reminders, they are symbols, memories of the past. But it’s not the same as having him right here beside me.
I’m holding an unconsecrated host, simple unleavened bread, nothing more. But in a few moments at Mass, it will be transformed into the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. Not symbolically! It’s not just a symbol, not just a memory, not just a reminder of the Last Supper. It truly becomes Jesus’ Body and Blood. It is real!
We celebrate today the Feast of Corpus Christi, the Body and Blood of Christ! The Eucharist, the gift of real spiritual food that feeds our souls! All our readings today speak of God’s gift to His people – the gift of manna in the desert to Moses and the Hebrews. Jesus proclaiming Himself the Living Bread come down from heaven; all who eat of it will live forever. The cup of blessing and the bread we break!
They all speak to us of God’s great love and care for us. It speaks of a great exchange of gifts!
God created all life, human and animal and plants. He created the wheat in the field and the grapes on the vine. And gives it all to us to care for and to help it flourish. And what do we do – we take that wheat and grapes and change them into bread and wine. We then offer it back to God as we present the gifts at Mass. And what does God do – He takes that bread and wine and transforms them into His Body and Blood and offers it back to us – to sustain us on our spiritual journey to eternal life. What a gift!
A couple of years ago, we had a group of French visitors to the Kateri Center. We celebrated Mass with them. And I will never forget the experience of ministering Holy Communion to them. The quiet awe and reverence they showed! The prayerful care they took as they took the Host in their hands. There was no rush, no hurriedness to just get the Host and get back to their seat. This was no assembly line or group racing to get their food. It was meditative, prayerful, reverent, as if they were receiving Communion for the very first time!
For the past 3 months we have been separated – from friends and family, from our livelihood and even our income, from simple pleasures of going to the movies or a restaurant or the park or the library. Separated especially from the Mass and Sacraments. We have been separated from the Eucharist, from the Body and Blood of Christ.
My hope, my prayer, is that as we transition back to attending Mass and receiving the Eucharist, we come with the same reverence, the same piety and hunger for the Eucharist that we saw in those French visitors. And may we never ever take Communion for granted. May we always remember and BELIEVE that what we receive in the Eucharist is not some symbol or memory but truly the Body and Blood of Christ.
June 13, 2020 - 10th Saturday in Ordinary Time
St. Peter in Gallicantu (Cock Crowing) Church, Jerusalem
Matthew 5:33-37
Yes or No!
Especially when we were little, we all had that experience of getting caught with our hands in the cookie jar and chocolate is all over our face. The broken vase is on the floor and we are standing right there. The wall is covered with child-like drawings and the crayon is in our hand. Caught red-handed! And yet, when mom or dad asked “Did you do this?”, we quickly answered “Nope, not me!” Denial! Complete and utter denial, must have been the wind.
Why is it so hard to admit our sins? Why is it so easy to be dishonest? Even when the evidence is plain as day, we refuse to admit to our mistakes. Jesus keeps it simple and direct in today’s Gospel: let your yes mean yes and your no mean no. Be honest! Be honest with yourself and be honest with others! Consider all the time and effort it takes to lie – the elaborate stories we weave, the memorizing of the story to keep all the “facts” straight. Remember all the stories we concocted for getting home late and how proud we were of convincing our parents of the truthfulness of our story. What an effort, and all to avoid the truth, all to avoid responsibility.
Too often we are great story-tellers. Jesus challenges us today to be great truth-tellers!
June 12, 2020 - 10th Friday in Ordinary Time
Renewing Marriage Vows, Chapel at Cana
Matthew 5:27-32
Today’s Gospel is filled with all sorts of stark images and language – plucking out your eyeball, cutting off your arm. It’s the sort of imagery that seems destined for a very gory movie, not suitable for children. And yet through it all, there are notes of tenderness and compassion, words of mercy and grace.
We are reminded that sin begins, not with our actions, but with our thoughts, our intentions. Years ago, George Carlin had a comedy sketch about sin. Basically he said, if you were planning to go downtown to kill someone, save your bus fare; you’ve already committed the sin. A bit stark but there is truth here – sin exists when we deliberately intend to do something we know is wrong. But that also means that virtue begins with our intentions as well. Good begins in our heart, with what we plan to do. Whether we are talking about sin or virtue, intentions matter!
And then Jesus speaks on marriage and divorce. Again, intentions matter! Marriage demands that we really think long and hard before the ceremony. And when difficulties arise, and they will, we choose to work together to resolve them, not run away at the first sign of a problem.
Ginger and I, in a couple of months, will be celebrating 46 years of marriage. Through it all, she has one single word for this union of ours – STUCK!!! We are stuck together. Can I tell you a secret? I don’t feel stuck at all. I feel united; I feel loved. I feel that both of us years ago deliberately intended to do something good – to step away from ME and work on becoming US! Through it all, it has been about our intentions, not merely our actions. Through it all, we have basically worked to ‘renew’ our marriage vows every day. Every day we are STUCK! Lovingly, gratefully, intentionally STUCK!
June 11, 2020 - Feast of Saint Barnabas, Apostle
Church of the Nativity, Bethlehem
Matthew 5:20-26
Ch Ch Ch Changes!
Remember all the fights we all got into as kids? Arguing, yelling, pouting, walking away in a huff, even physically fighting? And remember all the times our parents would drag you all back together, make you face each other, shake hands and say you were sorry? How did that work out for you?
In today’s Gospel Jesus challenges us to go way beyond a simple handshake and a couple of words that carried no real repentance. Jesus is calling for real, heartfelt, soul-shaking change! Not just in our words or actions, but change down to our very soul. The Greek word is “metanoia”. And it speaks of a life-altering, soul-searching turning away from anger and resentment to an attitude of forgiveness and repentance.
Change is hard; none of us like it. It is more comfortable to stay the way we are. But change is also necessary! We hold grudges too easily and too long. We like to think I’m only mad at that one person and I will never forgive them. But in the end, that grudge affects all the people around you. Our anger at that one person affects us to the core. We become closed-in on ourselves and we begin to shut everyone out. And as long as we hold that anger, that unforgiving attitude, nothing is going to change.
Simple words – Let It Go! Move on! The words are simple; actually following through, now that is hard! But that is exactly what Jesus calls us to do! Change your mind, change your heart. Let it go, offer forgiveness and reconcile with your brother. Otherwise all this built-up animosity, all this resentment will end up consuming you and ruling your life. Ch Ch Ch Changes! Let it go!
June 10, 2020 - 10th Wednesday in Ordinary Time
Mountains outside Nazareth
Matthew 5:17-19
Coming Down the Mountain
A little context and background here! Jesus has gone up on the mountain to teach the crowd. He has given them new “commandments” such as the Beatitudes and today He bluntly tells them that He is not here to get rid of the “old” Commandments but to fulfill them. Life just got a bit tougher,
Going up a mountain and giving new “laws” very clearly remind us of God giving Moses the Ten Commandments on Mt. Sinai. But Jesus goes further and adds the law of love. Then in today’s Gospel, He says, in no uncertain terms, that doesn’t mean you don’t need to follow the Commandments any more. It’s not an either/or; it’s both! So for anyone in the crowd hoping for an easy path to heaven, sorry, not gonna happen.
Let’s face it: most of the Commandments are worded in terms of AVOIDING evil. Jesus’ command to love other is about DOING good! We are all called to follow both. It is not enough to avoid evil; we are called to DO good. It’s about positive action for others. We are called to not merely avoid evil; we are called to confront it.
Chances are some people, after hearing this, walked away from Jesus. They thought – no, this is too hard; I was hoping for an easy way. Being good, being loving to others, acting in a loving way is difficult. It takes effort and commitment. We’ve heard His words. Now it’s time to come down off the mountain and really live out our Christian faith.
June 9, 2020 - 10th Tuesday in Ordinary Time
Spice Shop in Jerusalem
Matthew 5:13-19
Let’s Get Cooking!
Ginger and I watch a lot of food shows, most of them cooking competitions like Top Chef, Food Network Star, Hell’s Kitchen and Chopped. And with all of those shows, it boggles the mind how often someone gets booted off the competition because their dish “lacked flavor”, because their dish either lacked or needed just another pinch of salt!
I have to admit I like my share of salt. To Ginger’s chagrin, I am always adding more salt to the dish. I recall someone once saying that they would never trust anyone who salted their food before they even tasted it. To each his own, I guess.
We tend to forget how important salt was in the ancient world. Yes, it was used to season food and to enhance or bring out the innate flavor of the dish. But it was also used as a preservative. At a time of no refrigeration or freezing, that was the only way to extend the “shelf life” of food. You salted fish to preserve it for the days when you didn’t catch any fish. Salt, back then, was gold!
We live in a world today that has been dulled by sin, ignorance and sheer boredom. We see so much violence, hatred and outright bigotry that we become used to it, at times unaffected by it. Today’s Gospel reminds us that we are all called to transform that blandness of life – to give flavor to our own lives and that of others. We are called to “preserve” our faith and keep it alive and keep it fresh and flavorful. And we are also called to spread that faith, to bring that same energy and spice to the faith life of others. So let’s get cooking!
June 8, 2020 - 10th Monday in Ordinary Time
Matthew 5:1-12
Go Tell it on the Mountain
This is an all too familiar Gospel reading – the Beatitudes! Whenever my Scripture classes got to this passage, I always joked that these should be the “A” attitudes, not the “B’ attitudes! These are the ideal of how we should act. Yeah, I know, corny!
But consider today not just WHAT Jesus says today; consider WHERE He preaches. On a mountain top! That should be a familiar setting. After the Flood, Noah and the ark settle on Mount Ararat where Noah offers a sacrifice of thanksgiving to God. Abram takes Isaac to the mountain top to sacrifice him and instead God extends to Abram the first covenant. It is on Mt. Sinai that God give Moses the tablets of the Law. The Jews go up to Jerusalem to the Mount to worship in the Temple. Many times Jesus went off to a mountain to be alone and to pray. Mountains were always considered sacred, places to pray, places to physically get close to God. So when Jesus preaches the Beatitudes in today’s Gospel from the mountain top, it is God speaking to His people, instructing them on how to live and how to love.
The question for you today is where do you go to meet God, to talk to Him, to pray to Him? I am sure most of us will say “I go to church.” But for the past 3 months, that has not been an option. So where have you been going to pray? Where have you been going to listen to God? Where is your personal mountain top? Your private place for praying?
When I was praying and prepping to preach for our Mass at the Garden of Gethsemane in Jerusalem, I ended up finding a quiet corner in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. Unfortunately that is not a place available to me on a regular basis. And like you, church has not been available for me either. So I find a quiet place at home, sometimes outside with shade and the sound of birds and sometimes it’s just comfortably curled up in a chair.
We are now slowly opening the churches up for Sacraments and for private prayer. Soon we will be opening for Mass. But in the meantime, where do you pray? And consider this: even when our churches fully open, that doesn’t mean you have to abandon that personal prayer place you have at home. That private space is still there and so is God!
June 7, 2020 - Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity
Sun Rise!
John 3:16-18
God Above, Beside, Within Us
Today we celebrate the Feast of Holy Trinity, a key church doctrine – 3 Persons in 1 God – Father, Son and Holy Spirit, one of the great mysteries of our faith.
We hear in today’s readings a description of those 3 persons. The First Reading – God the Father, the Creator and Law-Giver. The God so far above us all that we bow down before Him in reverence and obedience. The Second Reading – the Holy Spirit – God who brings us peace and love and fellowship. The Spirit or encouragement inside all of us by virtue of our Baptism and Confirmation. And the Gospel - God the Son – Jesus Christ – who took on human form to redeem us of our sins and lead us to eternal life. Jesus who walked the same earth as all of us.
Essentially the Trinity is a relationship – the love between father and son and that love so intense that it is embodied in the Holy Spirit. A relationship that, through Baptism, has included us as children of God, brothers and sisters of Jesus, filled with the Holy Spirit, a relationship that grows and develops as we grow and develop.
In simplest terms – we can see the Trinity in this way:
God the Father – above us – creating us, guiding us and teaching us right and wrong, reminding us of when we falter, the just judge, loving us even when we mess up- just like a father!
God the Son – beside us – Jesus who shared in this earthly life, who walked and sat together with his disciples and shared a meal
God the Holy Spirit – within us – coming upon the disciples at Pentecost, filling us and them with love and the fire of faith.
In some ways it reminds me of the relationship between a father and his children, a relationship of love, a relationship that grows and changes over time. It reminds me of my relationship with my dad!
God the Father, above us! Literally as a child looking up to the father who created me. Literally, as a child, looking to my dad for understanding right from wrong. I was not always the most obedient of sons; there were plenty of times when I would test the limits of my Dad’s patience and get into trouble. All it took was for my mom to say – wait til your dad get home! My dad was not only the creator of the rules; he was also the enforcer, the judge. And judgement was always swift and effective!
God the Son walking beside us. Later in life, when my grandmother passed away and I saw my Dad cry for the very first time. It gave me the opportunity to grieve with him, to comfort him, to stand with him in his sorrow no longer as a child but as a friend.
God the Spirit within us. I remember gathering with my Mom and family for the first family dinner after my Dad passed away and taking his chair at the dining room table. I proceeded to tell a string of my corny jokes and I suddenly realized, in that moment, that I sounded just like Dad. And realizing that from that moment on, I carry him with me inside. He is always with me, guiding me, inspiring me, encouraging me.
If that is the love between a human father and child, just imagine the love of God the Father for us his children. We are loved by him unconditionally. By virtue of our Baptism and Confirmation we are all sons and daughters of God, brothers and sisters of Jesus, filled with the Holy Spirit. God above us, God beside us, God within us!
June 6, 2020 - 9th Saturday in Ordinary Time
Praying at the Wailing Wall (the Temple)
Mark 12:38-44
The “Gift” of Life
This long period of staying-at-home has, in some ways, cut down on our spending. Less driving = less money spent on gas. No dining out! No date nights at the movies. No mornings at the coffee shop. And it’s not just about making do with what you have. It’s not just about consolidating our shopping trips. It’s about suddenly having the time to really think about what I want and what I really need. It’s about realizing what’s really important in our lives and what things we can just discard.
Besides all the house-cleaning top to bottom and the sorting out of all the stuff we have accumulated over the years, it has been a time to really appreciate all we have and to realize how little we really need. It has been a time to recognize and contribute to those organizations that really help the poor, the homeless, the hungry, the disenfranchised, the belittled and the ignored.
Today’s Gospel has the familiar story of the poor woman praying in the Temple who gives what little she has back to God. What’s important to her is not what she doesn’t have but what she does! What matters to her is giving back to God in thanks for the simple gift of life. She sees that her real wealth lies in her capacity to love, to express her gratitude to God through generosity to others.
God, in His infinite love, gave each of us the gift of life! Every day we have the chance to express our thanks, our love. How do you plan to thank God today? How do you plan to use this gift of life?
June 5, 2020 - 9th Friday in Ordinary Time
Street Scene, Bethlehem
Mark 12: 35-7
Scratching My Head!
You ever have the experience of going to a teacher to get them to explain something they said in class? And you walk away even more confused and even more filled with questions than you did before? Yes, I know, many of my students had that happen when I talked about the “chair”. Even my grandsons are like: “please don’t go there; you’re making my head hurt.”
In many ways, throughout the Gospels, Jesus does exactly that. He challenges us, makes us think and not just blindly swallow whatever He is saying. His parables always end with an unexpected twist that no one sees coming. He challenges us to rethink what it means to love, to be a neighbor, how to treat our enemies. Sometimes, most of the time, even the disciples are confused and have to ask Him later – can you explain that to us??
This is a short Gospel reading, only 2 verses. And yet I am scratching my head. The scribes say that the Christ is the Son of David but David calls the Christ LORD! So which is it? How can it be both? Jesus offers no answer or explanation. It is left to the crowd to consider what He meant. It is left to us to believe but that doesn’t necessarily mean to understand.
In the end, Jesus reminds us that following Him is not just simple lip-service. It is following Him with our whole heart, our whole mind and soul. Saying yes to Jesus is not just words but actions. It may be, at times, scratching my head in wonder. But it is always trusting in Jesus that He knows the way!
June 4, 2020 - 9th Thursday in Ordinary Time
Chapel at Cana
Mark 12:28-34
Love is the Answer, and the Question
Finally! A Pharisee asking Jesus an honest question and actually agreeing with His answer!
There are 616 precepts in Jewish Law and asking Jesus which law is the greatest is probably asking for trouble. Jesus’ answer perfectly sums it all up. Why obey all those precepts? Love, love is the answer. I obey the law because I love the law-giver – God! Because I want the relationship to be strong and to flourish.
It’s that love of a parent for a child, the willingness to get up in the middle of the night to give them a glass of water even though you were sleeping soundly. It’s a love that goes out of its way to comfort them when they are sick or skinned their knee. It’s a love that joyfully shares in their laughter even when you have a long list of jobs to do around the house.
It is a love that is active, self-less and expansive. It is love that goes way beyond words and is expressed in how I live my life, how I treat others. It is a love where I lose my self, my selfishness and ego because I am so devoted, so focused on the good of another. That means love is more than just a feeling, more than just another emotion. Love is a way of life! It is taking the infinite love we have received from God and sharing it with others. It is a love that is expressed not merely in words but with our mind, our heart, our soul, our entire being. Love really is the answer!
June 3, 2020 - 9th Wednesday in ordinary Time
Morning in Magdala
Mark 12:18-27
1 Bride for 7 Brothers?
Hypocrisy – Round 2! Today it’s the Sadducees turn to try and get under Jesus’ skin by asking a ridiculous question about heaven. What if a woman ended up marrying 7 men (brothers)? Then who is she married to when she gets to heaven?
Let’s be clear; the Sadducees don’t even want an answer from Jesus; they just want to make Him look foolish. They don’t even believe in a resurrection. And that, I think, is the point. Their only focus is on this life. They believe there is nothing after death. They believe that any reward or punishment happens to us in this life, not the next. So they can only conceive of heaven in human terms, in terms of marriage and human love.
Jesus sets them in their place. He simply says there is no marriage or getting married in heaven. What He means is that heaven is so completely beyond this human existence, so completely beyond anything we can imagine. It is living so totally in the presence of God that simple human desires are trivial. We think we know what love is; Jesus says wait til you get to heaven. Then you will know real love. We think we know what happiness is; just wait!
So if the fears and anxiety of these past few months are getting to you, to us all, and there seems to be no end of bad news and hypocrisy and outright bigotry, just wait! Remember – Jesus is the Resurrection and the Life.
June 2, 2020 - 9th Tuesday in Ordinary Time
Sea of Galilee
Mark 12:13-17
We are all in the same boat!
Hypocrites! They say one thing with smiles and mean something completely opposite. They compliment us to our face and demean us behind our back. They look for ways to to trip us up and make us look foolish. They are our best friend and our worst enemy.
They are the Pharisees in today’s Gospel, looking for a way to discredit Jesus and make Him look foolish. They try to put Jesus in an awkward position when they ask whether to pay the Roman tax. But Jesus’ response puts them in their place.
Give to man what belongs to man and to God what belongs to God. He leaves it to them to answer their own question. During this time of violence and fear, this time of disrespect and lack of common decency, God leaves it to US to answer the same question.
What do we owe to our fellow man? What do we owe to each other? Respect! Equality! The right to a decent job and a fair wage. The right to worship freely. The right to be treated justly and not discriminated against by the color of our skin or our ethnic origin. The right to be treated the same way we want to be treated! Not as animals but as human beings with dignity, honor, and justice. To treat each as members of one family, as children of God.
And what do we owe to God? How about everything! Our life, our livelihood, our family, our friends, our world! Everything! And if that is really true, if it is something we really believe, then we should be treating all of God’s gifts with the respect and love and the dignity they deserve. We should remember that all that God has given us is not our own to do with as we like. We are caretakers of this earth. We are members of one human family. Respect it! Nurture it! Love it!
Someone said recently that the definition of racism is telling the Creator that He made a mistake! That is not the Spirit of Creation! Our God is a God of love; He is our Father. Jesus reminds us again and again; God is the source and summit of all life. And we, His children, are called to live with Him and each other in a relationship of love and respect.
June 1, 2020 - Feast of Mary Mother of the Church
Church of St. Joseph, Nazareth
John 19:25-34
Help Me, Mom!
I can’t begin to count, much less remember, all the times my mom has come to my aid when I needed it. Caring for me when I was sick, helping me with that difficult math homework, supporting me when I moved into my first apartment, listening to me when life got difficult, protecting me when I fell and skinned my knee. Most of the time, it was a dirty, thankless job but she did it anyway and she never looked for thanks or recognition. She did it all out of love.
We celebrate today the Feast of Mary, Mother of the Church. It is a reminder to us all that Mary is not only Jesus’ Mother, but our own. Today’s Gospel tells us the same story. At the cross, Jesus tells John that Mary is now his mother and he is her son. By extension, we have all become Mary’s children and Mary truly is Mother of the Church.
And if we run to our own mothers in times of trouble, times of pain and anguish, so too are we called to run to Mary, to pray for her intercession in times when our soul needs comfort and encouragement. Certainly during these past fews days of violence and unrest, of fear for one’s safety and well-being, at a time when we pray for guidance and leadership, we call to Mary. Help us to heal our wounds, hear us in this troubled time, support our worried souls, and be with us as we search for meaning and peace. Aho!
May 31, 2020- Pentecost SUnday
John 20:19-23; Acts 2:1-11
Come, Holy Spirit!
What energizes you? Your job, your family, a hobby or favorite pastime? What stirs you up, gives you life?
For me, it was my ordination, first Mass, baptism, wedding. It was my own wedding, birth of our daughter, time spent with my grandsons – special times like birthdays, graduation drive-by, simple car ride with philosophy talk?
What gives you life and energy? What is it that changes you from “I don’t want to do anything but sit and vegetate” to ‘let’s get going.”
We see that energy, that breath of life in today’s Gospel – Pentecost! The Holy Spirit coming down upon the Apostles in tongues of fire and a rushing wind. Upon a group of men who, up until today, were in hiding, fearful for their lives, lacking courage. A group of men who basically were illiterate, uneducated farmers and fishermen from a tiny village, country bumpkins far removed from life in the big city.
And yet look at them now – filled with the Spirit, energized, stirred up to spread the Word, converting people from around the known world.
We celebrate today the end of the Easter Season and the return of Ordinary Time. But on this Feast of Pentecost, we also celebrate the birthday of the Church. This is the beginning, when Jesus’ disciples take up His mission of spreading the Word.
It is a reminder to us that, by our Baptism and Confirmation, we have all been filled with the Spirit. We have all been given that energy, that stirring of our spirit to spread the Word. Consider all the time and energy we put in to celebrate a special birthday! How much does your faith energize you?
These are days of unrest and anger, of violence and pain, of hatred and racial divide, of diseases of the body and of the soul. Now more than ever we need to remember that we are all temples of the Holy Spirit, that we are all filled with the Spirit and today is the birth of our faith.
2000 years late, in some ways, we are still huddled together in the Upper Room, in fear. We pray that the Spirit renew us and renew our troubled world. We pray for the Spirit to energize us to bring peace and understanding to this broken world.
May 30, 2020 - 7th Saturday of Easter
Salads, Jerusalem style!
John 21:20-25
Me Me Me!
Two pieces of pie left on the plate, one decidedly bigger than the other. Two brothers looking at the pie. What could go wrong? Mom seizes the moment for a moral lesson. You know, if Jesus was here, He would let his brother choose first. So the older brother says to the younger one “You be Jesus.”
None of us really wants to be Jesus, much less follow Him. It’s too hard. And you know why – because deep down we are all too human. We think too much of ourselves. We envy others. We are jealous of others. We are selfish and want only what’s good for ourselves. We think we have to come first.
We see this in today’s Gospel. Peter basically is asking Jesus – you like him better than me, don’t you? Jesus’ response – so what, don’t worry about others. Don’t be jealous. Don’t be envious! Focus on following Me! Focus on all I have taught you. Love Me and love others. Live your life for others and not for yourself.
It really isn’t about getting the bigger piece of pie! It’s about making sure everyone gets a piece of pie.
May 29, 2020 - 7th Friday of Easter
Peter, do you love me? Sea of Galilee
John 21:15-19
Reconciliation Three-Peat
As Jesus appears to the disciples for almost the last time before His Ascension, He asks Peter “Do you love me?” Not once, but 3 times! A bit of overkill?? Maybe not! Most scripture scholars suggest that these 3 statements of faith are meant to balance out Peter’s 3 denials of Jesus on Holy Thursday night. Still, it seems a bit odd. If this was a conversation between a parent and a child or a teenager, you can picture the child slowly getting annoyed. I answered you once; how many times do I have to say it! Even Peter gets a bit distressed.
Bu this moment shouldn’t make us annoyed; it gives us hope! It tells us that every single time we falter, every time we act sinfully, God also gives us an opportunity to make things right. Every time I act like there is no God, no golden rule, God is still there providing us an opportunity to return to His grace. Every moment in our life, God offers us a chance at reconciliation!
But words are just the first step. Reconciliation also involves action. Jesus challenges Peter to show his love by caring for others. Feed my lambs; feed my sheep. It is not enough to say I love you; put those words into action!
Every day we are given the chance to reconcile with the Father, to reunite with Him in love and friendship. And every day we are given so many chances to act on those words of love, to restore our relationship with God and with each other.
May 28, 2020 - 7th Thursday of Easter
Chapel of Tears, Jerusalem
John 17:20-26
Can’t We All Just Get Along?
Today Jesus continues His prayer to the Father and He prays for one thing – Unity! That we all may be one just as He is One with the Father.
We have heard it before: one Lord, one faith, one Baptism, one church, Pardon me for saying this but I’m not seeing much unity these past few months (or even longer). We are so at odds with each other, politically, socially, spiritually. Everyone seems on edge, ready to pick a fight or argue about anything. We take sides and then dig in, to the point of demeaning the character of others. We look for differences instead of appreciating what we have in common. We lump people into groups instead of appreciating their uniqueness. In short, we seem to be doing the exact opposite of what Jesus is praying for. Boy, do we all need a good infusion of the Spirit!
How can we ever reach unity? The answer, I believe, is in the nature of Jesus’ relationship with the Father. It is a relationship of love! They are united in love. And Jesus’ prayer is that we be one with each other just as Jesus is one with the Father in love. Jesus wants us to realize that we are all a gift from God and we are called to share that gift, to be that gift to others.
Do you want unity? Do you want us all to get along, to treat each other as brothers and sisters, children of God? Then we have to build relationships of love, just as Jesus and the Father. One Lord, one Faith, one Baptism, one Love that unites us all.
May 27, 2020 - 7th Wednesday of Easter
Via Dolorosa, Jerusalem
John 17:11-19
We are the World
Jesus’ words in today’s Gospel are directed in prayer to His Father, asking Him to protect and guide His disciples. But they are also a reminder to us that practicing our faith does not and should not happen in a bubble.
Jesus tells us that we do not belong to this world but we are all sent into this world to change it. And so He asks God not to take us out of this world but to protect us and guide us as we carry the Word to the world. We will face rejection, hatred, ignorance, even abuse for our faith. We will be laughed at and scorned for our beliefs.
It is clear that Christian faith demands not just pious prayers but firm action. We cannot live out our faith one hour one day a week and then rejoin the world as if nothing has changed. Bishop Barron said something along the lines that we are called not so much to modernize the Church but Christify the world! We are called to change the world, not the message!
So what can we do today to make that happen? Check on the well-being of our elderly neighbor? Call up a friend or relative that we haven’t talked to in a while? Send some ‘thinking of you’ greeting cards to residents in a nursing home? How about, when we go shopping, we buy a couple extra food items and drop them off at a food pantry? How about just gathering together as a family for prayer? We may be physically isolated at the moment but there are plenty of ways for us to interact with the world. Spread the Word!
May 26, 2020 - 7th Tuesday of Easter
Dome of the Rock, Jerusalem
John 17:1-11
Time’s Up!
In yesterday’s Gospel reading, Jesus tells His disciples “The hour is coming”, a phrase He uses quite a number of times throughout the Gospels. Even at the Feast at Cana when Mary wants Him to do something about the wine shortage, He tells her that His hour has not yet come. Today things change! Today “the hour has come!” In a matter of hours, He will be arrested, tortured and put to death. Jesus’ hour has come, the time to glorify God His Father, to accomplish the work He was given, to give eternal life to all who believe.
So what about us? What about today? What will we do to glorify God today? What can we do to show our Christian faith today? Not tomorrow or the day after? Today! And if not today, then when? What are we waiting for? Time is Up! The time is Now! Rise and shine! Give God your glory!
May 25, 2020 - 7th Monday of Easter
Church of Holy Sepulchre, Jerusalem
Matthew 28:29-33
A Time to Pause and Remember
Given our present stay-at-home circumstances, it is hard not to identify strongly with this line from today’s Gospel: “Behold, the hour is coming and has arrived when each of you will be scattered to his own home and you will leave me alone”.
We have all been scattered back to our homes; and at times we certainly all feel alone and abandoned during this time of unprecedented illness and fear. In some ways this may have been what the disciples felt yesterday when Jesus left them and ascended to heaven. They certainly didn’t feel like celebrating or rejoicing; in spite of everything Jesus told them, it was a somber event. But they needed the time to remember Jesus’ words – Take courage; I have conquered the world! I will not abandon you and I will send you the Spirit, the Advocate.
And so it is for us today on Memorial Day. It is not a time of celebration, of fireworks and blowing of horns. It is a day to remember all those who gave their lives in service to their country, especially loved ones and family, to preserve our freedom. It is a time of thoughtfulness and gratitude. It is a time of remembrance of lives lost and freedoms preserved. It is a time to also remember that, while we have lost so many lives to war, we have not been abandoned by our Brother Jesus, that we are not alone. Take courage, I am with you always! Have peace in Me!
May 24, 2020 - Solemnity of the Lord’s Ascension
Chapel of the Ascension, Jerusalem
Matthew 28:16-20
A Good Kick in the Pants
I am blessed to be not just a husband, but also a father and a grandfather to 2 boys, Tyler and Nate, 2 teenage boys. Need I say more? And especially during this stay at home, there is little motivation to do anything on time; it becomes almost impossible to even get them out of bed at a decent hour. Rise and shine happens anytime between Noon and 2. And breakfast is really more of a late lunch.
But we also have to remember those days when we were teenagers and that bed felt so warm and cozy and how difficult it was to leave such a comfortable spot. At least until Mom or Dad said – get up, get moving, are you going to sleep all day?
Sometimes this lack of movement is not about a lack of motivation; it’s more about uncertainty of how to move forward. It’s more about what do I do now? We spend years in school with exams and projects and grades and then we graduate and, for some of us, we hit that point right after the ceremony where we ask ourselves – now what?? We all need that kick in the pants!
Or we get that job, after filling out the application, going through the interview and the training, and we sit down at our desk on that first day and we suddenly realize – now what do I do?
I remember my first week of teaching high school religion. After all those years of educational classes and months of preparing for that first week, I had put together class notes that I was sure would last a good 2 weeks of classes. I barely made it through the first day. Now what do I do?? I needed a good kick in the pants!
The apostles are pretty much in the same boat in today’s Scriptures. Jesus is giving them essentially His final instructions. You will be My witnesses to the ends of the earth. You will make disciples of all nations. You will baptize in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and you will teach them My commandments! And you will not be alone – I will be with you, the Spirit will be with you!
And then Jesus ascends into heaven before their eyes. And what do the disciples do? They just stand there gaping up into the sky. You can almost hear them saying to themselves – oh geez, He’s gone! Now what do I do? Well, I’m not gonna go preach first; I’ll let someone else go first. Kind of like Mikey in the Life cereal commercial – I’m not gonna try it, you try it!
It takes 2 angels to appear and knock some sense into them. Why are you just standing around looking up into the sky. Jesus has gone but will return later. So get moving, get busy! He left you a mission! Get to it!
We all have that same mission – to be disciples and missionaries, to spread the word. We are all called to wake up, get out of bed and get moving! We are all called to live out our Baptismal promises to witness to our faith, in our words, in our actions, in our life!
So consider this a group kick in the pants – Get Up! Get Moving! We have work to do!
May 23, 2020 - 6th Saturday of Easter
Rosary Procession, Nazareth
John 16:23-28
I’ve Got a Better Idea
Jesus continues yesterday’s theme of the importance of prayer – whatever you ask of the Father, He will give you. Guess I should have saved yesterday’s homily for today, eh? ;)
Jesus reminds us that God truly is Our Father; He is the one we pray to when we need comfort, help or support. But since He is God, He does already know what we will ask Him. Isn’t that just like a parent. How often have we run to our parents to ask for something and they already knew what we were going to ask for? And God does answer us but not always in the way we expect or want.
My favorite sci-fi show of all time is Doctor Who. It’s been around since 1963 and follows the adventures of an alien who travels throughout time and space in a British police box that he calls the ‘Tardis’. Many times it is more a mis-adventure than an adventure. And from time to time, he complains that the Tardis never takes him where he WANTS to go. And the Tardis wisely responded to him “Yes, but I always take you where you NEED to go.”
Isn’t that the same with God? God hears all our prayers. God answers all our prayers but in unexpected ways. Like the Father He is, God answers us with giving us what we need and not always what we want. Like a loving parent, He knows what is best for us and always finds a way to point us in the right direction, along the path that leads us back to Him.
May 22, 2020 - 6th Friday of Easter
Outside the Old City of Jerusalem
John 16:20-23
I’ve Got Joy Joy Joy Down in My Heart
This is a rather short Gospel today but it actually has 2 different threads running through it. The first is a continuation of yesterday’s theme – in the midst of our pain, there will come joy. Jesus uses the image of a woman going through the pain of giving birth which transforms into the joy of a new life. While I was there right by Ginger’s side for the entire process of bringing our daughter Jaime into the world, my only remembrance of pain was Ginger’s crushing grip as I held her hand throughout the contractions. But the emotion of holding Jaime in my arms for the first time – indescribably joyful and beyond words. And the joy that awaits us in the Kingdom? Way beyond anything we can imagine!
The second thread reminds us of the importance of prayer. “Whatever you ask of the Father in My name, He will give you.” People are not mind-readers. If you want something, you really do have to ask for it. And when we are talking about God, that means prayer. That means we have to talk to God in prayer and do it constantly. But wait a sec, God will always answer our prayers? Really? I will get what I ask for? But that is not my experience! And probably not yours either!
What we have to realize is that God can and does answer all our prayers. But there can be 3 possible answers! Yes, not right now and I have a better idea! God never says NO! Either He says YES, or He says Yes but not right now; it will happen later when I see that the time is right. Or He says I have a better idea, an idea you hadn’t thought of!
Either way, we trust and believe that God answers our prayers. Either way, even in the midst of incredible pain, God does hear our cry and really does respond, at a time that is best for us and in a way that will bring us joy!
May 21, 2020 - 6th Thursday of Easter
Gethsemane Grotto
John 16:16-20
This is Gonna Hurt - Part 2
Your little child runs into the house screaming in pain after falling and skinning her knee. She’s bleeding and scared. And you do what any parent does – you hold her, calm her down as best you can. You tell her this will hurt a bit when you clean her wounds but you also tell her it will all get better. And a bit later, you have her smiling again and running back outside to play. Your words and actions all convey your love and your compassion for what she is going through. And her actions show her faith in you.
This is exactly what Jesus is saying to the Apostles in today’s Gospel. You are going to feel pain with My suffering and death. You will suffer at the hands of others for professing the faith. You will be persecuted and even put to death for believing in Me. Your grief will be great. But in the end, you will also feel joy, joy in the resurrection, joy in the kingdom of heaven.
His words are filled with love and compassion. Just like a parent would do anything to take away the pain and make it like it never happened, Jesus knows that pain and grief are a part of life. But Jesus also knows that death is not the end. That is not always easy for us to accept. The loss of a loved one is crushing and life-changing. It takes a good deal of trust, of faith, that God will ease our sadness and that He has truly prepared a place for us in heaven.
Just like a parent with an injured child, we give comfort and hope. So too does Jesus do the same with the Apostles and us! Have Faith!
May 20, 2020 - 6th Wednesday of Easter
John 16:12-15
The Spirit of Truth
In today’s Gospel, Jesus promises to send the Spirit of Truth, to guide us in all things. We all need guidance, we all need to listen and hear the truth. We all need a helping hand. A simple but powerful message for all of us; so let’s just keep it simple today!
O Great Spirit
Sea of Galilee
Help me always
To speak the truth quietly,
To listen with an open mind
When others speak.
And to remember the peace
That may be found in silence.
May 19, 2020 - 6th Tuesday of Easter
Orthodox Church, Jerusalem
John 16:5-11
They’ve been with Him for 3 years. Traveled from town to town on foot, shared meals together, witnessed countless miracles, raising the dead, casting out demons, calming storms. 3 years of learning from Him, listening to His parables, His instructions, His verbal battles with the Pharisees. And in just hours, He will be arrested, tortured and put to death. They are devastated! Jesus says it Himself – grief has filled their hearts!
We all know grief, felt it, suffered through it. We have all lost loved ones to death and disease. We have all felt the pain of a shattered relationship, the loneliness of despair, the emptiness and devastation of a life no longer there.
And yet, in the midst of all that sadness, Jesus still comforts them. He reminds them that this is not the end, that the Advocate will be coming. The Spirit will come and fill their hearts. And so it is for us, Even in the middle of the night, the Spirit will tend to our wounds and heal our distress. Even in our grief, the Spirit is with us.
Through it all, through it all
My eyes are on You
And through it all, through it all
It is well!
And through it all, through it all
My eyes are on You
And it is well with me
And far be it from me to not believe
Even when my eyes can't see
And this mountain that's in front of me
Will be thrown into the midst of the sea
And through it all, through it all
My eyes are on You
And through it all, through it all
It is well
May 18, 2020 - 6th Monday of Easter
Storms over Mt. Carmel
John 15:26-16:4
This is Gonna Hurt
Nobody likes going to the dentist. Even worse, nobody likes hearing the dentist say “This may hurt a bit.” A bit? Right, that’s dentist code for grab the armrests and hold on; it’s gonna be a bumpy ride.
That is what we hear in today’s Gospel. This is gonna hurt! You are going to feel pain, to suffer. People will toss you out of the synagogue, torture you, even kill you for your faith. The world is full of anger and violence and you are going to feel it because of your faith in me. But because of that faith, I am sending you the Spirit, the Advocate to guide and support you. Keep the faith! Storms are coming but you are not alone.
Nobody likes hearing bad news; we tend to avoid it at all costs. Nobody wants to hear that we could die for our Christian faith. It begs the question – What are you willing to die for? Who are you willing to die for? Best friend? Parents? Child? Religious beliefs?
We always seem to ask that question. But maybe it’s time to re-phrase the question! What are you willing to LIVE for? What are you willing to spend your life in service to? In this world of uncertainty and violence and selfishness, what are you willing to direct your entire life toward? Is this life gonna hurt? Yes, of course! But what would give your life meaning and purpose? Is your faith so important, so valuable, that you are willing to face this world and be recognized as a follower of Jesus?
May 17, 2020 - 6th Sunday of Easter
Deacon Ordination May 17, 2015
John 14:15-21
Family Connections
As I read over today’s Gospel, 3 words kept popping up in my mind: commandments, love, and Advocate. Keep my commandments, I love you, and I will send you an Advocate. On face value, they don’t relate, looked at together they don’t make any sense. But maybe they do…
When I was in grade school, I was a pretty good student. But the one subject I loved more than anything was Spelling! From 5th grade to 8th, I got far enough into the qualifying round for the National Spelling Bee. And every year, I lost and I lost to the same kid! So when I got to 8th grade, I knew this was my last chance. I studied day and night, pored over the list of words and prepared myself better than I ever had before. So when the qualifying round began, I was confident and ready! And as other students slipped up and stepped down, I continued to progress, until it was down to me and my nemesis. The next word I got was unfamiliar and I did the best I could; I thought I nailed it correctly. I was wrong and the bell dinged.
What I wasn’t prepared for was what happened next. I saw my dad come running down the aisle from his seat in the auditorium, I saw him race over to the judges to plead my case, to stand up for me, to defend. He didn’t win the argument with the judges. But you know what, that didn’t matter to me at all. I realized that some things are way more important than a spelling bee. Life is more about commandments and love and having an Advocate.
Growing up, we had rules to follow, just like everyone does, and we knew there would be a parental response when the rules were broken. My Dad was the enforcer! And discipline was swift and effective. But it wasn’t til that spelling bee in 8th grade that I realized that rules were important and that enforcing the rules was done out of love and not meanness or hard-heartedness.
That was the day I saw the reason for having rules, that was the day I saw the love my father had for me, that was the day I saw him not just as the enforcer but as my Advocate – my protector, my guide, my counselor! I began to see what the relationship between parent and child is all about. About rules, yes. But also about love and about guidance!
And that is what Jesus is talking about today – our relationship with God the Father. Are there rules? Commandments? Yes! But the rules are there to guide us and give us direction. And they are made out of love! God calls us to a relationship of love, love between parent and child. And He promises us that He will never abandon us; He will always be there to love us, to guide us, to counsel us. Jesus says it Himself – I will never leave you as orphans. You are not alone!
5 years ago today, I was ordained a permanent deacon! 5 years ago today I put on this stole (the one in the picture) for the very first time! It was a gift from my wife Ginger. But it also a reminder to me that throughout the 4 years of formation, of classes and exams and oral presentations and practicums – I did not reach ordination all by myself. And these past 5 years of serving as a Deacon were also not spent alone!
All of you, my family, Ginger, Jaime, Josh, Tyler and Nate, Ginger’s mom and dad, my parents, sisters and brother. My St. Kateri family and my St. Robert’s family. You have all supported, prayed for, guided and inspired me. You have never let me feel alone. You have always reminded me that God is with us always, in His commandments, in His love and in His Spirit of wisdom.
It is a reminder to me of the words of one of my favorite Christian songs:
Close your eyes, lay your head down
Now it's time to sleep
May you find great adventure
As you lie and dream
If you're scared of the darkness
I will calm your fear
There's a light in the hallway
So you know I'm here
So count your blessings every day
It makes the monsters go away
And everything will be okay
You are not alone
You are right at home
Goodnight, goodnight
Chi Miigwetch!!
May 16, 2020 - 5th Saturday of Easter
Church of Peter’s Primacy (Upon this rock, I will build my Church)
John 15:18-21
It Ain’t Easy Being Green, I Mean Christian
It’s not easy to be Christian, to be Catholic, not in the world we live in. Obviously right now, it is down-right depressing – no access to church, to Mass, to the Eucharist. But, let’s face it, even before corona-19 appeared, this secular world wanted no part of what we believe in. Truth? Honesty? Kindness? Selflessness? Focusing on possessions and not others? Simple common decency? Looking out for the poor, the downtrodden, the neglected? Nope, nope, this world wants none of that!
Jesus saw that attitude even in the world that He and the Apostles lived in. “The world hates you and it will persecute you because of me.” Things have certainly not changed. It would be so easy to just give in and give up and follow the crowd. Take the easy road! But the only real benefit to the easy road is that it’s easy, nothing more. It is ultimately unfulfilling.
It boils down to a question philosophers and theologians have debated for centuries -Are we bodies with a soul or souls with a body? Catch the difference? What matter more – the body or the soul? Jesus answers this question in today’s Gospel. You do not belong to this world! So don’t get so attached to it. You belong to God; your destiny is the kingdom of heaven. This world is temporary; life with Me is forever.
So go ahead, be kind today, help out a stranger. Be truthful and decent! Love your neighbor! Be Christian! Will some people hate you for it? Certainly! Will you be persecuted for taking a ‘neighborly’ approach to others? Absolutely! But that’s the point. We are called not to change ourselves to fit the world. We are called to change the world, to Christify the world!
May 15, 2020 - 5th Friday of Easter
Overlooking the Old City of Jerusalem
John 15:12-17
You Got a Friend in Me
If it feels like your memory is slipping away, I had the same reaction. Didn’t we just hear this same Gospel yesterday? Yes, we really did, although I did have to double-check a couple of times just to be sure my mind wasn’t playing tricks on me. Kind of the reverse of walking into a room and forgetting why you are there. Anyway…..
In today’s Gospel Jesus tells the disciples “I call you friends for so indeed you are”. Friends!! Not simply followers or disciples! Not subjects or worshippers! Not even mere companions! Friends! It’s a good opportunity for us today to reflect on what it means to be a friend, what it means to have a best friend. Friendship, real friendship, is a relationship built on love and not convenience, based on the depth of that love and not frequency of contact.
At its core, a real friend is someone who accepts you as you are, not as they want you to be. A real friend is someone who has seen you at your worst and still stands beside you. A real friend loves you, warts and all. A real friend sees the best in you even when you refuse to see it yourself.
Jesus calls His disciples friends, He has seen them at their worst; they doubt Him, they deny Him, they abandon Him. And He still calls them friends. He still loves them enough to lay down His life for them. And not just for the disciples but for each of us. He has seen all of us at our worst, even when we doubted, even when we turned our back on Him. And yet He still loves us, still walks with us, still recognizes the good in us.
My wife Ginger always has this one word to remind me of our relationship – STUCK!! We are stuck to each other, stuck with each other, in every good sense imaginable. It means, no matter what, I am right here by your side, we are stuck together; we face whatever life throws at us TOGETHER! And so Jesus reminds us today – you’ve got a friend in Me! And I’m not going anywhere! STUCK!
May 14, 2020 - Feast of St. Matthias, Apostle
Anointing Stone, Church of Holy Sepulchre
John 15:9-17
A Roll of the Dice
We celebrate today the Feast of St. Matthias, Apostle. And here is what we know about Matthias – he was selected by lot to take Judas’ place as one of the Twelve. That’s it; that’s all we know. No background! No info on his missionary work or even his death, nothing! All we have is a roll of the dice!
So was that all just a matter of chance? Sheer blind luck? Today’s Gospel tells us that was not the case. Jesus tells His Apostles “It was not you who chose me, but I who chose you”. Luck had nothing to do with it! It was divinely inspired. God was at work as He always is. We like to think our parents made this conscious decision to have us baptized. Or we believe that we make this choice to receive the sacraments. But in reality, it wasn’t our choice at all. It was our response! The choice was God’s! God chose us as His children out of love. What we see as a personal choice is really a response to God’s call!
This coming Sunday I will celebrate the 5th anniversary of my ordination as a Permanent Deacon. (Time flies!) Way back in my first year of deacon formation, I mistakenly kept thinking about whether this is something I want to do, something I can choose to do. I was so wrong. It wasn’t about what I wanted. It was all about discerning whether this is what God wants me to do. Is this where God is calling me? And how do I respond?
God calls each and every one of us to follow Him, to follow His commandments, to love one another. What we have to decide is how to answer God’s call! What is our response?
May 13, 2020 - 5th Wednesday of Easter
Garden of Olives, Gethsemane
John 15:1-8
I guess today’s Gospel cannot be much clearer. Jesus is the vine and we are the branches. Jesus gives us life and, if we stay connected to Him, we will be alive and healthy. As long as we stay connected, He feeds and nourishes us. The connection to the Eucharist is rather obvious – we are spiritually nourished by His Body and Blood. The Eucharist sustains us, helps us to grow in our relationship with Jesus and with each other.
Our role as the branches is simple – to bear fruit! If we are being fed, then we have to grow in faith and in love. Otherwise we cut ourselves off from the vine and from the other branches. It is not enough for us to just be alive, to go through the motions of religion. We must be fruitful. Our faith in God must deepen and flourish. This speaks to us of a connection not only to Jesus the Vine but also to each other, the branches.
At a time when we are separated from the Eucharist, that is not easy. But remember, if we are connected to the Vine (Jesus), then we are also intimately connected to each other. Again it is a connection of faith and love. Can we not still act in faith and love towards each other even in this time of separation? Can we not still reach out and check on our fellow ‘branches’? As separated as we are, those connections have become so much more important in their absence.
Maybe this is a good time to re-connect with family and friends, to restore and revitalize those former connections so that all the branches grow just a little bit more, bear just a little more fruit!
May 12, 2020 - 5th Tuesday of Easter
John 14:27-31
Peace be with You
I think most of us would agree that, over these last couple of months, in a sense, things have been a lot more peaceful. So much less airplanes in the sky, cars on the streets, streets so empty. And yet, if that’s our definition of peace, then I think we’re missing something.
Too often, we seem to define peace as the ‘lack’ or ‘absence’ of something else. Peace is the absence of war, the lack of noise or the absence of stress in our lives; peace is getting away from everything and everyone. Given that perspective, then, peace is a sort of emptiness and not a presence of anything. Is that it? Is that all there is? If so, then peace is just contentment, freedom from distractions; it comes across as being very passive and very temporary. We get away somewhere or we find a cozy corner away from people to get some peace and quiet. It seems lonely and ultimately unfulfilling.
That is not the peace that Jesus speaks of today! “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give it to you.” It is not the sort of peace we are used to; but it is the peace that we all need! It’s not the peace that comes from absence; it IS the peace that comes from PRESENCE, Jesus’ presence in our lives and our acknowledgement of it. Perhaps peace is realizing that Jesus is always with us and we have nothing to fear. Perhaps peace is the realization of the presence of the Spirit within us. And, far from doing nothing, that awareness and presence energizes us to action, to be Christ-like to others.
We are all used to sharing the Sign of Peace at Mass. Maybe it’s time to see that action not as a simple gesture of sharing but a call to action, to spread peace to others, especially in this time of loneliness and fear. Peace be with you!
May 11, 2020 - 5th Monday of Easter
Church of St. Peter Primacy, Sea of Galilee
John 14:21-26
It’s Not That Simple
Do you know the difference between right and wrong? Good and bad? Do you know the Ten Commandments? Do you know Jesus’ great commandment to love God and love our neighbor? Do you know that observing the commandments will bring us eternal life? Do you know that not following the law of love will lead us in the opposite direction?
So what’s the problem? Why do we keep falling down? Why do we keep making mistakes, sometimes the same mistake over and over again? We’ve been shown the Way! We know the Way! And yet we keep choosing to travel another way.
Jesus recognizes that and He promises in today’s Gospel to give us some help. He promises to send the Advocate, the Holy Spirit to remind us of all that He taught us. Let’s face it, we all need reminders; we all need encouragement and support. We were filled with that Spirit at Baptism and in Confirmation. We continue to be filled with the Spirit. Sometimes we just need the Spirit’s gentle reminder to get back on the right path. That Great Spirit speaks to us every day in our hearts, in the kindness of others, in the wonders of nature. We just need to open our eyes and ears and pay attention. Aho!
May 10, 2020 - 5th Sunday of Easter
Fortress of Masada, near Dead Sea
John 14:1-12
The Carrot, the Egg and the Coffee Beans
There was a young woman who was having a lots of problems with life – job, relationships, pretty much everything. She was struggling and wanted to just give up. So she went to see her mom for some advice. After hearing her story, her mom had her put 3 pots on the stove to boil and put a carrot in the first pot, an egg in the second and coffee beans in the third and then let the pots boil.
After 20 minutes, she fished out the carrot, egg and some of the coffee and asked her daughter what she saw. A carrot, an egg and coffee! No, she said, you need to look closer. Each object faced the same adversity – boiling water – but each one reacted differently. The carrot went in strong and rigid but came out soft and weak. The egg went in fragile but came out hard and unrelenting. But the coffee beans? They were different. They changed the water; they changed to situation!
So how will you handle life’s problems? Do you start strong but then go soft and lose your strength? Will you go in gentle and fluid like the egg but come out hardened and stiff? Or will you be the coffee beans and change the situation around you and make it better?
We all struggle with life, we all worry about tomorrow. We are all are afraid of something – the dark, heights, water, enclosed spaces, spiders, being alone or ignored or rejected. How do we respond? Like the carrot? The egg? Or the coffee beans?
But listen to the beginning of today’s gospel – de not let your hearts be troubled, be not afraid! Be not afraid – it is the most repeated word in the whole Bible – 365 times!! Imagine that, one for every day of the year. Jesus and the Apostles are gathered for the Last Supper and the Apostles are terrified, heartsick. They are in fear of the future and what will happen to Jesus, what will happen to them. Jesus knows what is coming – His arrest, trial, torture, crucifixion and death. And yet He is focused not on Himself but on his friends and their fears!
And what does He say – Don’t let your hearts be troubled, do not be afraid! Don’t worry! You are not alone! Trust in me! Trust in God! Turn that fear into trust, into faith!
And that is the theme of all today’s readings – trust in the Lord, have faith. Dispel your doubts and your fears. We are all living in a time of uncertainty, of stress and worry for ourselves and our loved ones. We listen to the numbers of those hospitalized and those who have passed and we are afraid! Just like He did with the Apostles, Jesus understands! He sees your pain and fear. And He responds to us – do not let your hearts be troubled, believe in Me, believe in the Father, believe in my promise of eternal life!
May 9, 2020 - 4th Saturday of Easter
Church of St. Catherine, Nazareth
John 14:7-14
I just don’t Understand
We hear a lot about “knowing” in today’s Gospel. “If you know me, you know also the Father.” It’s a relatively simple word but too often misunderstood.
We pass someone on the street and we tell our spouse “I know that guy”. Really? How well do you know him? You mean you recognize him? You know his name? His likes and dislikes? His favorite food or sports team? His hobbies? What do you mean “you know him?”
Most languages have more than one word for the concept of “knowing”. Latin has ‘scio’ and ‘cognosco’. French has “savoir” and “connaitre”. And they mean something completely different. It’s the difference between being familiar with something and really undertstanding something. For example, I flip a light switch. I know the light goes on. For me, that means I am familiar with the light going on; I recognize it. It does NOT mean that I understand how electricity works, what wires should connect together or how the filament in the lightbulb works. Two very different meanings for a simple word.
So what does it mean to know God? Do I, can I really ever understand Him fully? Or do I simply recognize Him; am I just familiar with Him? Neither meaning seems to work here. Perhaps the real meaning lies somewhere in between. Let’s face it, we can never fully understand God. But I would hope that we are familiar with Him, that we have had some experience with Him, that we can recognize Him and His work in our lives. Hopefully that experience or familiarity leads us to something more, to something deeper, to a real relationship with Him. And that is what God calls us to – a relationship with Him, a relationship of love. To see Him at work in our lives, to see Him through the actions and love of others. God is all around us each and every day. Do you know God? Did you see Him in the sunrise or the frost on the grass? Did you recognize Him in the birth of a child or the kindness of a stranger? Do you see Him? Do you recognize Him?
May 8, 2020 - 4th Friday of Easter
A Commune in Galilee
John 14:1-6
I Don’t Need No Stinking Map
Wow, talk about déjà vu! Today’s Gospel is going to sound very familiar to you, It’s a shorter version of this coming Sunday’s Gospel. So now for something completely different…..
Like any good husband, I prefer to be the driver and that also means I know where we are going all the time. Who needs a map? Who needs directions? I got this! I think I inherited it from my father. He always got us there but not always very quickly. My mom would complain – why is it taking so long? My dad would respond – we’re taking the scenic route! That’s code for – I’m being stubborn!
We like to think we don’t need any help; we can do this on our own. We know the way to go and we will get there – eventually! So it’s rather refreshing to hear Thomas in today’s Gospel say that he doesn’t know the way. Maybe he was the backseat driver? But Jesus gently reminds them that He is the way. The way to heaven, to eternal life, is through our belief in Jesus!
The problem remains – we are still very stubborn – we think we know better, we think we know what’s best for us and we can handle everything on our own. I don’t need a map or GPS or a navigator. I got this! So for once, let’s put aside the stubbornness and let’s let Jesus take the wheel or at least let’s listen to His directions and actually follow them. He knows the Way! He is the Way! And the Truth! And the Life!!
May 7, 2020 - 4th Thursday of Easter
On the Shores of the Sea of Galilee
John 13:16-20
Sharing the Journey
We have all lost friends, people who said they would stand by us forever and yet turned around and spread vicious rumors behind our back. We have all had friends who say one thing to our face and completely trash us when our back is turned. Betrayed! Used! Kicked to the curb! People we thought we knew and trusted, people we confided in and leaned on.
In today’s Gospel, Jesus had that same experience. He has just shared His Body and Blood with the Apostles. He has just washed their feet! But then He says “The one who ate my food has raised his heel against me.” After all He has done, He reveals that Judas will betray Him. Can you imagine how He must have felt? And yet, He still moves forward, He still continues to reassure His friends that they are not alone, that He will still send the Spirit and they will be transformed. He doesn’t give up on them.
35 years ago, I lost my best friend. Since then, I haven’t seen him, talked to him, nothing! I still don’t even know why he stopped talking to me. But that kind of experience shouldn’t stop any of us from sharing our friendship with others; it shouldn’t make us retreat into a ball of anger or mistrust. It certainly didn’t stop Jesus. We have all lost friends. What matters is how we handle it, how we move forward in life and whether we let one broken relationship color all the others.
Jesus reminds us today that the Spirit does indeed dwell within us, that we are not alone, that He has not abandoned us. And we are called to treat each other in the same way. Never be cruel, never be cowardly. Remember – hate is always foolish…and love is always wise. Always try to be nice and never fail to be kind. And always share the journey.
May 6, 2020 - 4th Wednesday of Easter
Church of the Holy Sepulcher, Jerusalem
John 12:44-50
There’s a Light on in the Hallway
When our daughter was little, we had a whole bedtime routine to go through every night before she settled down to sleep. I imagine all of you had something similar. We would read a story or two to her. But then we would open the closet door, look under the bed and shoo out of the room all the ghosts and “littles” so that she could sleep peacefully. We would of course also leave a light on for her to feel safe.
Today’s Gospel really brings that memory back when I read “I came into the world as light, so that everyone who believes in me might not remain in darkness”. We all have moments of darkness, even as adults. Moments when we are lost, frightened, so unsure of the future that we just want to crawl under the covers and wish all the monsters to go away. But Jesus reminds us today that we are not alone, that we are not lost in the darkness, He came into this world to bring light, to be light for us. He is our Light of the World and He calls us out of the darkness to share in that light!
It reminds me of a song “Light in the Hallway” by an acapella group Pentatonix. I included the lyrics below and a link if you want to listen to the song. So spend some time today reflecting on the lights in your life: Jesus, your best friend, family, etc. And then consider how you have been a light for others! Jesus calls us to let His light shine not just ON us but THROUGH us!
Close your eyes, lay your head down
Now it's time to sleep
May you find great adventure
As you lie and dream
If you're scared of the darkness
I will calm your fear
There's a light in the hallway
So you know I'm here
So count your blessings every day
It makes the monsters go away
And everything will be okay
You are not alone
You are right at home
Goodnight, goodnight
May 5, 2020 - 4th Tuesday of Easter
On the shores of the Mediterranean Sea – Tel Aviv
John 10:22-30
Are You Listening?
Clean your room. Pick up your dirty clothes. Do your homework. Close the door. Put your dirty dishes in the sink. How many times do I have to tell you? I’m guessing every single one of us has not only heard these words but also spoken them at some point in our lives. My mom always called it selective hearing; we only hear what we want to hear.
And that is what is going on in today’s Gospel. The Pharisees want Jesus to tell them who He really is. His response? I already told you! He then compares them to His flock of followers – my sheep hear my voice; they listen to me! You are deaf! They are not!
It’s a good lesson for all of us. At times we all have selective hearing; we hear only what we want to hear. We want praise and avoid criticism even if it’s meant to be constructive. And yet too often we need to be corrected, to be guided back to the right path by our Good Shepherd. We need to listen! All the time, not just selectively!
Have you noticed lately? The incredible decrease in noise in our lives! There are less planes in the sky. There are fewer cars on the streets. Less foot traffic outside the house. It has gotten so much quieter these past 7 weeks. And perhaps not just less noise, there are also less distractions! At times our selective hearing is also due to all the noise and distraction in our lives. We can’t hear the violin for the orchestra!
For good or bad, we now have an incredible amount of quiet time available to us. How will we use it? To clean the house? Recycle that overflowing closet? Rearrange all the kitchen shelves? Repaint the rec room? Take care of that honey-do list? How about adding one thing to the list – LISTEN! Take some time daily, sit down, breathe, open our ears and LISTEN! Listen to the voce of the Good Shepherd!
May 4, 2020 - 4th Monday of Easter
Walking the Via Dolorosa
John 10:11-18
A Member of the Flock
How are we followers of Jesus? How did it happen? What made us become a member of the flock? Yes, Jesus chose us but how have we responded? How have we chosen to follow Him?
Today’s Gospel continues Jesus’ discourse on the Good Shepherd. But since we focused on the goodness of the Shepherd yesterday, let’s look at the sheep, the flock. How do we recognize Jesus by the sound of His voice? Why do we follow Him? Do we find comfort and protection in Him? Do we trust He will lead us safely?
He willingly gave His life for us out of love? He guides us, protects us, nourishes us, shelters us! How do we respond? What draws us to Him? Is it the sound of His voice? His loving actions? His suffering and death for our salvation? What made you follow Him? And how will you follow Him today? What can you do today that reflects your faith as a Christian, as a follower of the Good Shepherd, as a faithful member of the flock?
May 3, 2020 - 4th Sunday of Easter
Verdant Pastures / Restful Waters of Sea of Galilee
John 10:1-10
Mary Had a Little Lamb
Mary had a little lamb……….. you know the rest. We hear a lot about sheep/shepherds in today’s readings: the very familiar Psalm response – the Lord is my shepherd and the Gospel where Jesus calls Himself the Good Shepherd and the Gatekeeper. But unless we grew up in the country or worked on a farm, our experience of sheep is probably limited to nursery rhymes and petting zoos.
Sheep, especially from a child’s perspective, are cute, cuddly. They seem so innocent and trusting. But n a word, sheep are DUMB! Without any guidance, they will wander anywhere, they will eat anything. They have no natural defenses and, without a protector, they are food for any predator, fair game for any robber.
They need a shepherd, someone who watches over them full-time. There is no such thing as a day off for a shepherd; he lives with them day in and day out. He feeds them, guides them, and protects them. That is what it means when the Psalm says: the Lord is my shepherd, there is nothing I shall want. In verdant pastures he gives me repose; beside restful waters he leads me; he refreshes my soul. He guides me in right paths for his name’s sake. Even though I walk in the dark valley, I fear no evil; for you are at my side.
A shepherd protects his flock; he lays down his life for them. At night, he leads them into his cave/corral. But there is no real gate. The shepherd lies down at the entrance and becomes a living gate to protect them from any predators or robbers. Anything that wants to attack his sheep has to face him first! A shepherd literally lays down his life for his sheep.
Jesus truly is the Good Shepherd; He knows His sheep and we know Him. Throughout our lives, He guides us, feeds us, protects us. Even when we are so stubborn that we refuse to listen, when we want to go our own way, to ignore His direction, He gently calls us back to Him, calms our fears, stays with us and leads us to restful waters. We are weak but His strength gives us courage. We are defenseless but He protects us. On our own, we are lost but He guides us along the right path to eternal life.
Mary did indeed have a little lamb, the Lamb of God, the Good Shepherd who gathers us here today to hear His Word and then to trust in Him as we face the day.
May 2, 2020 - 3rd Saturday of Easter
Capernaum on Sea of Galilee
John 6:60-69
You Can’t Handle the Truth
We have all faced moments like this in our lives. Maybe it was Mom and Dad sitting us down to hit us with the hard truth, the stark reality of life. Maybe we messed up and now it was time to come clean and face the punishment. Maybe it was having to deal with a harsh reality: sudden death or illness, the breakup of a family or a relationship, or the boss sitting us down for a performance review that does not go well.
Harsh, stark reality! In the times we live in, this strikes home even more acutely. Having to sit our children down to talk to them about Covid-19. Having to explain what a pandemic is! And searching for ways to answer the tough questions. Why can’t I go outside and play with my friends? Why can’t I go to school? Why do I have to wear a mask? Why can’t we go to McDonalds? Why do I have to do my school work? You’re not my teacher! There are no easy questions and certainly no easy answers!
Many of Jesus’ disciples, in today’s Gospel, also have a difficult time with the truth. Jesus is offering them His Body and Blood; He is offering them eternal life. And they can’t accept it; they refuse to believe it. In fact, many of His disciples walk away and go back to their former lives. Instead of moving forward in life and in faith, they choose to go back to the way things used to be. They turn their backs on life eternal and head home.
So Jesus asks the Apostles whether they are going to leave as well. And Peter answers with a stunning profession of faith. Where else should we go? You have the words of eternal life! We know that you are the Holy One of God!
In moments of trial and testing, when life hits us with harsh reality, Jesus asks us the same question! Are you going to leave me? Are you going to turn your back on me? Or will you continue to follow me?
May 1, 2020 - Feast of St. Joseph the Worker
St. Joseph’s Church, Nazareth
Matthew 13:54-58
A Man of Action
Back when I was in high school in the seminary, I remember my Dad picking me up to bring me home for the summer. I had let my hair grow, really grow, over the past few months. My Dad said not one word. Instead, he drove me straight to the barber shop for a haircut and then home. Not a word was spoken; none was needed. I got the message loud and clear. My Dad was a man of very few words but his actions spoke volumes! And those actions spoke of a man of compassion, dedication to his family, ready and willing to put in the work to take care of those he loved.
We celebrate today the Feast of St. Joseph the Worker. If you spent some time poring over all the Gospels looking for enlightening words from St. Joseph, it would be a complete waste of time. We do not hear any words from Joseph. Rather it is his actions that speak to us; it is his response to God that shows his faith in the Lord and his love for his family. He hears God’s words and he acts – such deep faith and trust, such hope
In today’s Gospel, Jesus returns to Nazareth to preach and the people won’t listen! This is just the carpenter’s son; he can’t be a prophet. Joseph is defined by what he does, his work. And it is that work that we remember today. It is a reminder not only of Joseph’s faith but also the dignity of work. It is a reminder of the value of laboring for others, of the value of simple honest work done out of love for one’s family.
Joseph labors in silence but his work, his efforts, speaks volumes. He hears God’s words and he acts – such deep faith and trust, such hope. We are all called to this – good, honest work performed out of faith, hope, compassion, generosity, kindness and patience. We are all called to daily labor! So let’s especially remember today all those who work for the benefit of others, particularly all of our first responders – police, firefighters, doctors, nurses, nurse practitioner, farmers, truck drivers, merchants, and many more, too many to list! We celebrate their time and effort, their toil and labor in service to others. We pray for their well-being and their safety.
April 30, 2020 - 3rd Thursday of Easter
Mass in the Cave at Bethlehem
John 6:44-51
Bread - the Staff of Life
Bread! Simple, basic food, the staff of life, as many would say. It is a food that crosses borders and transcends cultures. It it the same around the world and yet completely different. And there is such a variety of names: soda bread, bagel, naan, injera, pita, tortilla, brioche, Italian, matzoh, challah, roti, lavash, English muffin, frybread and so many more. It is one food that all cultures share and yet is, at the same time, different in preparation, look and taste. For all intents and purposes, it sustains all of us, gives us life and binds us all together.
Jesus, in today’s Gospel, continues to explain to the crowd that He is the Bread of Life, not merely for this human life but life eternal. Not bread made by human hands but bread from heaven. Not bread that gives us life and nourishment for a day but His flesh that gives us eternal life.
It is this bread of life that we have been missing, that we have been craving for many weeks now. We may be scattered, separated, isolated from family and friends. We may feel lost and saddened and cut off from our church, our parish, our sacraments. But we are not cut off from our faith, our faith in God and our firm belief that Jesus really is the Bread of Life. He binds us all together, draws us all together, holds us all together.
Someone said recently that, given the corona virus, we are all in the same boat. I’d slightly disagree! We are all in the same storm but we are all in different boats. We all have our own specific circumstance, our own unique situation. But we are all dealing with the same storm. And it is the one true Bread of Life that unites us all in faith as we all seek to weather this storm.
April 29, 2020 - 3rd Wednesday of Easter
Open Market in Jerusalem
John 6:35-40
Spiritual Hunger
If we are really honest with ourselves, we are all going a bit stir-crazy. I mean, we love our family, would do anything for them. But this is getting ridiculous. Let’s face it, we are all getting on each others’ nerves, no matter how much we love each other. Our tempers and our patience are in short supply. And each day seems much like the previous one.
I sometimes wonder how much of this anxiety and short-temper are due to a lack of spiritual nourishment. None of us has ever been separated from the Eucharist for this long of a time and there seems to be no end in sight. Today’s Gospel tells us that Jesus is the Bread of Life, our source of spiritual food and eternal life. Whoever comes to Him will never hunger and never thirst.
We are all famished; we are all struggling with a hunger for the Eucharist. And we are probably taking out that hunger, taking out that parched thirst, on the ones we love, our family! But Jesus reminds us at the end of today’s Gospel – everyone who sees the Son and believes will have eternal life. So while we are separated from reception of the Eucharist, we are still called to see Jesus in each other. We are all called to set aside our impatience, our short tempers, and see Jesus in our family and to be Jesus to them.
Not so easy, I know. But maybe we could set aside some time each day for a simple family activity, whether it’s to play a silly game or perhaps to bake some bread – that seems rather appropriate for today! Forget about the argument from yesterday or the meltdown from this morning. Forget about the mess you might make, forget about the cleanup! Just work together, play together and, in the process, maybe see Jesus in each other!
April 28, 2020 - 3rd Tuesday of Easter
Zucchini Bread Prep
John 6:30-35
Knead to Know
Well, so much for yesterday’s budding faith that the crowd following Jesus seemed to be showing. Today it becomes obvious – all they are interested in is another miracle – give us another meal, give us more bread like Moses did with manna in the desert. It’s like they are a group of little kids in front of a magician – ooh, cool, do it again! Jesus’ response, however, is not one of action, but of words. I am the Bread of Life!
As many of you know, I fancy myself a bit of a baker, at least as far as zucchini bread is concerned. When the opportunity and the time presents itself, I will go on a baking binge and easily make a couple of dozen loaves at a time. It’s meticulous, time-consuming and work but oh so rewarding. But it is not the same as baking something else, like bread. That is a whole different ballgame.
Last week, now that I have all this extra time, I tried my hand at making biscuits from scratch. All in all, I was pretty pleased with myself. I’d never done it before but they did turn out really good. One step closer to making bread but not there just yet. I am still very nervous about taking that step. I know it will take a lot longer to make. I know it will take a lot more work, kneading and rolling and kneading the dough. I know it will take a lot of time and patience – stepping away, doing nothing and letting the dough rise. And even then there is the anxiety of waiting for it to come out of the oven and tasting it. A lot of work, maybe too much work! But in the end, worth it! And don't even get me started on trying to make frybread!
Jesus today offers us the Bread of Life, His own Body and Blood in the Eucharist. We know that, in order to attain eternal life, it is going to take work, effort, time and a lot of patience, especially with ourselves. But it is worth the effort, right? It has now been 52 days since I last deaconed a Mass, since I received Communion. I know that is something we are all going through, this separation from the Eucharist. It has not been easy and there are still more days ahead of the same. But at least in this time away from the sacraments, maybe we are gaining a greater appreciation for the Eucharist, a better understanding of its importance in our lives now that we are separated from it. Jesus is still waiting for us, still there for us. What we are called to do during this time of isolation is work at our faith. Spend the time with God in prayer and meditation. Quit looking for quick, easy miracles like the crowd in today’s Gospel. Set aside time for just you and God. And be patient! Give yourself the time for your faith to grow and rise. And don’t be so anxious and worried about how things will turn out! It’s meticulous, time-consuming and work but oh so rewarding! And remember that God is here and He has the words, the Bread, of eternal life!
April 27, 2020 - 3rd Monday of Easter
Synagogue in Capernaum
John 6:22-29
We pick up the story from last Friday when Jesus fed the crowd with the multiplication of loaves and fishes. He then quickly leaves and apparently walks across the Sea of Galilee to Capernaum. His disciples eventually follow Him. But the crowds, the next morning, wake to find them all gone. And instead of being satisfied with the events of the previous day, they all go looking for Him, like a group of star-struck fans. They finally grab boats, cross the Sea of Galilee and find Him in Capernaum.
Talk about persistence! The crowd wanted more from Jesus. They followed Him. At this point, it’s probably safe to say they were at least curious, much less looking for another free meal. But they put a lot of effort into locating Him. So maybe this was the beginning of faith for them and not just a desire to fill an empty stomach. And so Jesus continues to teach them how to grow in their budding faith, how to receive the food of eternal life. You have to do the works of God and you have to believe in Me!
We hear so much about God pursuing us, walking with us, reminding us we are not alone. But what about the reverse? How often do we pursue God? How often do we deliberately go looking for Him? How persistent are we in searching for God in our lives? It’s not enough to just believe in Him; we are all called to FOLLOW Him! We are all called to faith in action. To believe and to do the works of God! It’s not enough to just sit around and wait for God to come to us. Search for Him! Look for Him! Grab a boat, cross the sea, follow in His path! Be Persistent in your faith!
April 26, 2020 - 3rd Sunday of Easter
Luke 24:35-48
You Be Jesus!
We have heard this Gospel before and recently, on the Thursday after Easter Sunday. At that time, we reflected on the 2 disciples as they travelled on the way to Emmaus, disheartened and downcast after Jesus’ crucifixion and death. And we reflected on the journey that we all take through life, with its ups and downs, trials and tribulations. And we were reminded that, no matter what we were going through, Jesus was still right there beside us, that we are never alone.
But today let’s look at the Gospel from another perspective!
There’s a story about a young mother who was preparing pancakes for her sons, Kevin, age 5 and Ryan, age 3. The boys began to argue over who would get the first pancake. Their mother saw the opportunity for a moral lesson. So she said to the boys: “If Jesus were sitting here, He would say, ‘Let my brother have the first pancake. I can wait.’” Kevin turned to his younger brother and said, “Ryan, you be Jesus!
We are all Christian! We are all called to be Christ-like. But if we are really honest with ourselves, none of us really wants the job! To be Christ to others? Nope, too tough, too demanding. I mean, we are only human. Let’s face it, in one sense Kevin gets it! He recognizes that being Christ-like is tough. But even though he knows it’s the right thing to do, he chooses the easy way and passes it off to his brother.
We know we are hurting during this difficult time and we certainly know there are others who are also struggling, sad, despondent, downcast, just like those 2 disciples on the way to Emmaus.
Look out for them, offer a word of encouragement, call them to see how they’re doing, wave to them from across the street, send a card or an email, find a way to let them know they aren’t alone, that you are walking this path with them.
Be a good neighbor, be a good friend or relative, Be JESUS!!
April 25, 2020 - Feast of St. Mark
Chapel of the Ascension
Mark 16:15-20
You’re Hired!
We take a brief pause today during the Season of Easter to celebrate the Feast of St. Mark, Apostle and Evangelist. What we hear in today’s Gospel is the very end of the story according to Mark – the Ascension. Rather curious actually, since we still have a long way to go before we celebrate the Feast of the Ascension.
There is a story I recall many decades ago about a Christian missionary who went and lived with an isolated tribe in Africa. For 2 years, he lived with them, worked with them, instructed them and and guided them in the Christian faith. At the end of 2 years, a good number of them were baptized. And at the end of the ritual, he got up and told them “I have finished my last instruction in your village. I will never come back to teach anyone else here. From this day on, it is you people who must teach and judge whether anyone is ready for Baptism. From this day forward, stop depending on me and start depending on the Holy Spirit. You were a people with a past and no future; now you are the People of God. You are now the Church. If what I have taught you means anything at all, you will continue to grow in the faith and share that faith with others. It is now all up to you!”
In today’s Gospel, Jesus gathers with His 11 Apostles for one last time. He has been instructing them, training them, guiding them for 3 years. Their internship is now over; they have passed the test. They’ve got the job! It is now their responsibility to carry on the faith, to proclaim the Good News to the whole world. The Holy Spirit will continue to be with them, to guide and support them even when death seems imminent. And all who are baptized will be saved.
We too have been in training all our lives. We have been filled with the Holy Spirit from the moment of our Baptism. It is our mission as well to go out into the world and proclaim the Good News, by our words and our actions. You got the job! You’re hired! Now get to work!!
April 24, 2020 - 2nd Friday of Easter
Loaves and Fishes – Tabgha
John 6:1-15
A Familiar Rhythm
If you look closely at today’s picture, you will see a mosaic image of loaves and fishes from the church at Tabgha on the shores of the Sea of Galilee at the foot of the Mount of the Beatitudes. It is believed to be the site of today’s Gospel story of the multiplication of loaves and fishes and is the earliest representation of this familiar symbol.
The story of the miracle of the multiplication of the loaves and fishes is a familiar one. And the Gospel provides so much detail in the telling of the story – the abundant grass, the specific number of loaves and fishes, the boy who brings them, the number of people gathered, the disciples complaining about the size of the crowd and the impossibility of feeding them and the number of baskets of leftovers. All very familiar!
But there is another very familiar rhythm to this story that could easily escape us if we didn’t take another close read of the verses. What we see is the same movement, the same rhythm, that we experience at Mass. Jesus spends the day preaching and teaching the crowd. His words draw them together and motivate them to want to stay and hear more. This reminds us of the beginning of Mass – the Liturgy of the Word where we hear the Word of God.
Then the boy and the disciples bring Jesus the 5 loaves and 2 fishes – the Presentation of the Gifts of bread and wine. Then Jesus blesses the gifts, gives thanks to God, and distributes them to the crowd – the Liturgy of the Eucharist where the priest blesses the gifts, offers thanks to God and those simple gifts are transformed into His Body and Blood and offered to us as food for the soul.
So consider this – today’s story is not just a miracle story about Jesus’ compassion for the hungry crowd. It is also a reminder of His love for us, a love that provides us with the Eucharist, His Body and Blood, food for our spiritual journey. In this time of separation from the Mass and Communion, it is an opportunity for us to reflect on the wonder of such a gift and hopefully a greater appreciation of the Eucharist in our lives.
April 23, 2020 - 2nd Thursday of Easter
Stone in Garden of Gethsemane
John 3:31-36
Short and Sweet
“Whoever believes in the Son will have eternal life.” I don’t think it can get any simpler than that. Believe in Jesus! Believe that He is the Son of God. Believe that He suffered and died for our sins. Believe that He rose from the dead and offers us the gift of that same eternal life.
But let’s be clear – belief is not just a simple intellectual exercise. It’s not the same as – if I flip this switch, I believe the light will go on. It is not merely a mind game. Belief in Jesus involves our entire self – body and soul, head and heart. It means that we are called to live out that belief in our daily lives! We are called to demonstrate that belief in our actions with others. And not just once, not just occasionally but day in and day out. Our life is to be a reflection of our belief!
Wow, things just got a lot more difficult. How in the world can I do that? I know I’m gonna mess us; I know I am gonna stumble and fall. I can’t do this by myself! Today’s Gospel addresses that as well. “God does not ration out the gift of the Spirit.” The Spirit! The Spirit will be there to guide us, support us, calm us down and energize us to move forward.
You are not alone! Believe in me and trust in the Spirit!
April 22, 2020 - 2nd Wednesday of Easter
Raising Jairus’ Daughter
John 3:16-21
In Pursuit!
If you’ve ever seen a protest or a parade, a football game or basketball, a political rally or a peace/justice march, you have seen these numbers: John 3:16! That’s it, just one simple verse, no long story or parable, no extended narrative or collection of wise sayings. John 3:16! And if you never understood it, you probably went to a Bible to look it up. Perfect advertising to get you to open up a Bible. One single sentence, simple and direct!
God so loved the world that he gave his only-begotten Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life.
Too often, I think we picture this life as a journey, trying to stay on the right path to get to God as if God is sitting still. It’s as if God is stuck on a mountain and it’s our task to find our way to Him. All the action depends on us and God is just sitting there waiting for us. This verse shows us something completely the opposite. God doesn’t just wait around for us; God pursues us; He doesn’t wait for us to look for Him; He comes to us!
And His motivation? Love, pure and simple! He loves us so much that He wants to be with us; He wants us to be with Him forever. So He doesn’t wait; He came to us as His Son, Jesus. He took on human form to be with us, to lead us, to suffer and die for us. And all of this, out of love! I know it’s been said before: the cross is not just a sign of suffering and death; it is a sign of love, so much love that God has for us. So much that He is willing to do anything for us so that we can share in His divine life, so that we might not perish but have eternal life.
God pursues us every day! He is not 3000 miles away on the top of a mountain. He is right here in the neighbor who needs groceries, in the child who needs help with homework, in the friend who needs to talk and unburden. All we need to do is turn around, see Him and respond with the same love that He has for us.
April 21, 2020 - 2nd Tuesday of Easter
Gethsemane Mass
John 3:7b-15
Blowing in the Wind
The wind was really blowing last night, rattling windows and whistling while knocking over garbage cans. It serves as a reminder to us that, even though you can hear it, even though you can feel it, you just can’t control it.
Jesus says much the same thing in today’s Gospel when He continues to chat with Nicodemus. “The wind blows where it wills, and you can hear the sound it makes, but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes; so it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit.”
Too often we think we are in charge, that we control any and everything. Too often, we are completely wrong. We are uncomfortable when we don’t know what’s going on; we feel powerless. We think we should be able to direct every aspect of our lives and that we know what’s best for us. But Jesus reminds us today that is not the case. Yes, we do feel and hear the wind; but we don’t control it. We don’t even know where it comes from and where it is going. That wind for us is the Spirit, the Spirit of God. We have to learn to let go and let God! Let the Spirit take us where it wills. We have to learn to trust and surrender ourselves to the Spirit.
Many times, when I am working on a homily, I struggle to find meaning, something to latch on to as a focal point. And I push and prod and stress! But it is only when I just step aside, when I let go and pray over the Scriptures once again, then the Spirit has the room and the time to work through me. We are all filled with the Spirit through Baptism and Confirmation. But we have to learn to stop and listen, to stop and let the Spirit speak to us, guide us, and work through us.
Be well! Be safe, everyone!
April 20, 2020 - 2nd Monday of Easter
Waters at Caesarea Philippi
John 3:1-8
I’ve Got a Secret
Today’s Gospel focuses on Nicodemus, a rich and powerful Pharisee. And while the conversation between Jesus and him is significant, the timing is everything. Nicodemus visits Jesus in the dead of night, in secret. He is beginning to believe in Him but he is fearful that anyone else finds out. He is worried about losing his political and religious power, his status and popularity.
He is trying to balance his standing in the world with his growing beliefs in Jesus’ message. He is trying to become a follower, but only on his terms. And that won’t work!
So where do we stand as a follower of Jesus? Are we Christian only when it’s convenient, only when no one is watching? Are we so concerned with our physical wants and needs, our status and popularity, that we are reluctant to be fully and visibly Christian? Do we seek out Jesus only in the dead of night when the world is not watching?
Jesus today talks about being re-born in the water and in the Spirit. We have all been reborn in the waters of Baptism; we have all been filled with the Holy Spirit. We have all professed our faith with our Baptismal Promises. When do we carry them out? What will it take for us to be Christian in the light of day? To proclaim Jesus’ message by our words and our actions. What will it take to be Christian in moments of inconvenience, moments when the world is watching?
April 19, 2020 - 2nd Sunday of Easter
John 20:19-31
Peter’s Rock
No Doubt, Seeing is Believing
A man went to a barber shop to have his hair and his beard cut as always. He started to have a good conversation with the barber who attended him. They talked about so many things and various subjects. Suddenly, they touched the subject of God. The barber said: “Look man, I don’t believe that God exists as you say so.”
“Why do you say that?” asked the client. “Well, it’s so easy, you just have to go out in the street to realize that God does not exist. Tell me, if God exists, would there be so many sick people? Would there be abandoned children? If God exists, there would be no suffering nor pain. I can’t think of a God who permits all of these things.”
The client stopped for a moment thinking but he didn’t want to respond so as to prevent an argument. The barber finished his job and the client went out of the shop. Just after he left the barber shop he saw a man in the street with a long hair and beard (it seems that it had been a long time since he had his hair cut and he looked so untidy).
Then the client again entered the barber shop and he said to the barber:
“Know what? Barbers do not exist.” “How come they don’t exist?”-asked the barber. “Well I am here and I am a barber.” “No!” the client exclaimed. “They don’t exist because if they did there would be no people with long hair and beards like that man who walks in the street.”
“Ah, barbers do exist, what happens is that people do not come to us.” “Exactly!”- affirmed the client. “That’s the point. God does exist, what happens is people don’t go to Him and do not look for Him. That’s why there’s so much pain and suffering in the world.”
Faith! Belief! That’s what it’s all about and that’s what todays’s Gospel is all about. Thomas, Doubting Thomas, is not there when Jesus appears to the other disciples and he insists that he won’t believe unless he sees Jesus, sees His wounds and touches them, for himself.
I’ve always thought Thomas has gotten the short end of the stick. I mean, the disciples are in a locked room, they have been hiding ever since Jesus was crucified. They are in fear that the authorities will look for them, arrest them and have them killed. And so they hide. So for Thomas not to be there that first time meant he was out in the city, probably getting food or provisions for the group. So what he lacks in faith, perhaps, is made up for with his courage to venture out into the city.
But don’t forget what has gone on before, in this week’s readings – Mary Magdalene brings them news from the tomb and they don’t believe! The 2 disciples bring back news from Emmaus and they don’t believe! Chances are that first appearance to them in the locked room happened with them all doubting what they are seeing as well. Thomas is just 1 appearance behind them and he is merely voicing what they were all feeling at that first appearance. Doubt! Is this a ghost? Am I really seeing Jesus? Do I really believe? Do I need to see to believe?
We all have doubts, especially in these times! We all wonder and question what’s going on. Where is God in all of this? We all need to be a bit like that barber’s customer. Maybe I can’t see God Himself right now but I can see Him working through others in these difficult times. I see Him in the man who checks up on his elderly neighbor to see if he needs any groceries. I see Him in the grade school kids making cards and drawings for the seniors at the retirement home. I see Him in the family who face-time their out of town relatives a lot more often than before. I see Him in the kids who use Zoom to play a game of Yahtzee with their friends. I see Him in the daily outpouring of drive-by birthday celebrations for a little child. God is not hidden, He is right here in front of us. We only have to set aside our doubts and see with the eyes of faith.
April 18, 2020 - Easter Saturday
Synagogue Church in Nazareth
Mark 16:9-15
Snap Out of It
A fellow was stuck on his rooftop in a flood. He was praying to God for help. Soon a man in a rowboat came by and the fellow shouted to the man on the roof, "Jump in, I can save you."
The stranded fellow shouted back, "No, it's OK, I'm praying to God and he is going to save me."
So the rowboat went on.
Then a motorboat came by. "The fellow in the motorboat shouted, "Jump in, I can save you."
To this the stranded man said, "No thanks, I'm praying to God and he is going to save me. I have faith." So the motorboat went on. Then a helicopter came by and the pilot shouted down, "Grab this rope and I will lift you to safety." To this the stranded man again replied, "No thanks, I'm praying to God and he is going to save me. I have faith." So the helicopter reluctantly flew off.
Soon the water rose above the rooftop and the man drowned. He went to Heaven. He finally got his chance to discuss this whole situation with God, at which point he exclaimed, "I had faith in you but you didn't save me, you let me drown. I don't understand why!"
To this God replied, "I sent you a rowboat and a motorboat and a helicopter, what more did you expect?"
Jesus almost seems a bit frustrated with His disciples in today’s Gospel, a lot like God in the story. He appears to Mary Magdalene, she tells the disciples and they don’t believe. He appears to the 2 disciples on the way to Emmaus, they tell the disciples and they don’t believe. Finally He appears to all the disciples and REBUKES them! I sent you Mary Magdalene and other disciples – SNAP OUT OF IT! What more do you want?
But then something unexpected happens, at least unexpected for us. Jesus changes His tone and sends them off into the world to proclaim the Gospel. He MOVES ON! He made Himself clear, He got His message across, He corrected their attitude. And then He commissions them to go out into the world. He doesn’t harp on their stubbornness and He doesn’t let them remain focused on their past failings. Let’s move on!
Aren’t we all just like the disciples? Too often we stay mired in the past, with things we failed to do, we refuse to let go of our stubbornness or our faults. We fail to accept them and then move on. God calls us all today to recognize our past faults, learn from them and then move on.
Get up! Get moving! You have God’s work to do today!
April 17, 2020 - Easter Friday
The Sea of Galilee
John 21:1-14
Sitting around the Campfire
Please forgive my sense of humor today but, in a different reality, today’s Gospel reads like a pilot episode for a new TV comedy. A group of men return home to their village after 3 years on the road and they try to return to their former occupation – fishermen. It doesn’t go well; they spend the whole night and catch nothing. Then as dawn breaks, some joker on the beach (calling them children) yells to them to go fish over there – yeah, right! So they do and they catch a boatload. One of them recognizes the guy on the beach as their dearest friend. And what does Peter do – he jumps into the Sea and swims ashore, in his best version of Forrest Gump. When they all get there, their friend has made a fire on the beach and has cooked them breakfast. So they sit down and what do they talk about with this long-lost friend? NOTHING! Not a word is spoken. It’s like: say something, I’m not gonna say something, you say something! Strange!
But this isn’t a comedy show; this is real life. These Apostles have returned to their home after 3 years travelling with Jesus. They are despondent, demoralized and defeated after His crucifixion and death. They have lost their leader, their teacher, their friend. So they give up and come home to their former lives as fishermen. And it does not go well. After a whole night of trying, they can’t even catch a single fish. A man on the shore tells them to try a different spot and they catch more fish than the nets can handle. One of them says “That’s Jesus”. Peter, in his typical impulsiveness and joy, instead of staying in the boat, jumps into the sea and swims ashore. When they all get there, they see it really is Jesus whom they thought dead. He has prepared a fire and they gather around Him on the beach around the fire and share a morning meal. In their joy, their awkwardness, perhaps even their embarrassment, no one says a word.
I have always loved this Gospel reading. Just the image of Jesus and the Apostles sitting around a campfire and sharing a simple meal. It is both touching and heartwarming. It is human! It is a reminder to me that no matter my circumstance, whether I am depressed or lost, swimming in a sea of troubles or drowning in fear, all I have to do is make an effort to reach out to Him and Jesus will be waiting for me with open arms and food for the journey. I don’t even have to say anything – He knows, He understands, and He will always be there for me, with a warm fire and a welcoming heart.
April 16, 2020 - Easter Thursday
Jesus and the Twelve
Luke 24:35-48
Shock and Awe
The Apostles in today’s Gospel seem to be at their most human, their most vulnerable. They are still reeling from the shock of Jesus’ horrific suffering and death. And then 2 disciples return from Emmaus to tell them that they had seen the Risen Jesus. They keep hearing other stories about Jesus appearing to the women at the tomb. They are literally in emotional conflict – believe, not believe, hope, not hope, afraid and embarrassed by their own actions (or lack of action).
And then Jesus suddenly appears! It’s no wonder that they should feel all those emotions and all at once. And what does Jesus do – Peace, be with you! He calms their fears. Relax, take a deep breath, I am here, be at peace! And only then, after calming their emotions, showing them that it really is Him and sharing some food to show He isn’t some ghost, then He begins to talk to them, to teach them from Scriptures.
We all have plenty to worry about these days, plenty to stress over – our health, the health of our loved ones, worries over the simple basics of life – food, shelter and safety! It can be overwhelming and physically and emotionally draining. And what does Jesus say to us; what is the very first thing Jesus says to us – Be at Peace! Relax! Trust me! Believe that I am really here with you and listen to me! Calm yourself and take a deep breath! Why are you troubled? Why do so many questions arise in your hearts? Hear me, hear my words and do not be afraid!
April 15, 2020 - Easter Wednesday
Father Judge Mission Seminary
Luke 24:13-35
Walking with Jesus
I spent all of my high school life and part of college living and studying at a seminary nestled in the Blue Ridge Mountains in rural Virginia. It was a quiet and secluded life full of homework and prayer. Stuck away on a narrow country road, you entered the grounds at a low brick entry gate and then a short drive up to the campus of buildings.
We had everything you could ever need: Olympic size swimming pool. basketball courts, track, playing fields, classrooms, beautiful chapel, our own infirmary and rec rooms. But what mattered the most to me was that short road from the gate to the main buildings, barely a quarter mile in length. I can’t tell you how many times, after a long day of classes, many of us, either alone or with a small group, would walk out to the gate and then back. No matter the reason for the walk, whether it was stress, upset, homesickness, depression, sadness, the need to blow off steam or anger, or the simple need to just get away – by the time I made it out to the gate and back, those negative emotions were gone. It was a journey that calmed my soul and eased whatever burdens I had. It re-energized me to return to seminary life with a renewed energy and I so miss that walk even today.
But what I didn’t realize until much later in life was that, no matter if I was walking alone or with a friend, there was always someone else alongside me (us). Jesus! For us to get through all those tough times, I realized now that Jesus had to have been there with us, gently guiding us back along the right path. We just didn’t realize it! We just didn’t see Him there until much later in life.
So it is today with the disciples on their way to Emmaus. They are returning to Emmaus, crushed and saddened by Jesus’ death. And yet Jesus walks with them, talks with them, teaches them. But it is only later on after He has left, that they realized it was Him. Only after they realize their hearts were on fire with His words and in His breaking of the bread, then they slap their foreheads and realize the truth – that Jesus was right there with them. So it is for all of us – no matter how alone we feel, how isolated we are, we truly are not alone. Jesus really is right here with us, walking beside us, guiding us, reassuring us, comforting us.
So take that walk today, enjoy that crisp cold air and the light carpet of snow, and realize you are not alone, you never were.
April 14, 2020 - Easter Tuesday
Mass in Cave at Gethsemane
John 20:11-18
Share and Share Alike
Remember when you were little and you got that one toy for Christmas or for your birthday. And you just wouldn’t let it out of your sight. Remember how you would hold on to it for dear life and even sleep with it just to make sure it didn’t get lost. Remember too how you didn’t want to share it with anyone else until Mom or Dad forced you to. Remember how, even though you would never admit it, sharing the toy somehow made it even better because it gave you a chance to explain it, show it and share the joy of it.
Well that is what’s happening in today’s Gospel. Mary Magdalene sits weeping at the empty tomb and the Risen Jesus appears to her. She doesn’t recognize Him until He calls her by name. And then, out of sheer joy, she hugs Him and refuses to let go. Jesus has to lovingly remind to stop holding Him and to spread the news to all the disciples.
Mary has a very hard time letting go of Jesus just like we can’t let go of that favorite toy. But in the end, we, like Mary Magdalene, are all called to be disciples, to be missionaries. We are all called to spread the Good News. The news of the Resurrection is to be proclaimed, to be shared, not merely kept hidden in our hearts. The joy of the Resurrection needs to be passed on; our faith in Jesus needs to be shared. Share and share alike!
April 13, 2020 - Easter Monday
Jesus in Magdala
Matthew 28:8-15
A Question of Faith
Jesus is Risen! Yesterday’s story continues. Today Jesus is not only risen; He has appeared to others. Jesus meets Mary Magdalene and the other Mary, He greets them and they fall to their feet and do Him homage.
The guards apparently also see but their reaction is completely different. They run into Jerusalem to submit their report and then they accept money (let’s call it what it is – a bribe) to lie and spread a false report. Two sets of witnesses, two very different responses: one of faith and adoration, the other of denial and falsehood.
And that is the question for us today – which response do we take? How do we respond to the Resurrection? Do we accept Jesus’ Resurrection as the basis for our faith? Or do we pretend it never happened and try to undo other peoples’ beliefs? Do we believe it in one breath and then, in moments of crisis, we take the easy way out and deny? Do we let the ways of the world (money, possessions, popularity) get in the way of our spiritual journey?
It is all just a question of faith!
April 12, 2020 - Easter Sunday
Church of the Transfiguration – Mt. Tabor
John 20:1-9
Alleluia Moment!
Alleluia!! It is also a word we have not heard for 40 days. A word missing from any liturgy this entire season of Lent.
In point of fact, it is actually 2 words, not one. And it comes from Hebrew. The first word HALLELU means ‘praise’ and the second YAH means GOD. It is the root for the Hebrew word for God - YAHWEH. So literally it means “praise God”. But even that doesn’t do it justice. It’s a word of joy, a word used in song, bursting with emotion and happiness! Kind of like when we hear “Praise the Lord!” Obviously it is a most appropriate expression for what we celebrate today – the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus. He who we thought was dead has come back to us Risen from the dead!
Not long after they got married, Jaime and Josh, our daughter and son-in-law experienced a time of separation. Josh went off to boot camp for something like 3-4 months. It was a difficult time for them, to be separated from someone you know, you believe in, you love. I can still remember Ginger, Jaime and I travelling down to Alabama for Josh’ graduation ceremony. Throughout the whole program, Jaime sat there fidgeting with nervous energy, her legs going up and down in anticipation, she just couldn’t keep still. And when the ceremony was finally over, she leaped out of her seat like she was shot out of a cannon. She raced down the aisle and flung herself into Josh’s arms. Now that was a reunion! That was a moment of sheer joy and love. That was an ALLELUIA moment!
The one thing I find curious in today’s Gospel, the Gospel for Easter Sunday is – what’s missing? Jesus! All we really have is an empty tomb. Peter, John and the other disciples have all experienced the agony of Jesus’ death, the pain of being separated from the one they love. And yet, Peter and John come to believe that Jesus is risen, not because they have seen Him yet, but because of His absence. The real personal reunion takes place later on in stories we will hear from the Gospel throughout the coming week and season of Easter - when the Apostles actually see Jesus, when Mary Magdalene wants to run to him and hug Him, when the disciples on the way to Emmaus find their hearts on fire from speaking with Him. Those are all real ALLELUIA moments – moments of unbridled joy, of faith, of love. That burst of exuberance and joy that causes your hearts to sing!
We all know what it’s like to be separated from friends and family, from the ones we love, especially NOW, but we have to still believe, we have to still love them, even in their absence. And we look forward to when we will see them again, touch them again, hug them again. We know that, in many ways, our faith and love for them has grown in this time of being apart. Their absence has caused us to understand just how much a part of our lives, how much a part of our heart they really are. And we know that love and joy will spill out of us when we re-unite.
So too with our Faith – in this time of separation from our parish church, from our parish Mass and Holy Week services, we have all learned how much we miss it, how much more we believe in and love the Eucharist, even in its’ absence. And we all look forward to that moment when the church doors reopen, when we gather together as a community of faith, where we hear the proclamation of the Gospel, when we greet our neighbors with the sign of peace and when we receive the Eucharist.
Now that is what we mean by an ALLELUIA moment! And that is what we celebrate today – a moment of reuniting with our Saviour, with our Christian faith. ALLELUIA!
April 11, 2020 - Holy Saturday
Entrance to Jesus’ Tomb
Mark 16:1-7
Waiting and Hoping
Today is Holy Saturday, one day after Jesus’ crucifixion and death on Good Friday and one day before Easter Sunday, Jesus’ Resurrection.
We are caught in this awkward in-between time. Between the sorrow and pain of Good Friday and the sheer joy and happiness of Easter Sunday. And yet, if you think about it, that is exactly what life is about – moments of pain and sorrow and moments of happiness and joy. And if you really reflect on it, you would realize that most of our entire life are Holy Saturday moments, not Good Fridays or Easter Sundays! Yes there are days of pain and days of happiness. But most of our days are perfectly normal, average days, days not full of intense emotion, days spent in between sorrow and joy, days spent in waiting or anticipation.
But given our present circumstance of isolation and separation, of stay at home and stay 6 feet away, those “normal” days can also be filled with anxiety and fear, worry and stress. So, as Christians, let’s just take the time to remember all that has happened during Holy Week, all that we believe in as Christians!
One of Jesus’ hand-picked Apostles betrayed and sold Him out – and yet Sunday is still coming
3 of His Apostles couldn’t even stay awake and ran away when the guards came, and yet Sunday is coming.
Jesus is arrested, convicted of blasphemy, and put in a jail cell, and yet Sunday is coming.
He was condemned, whipped, jeered at and crowned with thorns, and Sunday is still coming
He was forced to carry his own cross, nailed to it and hung there for hours, and Sunday is still coming.
He died on that cross and was buried in secret in a borrowed tomb, and yet Sunday is coming.
Good Friday brought us sadness and grief but tomorrow Easter Sunday brings us joy and salvation! We are all in this in-between time – as Christians and as human beings dealing with the virus. Even in moment of sadness, and worry and stress, we still have FAITH! Even in the midst of this time of isolation and separation, we still have HOPE!
I wanted to share this with you. I found this online and I think it speaks to us as Christians and as human beings longing for the joy of Easter
Yes there is fear, yes there is isolation.
Yes there is panic-buying, yes, there is sickness, yes, there is even death.
But they say that, in Wuhan China, after so many years of noise, you can hear the birds sing again. They say that, after just a few weeks of quiet, the sky is no longer thick with fumes, but blue and clear
They say that in the streets of Assisi, people are singing to each other across empty squares, keeping their door open so that those who are alone may hear the sounds of family around them
They say that a hotel in Ireland is offering free meals and delivery to the homebound
Today a young woman is busy spreading flyers with her phone number on it throughout the neighborhood so that the elderly might have someone to call and talk to.
Today churches, synagogues, mosques and temples are preparing to welcome and shelter the homeless, the sick and the weary
All over the world, people are slowing down and reflecting. All over the world, people are looking at their neighbors in a new way. All over the world, people are waking to a new reality, to how big we really are, to how little control we really have, to what really matters, to love.
So we pray and we remember that
Yes there is fear, but there doesn’t have to be hate
Yes there is isolation, but there doesn’t have to be loneliness
Yes there is panic-buying, but there doesn’t have to be meanness
Yes there is sickness, but there doesn’t have to be disease of the soul
Yes there is even death, but there can always be a rebirth of love and faith
Wake up to the choices you make as to how to live NOW!
TODAY – take a breath, LISTEN – behind the factory noises of your panic, the birds are singing again, the sky is clearing, Spring is coming and we are always encompassed by love.
Open the windows of your soul and, though you may not be able to touch across the empty square, SING. All over the world people are slowing down and reflecting.
Be Well! Be Safe! And Keep Hoping! Keep Believing! Easter Sunday is Coming!
April 10, 2020 - Good Friday
Anointing Stone – Church of Holy Sepulchre
John 18:1-19:42
The Sign of the Cross
What was the first prayer you learned growing up? Our Father? Hail Mary? Grace? Now I lay me down to sleep?
The Sign of the Cross!!!! Too often we don’t think of it as only an intro to prayer, not a prayer itself! But it is! A simple sign of our faith, our belief: in God, in the Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit!! It is a verbal reminder of our belief in God .
But the Sign of the Cross can also be something more. We come today to the end of the Season of Lent. It is a perfect time to reflect back on those 40 days and determine how well we observed the 3 practices of prayer, fasting and almsgiving!
Consider the visual aspect of the Sign of the Cross– we touch our head, our gut, and our shoulders!
Head – our thoughts, we are called to turn our thoughts to God, to pray to Him, to talk to Our Father OFTEN just as Jesus encouraged us to do.
Gut – our humanity, what we share with Jesus, our physical nature. But sometimes we focus too much on our physical needs – food, looking good, exercise, our self – all good but too often we overdo it – we end up thinking more of ourselves, OUR needs and not those of others. So during Lent God called us to reflect on our spiritual self and not so much our physical. He calls us to fast – to give up something we THINK we really need, something we believe we just can’t do without – that daily piece of pie or cookies, the hours we spend in front of the TV or the game system, to remember that, in the end, what matters is our soul!
Shoulders – we have all been filled with the Holy Spirit in Baptism and especially in Confirmation where we are given the strength to not only practice our faith but to witness to our faith in our actions with others. We are called to REACH OUT OUR HANDS to those in need, TO SHOULDER THEIR NEEDS, to give of ourselves to others. That is what we mean by almsgiving – sometimes it’s donating to a worthy cause, sometimes it’s contributing to a clothing drive or a food drive. Sometimes it’s simply giving our time – to listen when someone needs to talk, to comfort when someone is hurting.
But especially for today, when we observe Jesus’ crucifixion and death, when he gave up His life in atonement for our sins, the Sign of the Cross is a visual reminder of the Cross itself! That Cross! It is a reminder of the suffering and death of our brother Jesus! Even after enduring a crown of thorns, a painful lashing with a whip, and a long path to Golgotha carrying a cross of at least 50 pounds, He was nailed to a cross and died a horrible, shameful, painful death. It was a public execution, he endured not only unbearable pain and agony, but also the taunts and jeers of the people gathered around the cross. It was a slow agonizing death, where muscles where stretched and the condemned was left gasping for a breath of air. The Cross – a symbol of execution and condemnation, a sign of our salvation!
But if that is all we believe about the cross, we are missing something! It is not just about pain and suffering and death. It is not just about shame and cruelty. It is first and foremost the sign of God’s love! That is how much God loves us! That is how much Jesus loves us. That He would willingly give himself up to all that pain and suffering and death because he loves us! It really isn’t a sign of shame, it’s a symbol of LOVE!
And that is what we celebrate today – not merely Jesus’ sacrifice, not just the pain and death He endured, but the LOVE He has for each and every one of us, a love that we share in and return every time we PRAY, every time we GIVE UP the unnecessary things in life and focus on what’s really important, every time we help out someone in need.
April 9, 2020 - Holy Thursday
Mass on Mount Carmel
John 13:1-15
Celebration of the Last Supper
Growing up, we always had a lot of big family dinners – birthdays, Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter Sunday. Gatherings that one single table could never accommodate. So the adults ate at the dining room table and all the kids ate in the kitchen. Kids table / adults table – I’m guessing all of you had something similar. And all that time, I had this desire to MOVE UP – to graduate to the adult table. I think in the back of my mind I thought the food would be better, that the menu would be somehow different. Not so much!
I think most of us had the same experience with First Communion. All that time beforehand, we just couldn’t wait til the day of our First Communion. We were so excited to not just attend Mass but receive Communion, the Eucharist, to not just gather around the table of the Lord, but share in the meal!
Anticipation – that deep down excitement about getting fed or receiving Communion. We all have felt it. However the Gospel today reminds us it’s not just about receiving, its about giving. It’s not just about being served, it’s also about serving. Jesus and the Apostles are gathered together for their celebration of the Passover. In the middle of the meal, the Last Supper, Jesus gets up and washes the feet of His disciples. He performs the role of a servant, not a master, not a teacher, but a lowly servant and he reminds the apostles they must do the same. It is a reminder to us all that it is in giving that we receive!
We all know this is a most unusual Holy Thursday, we know that our Easter dinner will be different this year. There will be a smaller crowd and probably a smaller menu. Chances are there will be no need for a kids table. One Table, One Meal. As children, we may not have been very involved in the prep and serving of the meal, we probably thought the food just magically appeared. Our only job was to eat. Even as an adult, there are plenty of times where I avoided going into the kitchen and I just left the prep to Ginger, her mom and Jaime. At best, I probably set the table. Don’t let that happen this year.
In this time of separation from our extended family, we have an opportunity to do more, to make our family meal not just about the food but about the family, not just about what we are getting but what we can give. To join together and literally serve each other. So why not split up the dishes, each of us help prepare 1 dish so that, when the table is set, each of us has made a contribution, each of us has something to give!
Whether we gather around a dinner table or we gather around an altar, whether we gather to feed our body or feed our souls, we gather TOGETHER! On this day, Jesus gave us the gift of Himself in the Eucharist. Let us all thank Him with the gift of ourselves, in serving Him by being of service to each other.
April 8, 2020 - Wednesday of Holy Week
The Cenacle – Room where Jesus celebrated the Last Supper
Matthew 26:14-25
A Day of Preparation
Today’s Gospel from Matthew re-tells the story we heard yesterday about Judas. So let’s not repeat ourselves; let’s focus on what the rest of the Apostles are doing – preparing for the Last Supper.
Today Jews around the world are preparing for Passover which begins this evening at sunset. That means preparing all the food, the house, and themselves for this most sacred feast. We find the Apostles doing the same thing – finding a room, securing the proper food and then gathering for the feast of Passover. The pic you see today is of the Cenacle – the room where the Last Supper was held.
We too are busy preparing for our feast – Easter. But what a difference a year makes. This year there will be no large gathering of extended family. The menu may be different, the setting may be different, the celebration of Easter Mass will definitely be different. But we are all still preparing. And maybe this time will not be as frantic as in the past. I like to think that this year our celebration will be more intimate, more relaxed, and less stressed, just our immediate family. Maybe we won’t worry so much about cleaning the house or worrying about if we have enough chairs or food to accommodate the crowd of people. Maybe we won’t spend so much of our time prepping the home and the dinner table. And maybe, just maybe, we will have more time to prepare our hearts and minds for celebrating Jesus’ Resurrection. How will you prepare for Easter??
April 7, 2020 - Tuesday of Holy Week
Peter’s Denial – Church of St. Peter Gallicantu
John 13:21-33, 36-38
A Web of Betrayal
This is NOT an easy Gospel to read, much less pray over. Betrayal! Denial! We see people at their worst, their lowest. Judas turning his back on Jesus, slinking around in the shadows, in the dead of night, betraying Jesus in secret, all for a bag of money. Peter, in the light of a charcoal fire, publicly denying he even knows Jesus, not once but 3 separate times. Judas betraying Jesus in secret by his actions and Peter denying Jesus by his words in public.
If we are truly honest with ourselves, we have all had moments of turning our back on Jesus, moments when we are uncomfortable with proclaiming or living up to our faith, moments when we took the easy way out. And what does that say about us – that we are human, fragile, fallible, that we all, at times, stumble and fall.
Judas’ and Peter’s sin both happened BEFORE the cross! And yet Jesus still accepted his suffering, crucifixion and death. He didn’t turn His back on us. He still loves us, even in our weakest moments. Even when we turn away from Him, Jesus remains right behind us with open arms and loving heart, waiting for us to turn back to Him.
April 6, 2020 - Monday of Holy Week
Adoration Chapel in Church of Holy Sepulchre
John 12:1-11
We Gather Together
There is a lot going on in today’s Gospel reading – Mary anointing Jesus’ feet in anticipation of His crucifixion and death, Judas complaining about money being wasted, the chief priests plotting to kill not only Jesus but Lazarus as well.
But let’s focus on one simple thing – Jesus gathers with Mary, Martha, Lazarus and others for dinner. In the midst of all the stress and turmoil He experienced in Jerusalem, Jesus takes the time to share a meal with His friends. Knowing that things will come to an awful climax in just a few days, Jesus reminds us all of the importance of sharing a simple meal with friends and family.
Given our present circumstance of “stay at home”, we have all come to appreciate the importance of being with our family and friends. The sudden absence of such opportunities brings us to a painful realization of how often we take family gatherings for granted. And it is only when it is taken away that we truly appreciate its value.
The same can be said for Mass and the Sacraments; when we are suddenly separated from the table of the Lord, it is then, unfortunately, that we truly come to appreciate its impact and effect on our lives, on our spiritual life. We didn’t attend Palm Sunday Mass yesterday at our parish church, we didn’t receive Holy Communion in our hands, and we didn’t return home with palm branches blessed by the pastor. But God is still with us. The Spirit is still within us! Jesus still touches us with His words and actions. And we still have the opportunity every day to share that Spirit with our family as we gather together, even for a simple meal.
April 5, 2020 - Palm Sunday
Matthew 26:14-27:66
April 4, 2020 - Saturday of 5th Week of Lent
Chapel at Mount of Beatitudes
John 11:45-56
Can’t We All Just Get Along?
Let’s face it – at times, we all get aggravated at each other. And especially when we are going through this period of “close quarters”, it is so much easier and frequent that we bicker, and argue, and get on each others’ nerves. We know what irritates our little brother/sister and yet we do it anyway. We know exactly what buttons to push to send them over the edge and we do it anyway.
But it’s something quite different to actually band together to deliberately plot against someone. We all know what it’s like to be ganged-up-on, to be picked on not by a single person but by a whole group of people. That is what’s happening in today’s Gospel. The Pharisees have had enough of verbally sparring with Jesus. They meet together, they plot together to have Him arrested and eventually put to death. They decide to dump all their fears, their anger and insecurities onto one person – Jesus. It’s called scapegoating – placing all our sins and weaknesses on a single person and making them pay for our faults.
So let’s not let ourselves get to that point. Even though our nerves are a bit frayed, our concerns about the future are raw and our fears are heightened, can’t we all just get along? Maybe it’s important to remind ourselves today of the Beatitudes – simple virtues of humility, peace-making and mercy. Be well! Be safe! Be kind!
April 3, 2020 - Friday of 5th Week of Lent
On the Banks of the Jordan River
John 10:31-42
Taking a Break
For Jesus, another day of debate with the Pharisees, another clear statement of His divinity and another attempt by the Jews to arrest Him. Jesus’ response this time is to step away, leave Jerusalem and go off to a quiet spot along the Jordan River. Maybe He just needed a break from the constant arguments and stress. Maybe He knew it was not yet His time. Maybe He recognized that He needed some time to talk with His Father.
We all need that time away. Unfortunately we never seem to find the time or actually make the time. I’ll do it later. I’m too busy right now. It’s not important. I’ll get to it tomorrow! Maybe at this moment in time, we need to remind ourselves that we are STAYING at home, not STUCK at home. Maybe we need to see this time as an opportunity and not a prison sentence. We have all been so incredibly busy and stressed out, too much to do and no time for ourselves, no time for prayer. What’s our excuse now? We have the time NOW, we have some quiet time NOW, we have this opportunity NOW! We have the NOW to talk with Our Father! What are we waiting for?
April 2, 2020 - Thursday of 5th Week of Lent
Holy Sepulchre from above
John 8:51-59
Kill the Messenger?
Let’s face it, nobody likes to hear bad news; nobody likes to hear the honest truth. We’d rather stop up our ears and pretend we aren’t listening rather than accept the news that maybe, just maybe, we aren’t as perfect as we think or that our beliefs are not in line with the truth! We either blind ourselves to the truth or we lash out at the person speaking the truth.
In today’s Gospel, Jesus continues to debate with the Pharisees. And He says in very plain language, I AM the Son of God. And the Jews’ reaction? Kill the messenger! They pick up stones to throw at Him. They refuse to accept the truth; they refuse to allow the possibility that their beliefs could be in error.
At times in our lives, we all need a bit of humility. We all need a good dose of loving honesty from a friend. At times, we all stray from the path and need some gentle correction to get back on track. So please be open to the course correction and please don’t kill the messenger.
April 1, 2020 - Wednesday of 5th Week of Lent
Anointing Stone in Church of Holy Sepulchre
John 8:31-42
Jesus continues to confront the Pharisees
Jesus continues to spar with the Pharisees in today’s Gospel. They argue that they are the children of Abraham (man), children of the Law. Jesus challenges them by reminding them they are, first and foremost, children of God.
In all honesty, we know we are both children of man and children of God. But do we really believe that? Do we really give each “parent” the time and the love that they deserve? We are all spending a lot more time with our parents (children) these days. How much of it is quality time? How much of it is time where we grow together in a closer relationship? Have you learned anything new about your parents (kids)? Have they learned anything new about you?
And what about God, our Father? How much time are you spending with Him? Are you doing anything to grow closer in relationship with Him? Have you learned anything new about Him? Have you opened yourself up to Him, shared yourself with Him? We have the time! What are we waiting for?
It's been 14 years since my Dad passed away and I miss him more and more every day. There are so many things i want to tell him, so many things I want to share with him. Do we feel the same about our Father in Heaven? Do you miss Him? Do you have things to tell Him, to share with Him? What are we waiting for?
March 31, 2020 - Tuesday of 5th Week of Lent
Altar over the site of the Crucifixion
John 8:21-30
Jesus predicts His death on the cross
You know that day, that absolute worst day of your life, when everything fell apart, when you felt completely alone and abandoned? Remember that day when you knew all hope was lost and things would never be the same again? Remember that day you knew would be your last, that day that you were convinced you would never survive? And yet, here you are! Got through it, didn’t you? Made it to the next day, didn’t you? How the heck did that happen? Did it all on your own, did you?
Jesus tells the Pharisees that He is going to die on the cross. He predicts His own death, a horrible, painful death, a death weighed down by the sins of humanity. And yet, He trusts in God, He sees beyond death to the Resurrection when He says “The one who sent me is with me; He has not left me alone.”
God know we are tired, He knows these days are difficult and seemingly hopeless. But He reminds us, through Jesus’ words, that we are not alone!! Trust! Believe!
March 30, 2020 - Monday of 5th Week of Lent
Garden of Gethsemane
John 8:1-11
Woman caught in Adultery (expecting the worst)
Makes you wonder, doesn’t it? Where exactly were the Pharisees hiding in order to catch the woman in the act of adultery? How long were they hiding? How long were they planning this? Why would they put so much time and energy into expecting someone to sin, much less catch them at it?
Jesus spent some time in the Garden of Gethsemane praying and was then confronted by this situation. The difference between Him and the Pharisees is stark. The Pharisees seem to view people at their worst and expect nothing less, nothing more. They pre-judge others based on their past and don’t even allow the possibility that they could change. Jesus sees the woman, forgives her sins (her past) and challenges her to do better.
Where are we? Do we judge others based on something they did in the past? Do we treat them as sinners and ourselves as better? Or do we accept people as they are – human, fragile, prone to mistakes – and hope for the best? Aren’t we all in the same boat? Don’t we all make mistakes? Don’t we all hope for forgiveness, for the chance to do better?
March 29, 2020 - 5th Sunday of Lent
Entrance to Jesus’ Tomb
John 7:40-58
Raising of Lazarus from the dead
Jesus – fully divine and fully human. It’s a core belief but I wonder how often we really take the time to reflect on it. Jesus is divine, Son of God and He is completely human. He shares his humanity in common with us. It reminds me of a prayer I say as a Deacon at Mass – “through this mingling of water and wine, may we come to share in the divinity of Christ who humbled Himself to share in our humanity.”
This story about the raising of Lazarus from the dead brings that belief to reality.
He knew Lazarus was dead before He got the news but still He cried! He knew Lazarus would be alive in a few moments and yet still He cried! He knew death is not forever but the Kingdom is eternal and still He cried! He knows the world is full of sorrow and pain and regret and loss and depression and devastation and He cried. He cried because knowing the end of the story (the Kingdom of Heaven) doesn’t mean you don’t cry at the sad parts along the way.
For us, this is one of those sad parts. But we know that Jesus is right by our side through it all, as our brother, as our Savior.
March 28, 2020 - Saturday of 4th Week of Lent
Mount of the Beatitudes
John 7:40-58
Go Home!
All the people could do in today’s Gospel is argue – who is this Jesus? The Christ? Just a guy from Galilee? The Pharisees, the people, Nicodemus, they all cannot agree. They were getting close to the point of violence. But in the end, what did they do? They all went home! To calm themselves down, to avoid doing something they might regret, to step away from the situation, they all went home!
We have all gone home today, not by choice so much as for our safety and well-being. It is obviously a difficult time of separation, isolation and fear. But it can also be a time of opportunity, a chance to get away from the daily irritations we face – the guy who cuts us off in traffic, the person who bumps into us because they are so focused on their phone, the 3 customers who all need our assistance right here right now, the work phone that never stops ringing, the 30 different we NEED to do today and the insane schedule of important meetings! So many distractions, so many times we could fly off the handle, willing to argue and get upset over such little things.
What we have here is an opportunity to focus on the important things in our life – our family and our relationship with God. So go home, stay home, really spend time with the family, appreciate the time you have with them. And spend some time, real actual quiet time, with God, talk to Him, pray to Him! Go home to God!
March 27, 2020 - Friday of 4th Week of Lent
Chapel of Tears - Jerusalem
John 7:1-2, 10, 25-30
Do we know God?
The people are angry. This guy Jesus claims to be the Christ, the Messiah, the Son of God! That can’t be – we KNOW him. He’s just a carpenter’s son from a backwater village in Galilee.
We take a lot of polls/questionaires on Facebook these days – asking us do we really know our friends. Do you know my favorite color, food, movie, favorite music or TV show? Is that it? Is that all there is to ‘knowing’ someone, all these ‘favorites’? What about – what makes me cry, how do I handle loss, how do I treat someone I consider a friend, what makes me sad, laugh or angry? Do you really know me, on the inside?
So the question has to be asked – do we know God? How? When? To really know someone, I think, demands time and effort and commitment. How often do we spend time with Him in conversation, in prayer, in meditation? Is it enough? If not, when do we start? Spend some time with Him today and tomorrow and tomorrow…
March 26, 2020 - Thursday of 4th Week of Lent
Boat Chapel at Magdala along the Sea of Galilee
John 5:31-47
Words and Works
Jesus tells the crowds that essentially this is how you see the Father – through my words and through my works. What I say and what I do give testimony to the Father.
That reminds us that words are not enough. It is not enough to say we are Christian; our actions need to reflect our Christian faith. So in this time of isolation and separation, we may find it is easy for the words to come, for the time to pray! But how do we put our faith into action when we are so limited in movement. How about calling loved ones to check on their well-being? What about a live chat with that best friend? How about making “thinking of you” cards for the neighbors? How about just playing an old fashioned board game with the family or putting together a jigaw puzzle? Simple things that reflect our love and concern. So what are you going to do today??
March 25, 2020 - Solemnity of the Annunciation
Church of the Annunciation in Nazareth
Luke 1:26-38
Angel Gabriel appears to Mary
When was the last time you said YES? I mean a real unequivocal YES! Clean your room! Do your homework! Get a job! Set the table! Wash the dishes! When was the last time we said YES and really meant it?
A real Yes! Not yes but when I feel like it. Not yes but maybe later. Not yes but grudgingly and unwillingly. A YES without limits, conditions, a yes without any time frame or complete awareness of what your YES would mean. A total, willing, trusting YES!! Ever??
This is the YES we see in today’s Gospel. Mary, barely a teen, not knowing what the future may hold, not reluctant or afraid, not “let me think about it”, not YES but “not now”. Just a simple and total YES! Complete trust in God and in His plan for her. “Your will be done”
When was the last time we said YES with trust and faith, without conditions or time limits? What are we waiting for?
March 24, 2020 - Tuesday of 4th Week of Lent
John 5:1-16
Cure of the Sick Man
The man in today’s Gospel is sick and needs help for even the simplest of tasks. And he has been that way for 38 years! He hasn’t just lost the ability to walk; he has lost the will to walk!
How many times have we been in the same circumstance? Weighed down by the stresses of life, whether it’s physical or emotional, we just can’t move. Paralyzed by fear, anger, loss, depression, overwhelmed by the demands of a complicated life and a crazy mixed-up world, we just don’t want to move. Rather we pull the covers over our head and try to shut the world out!
And yet all it took for that man was a few words of Jesus – Rise and walk! Jesus speaks those same words to us, sometimes in our prayers, sometimes in the voice of a child or a best friend. Be strong, get up and walk, lean on me if you have to, you are not alone! You are never alone!
March 23, 2020 - Monday of 4th Week of Lent
Altar over Jesus’ tomb
John 4:43-54
Cure of the Royal Official’s Son
An official from Capernaum asks Jesus to come to his home and cure his sick son. Jesus tells him his son is cured and the man believes him. When he returns home, he finds that his son is indeed cured.
A miracle occurs! Did you catch it? Did you see it? No, not the cure of the son. The real miracle happened before that. It was the miracle of faith, that the man believed Jesus without seeing it for himself. He believed BEFORE he saw that his son was cured. Too often we think miracles happen and then we believe, that miracles cause belief. It is quite the opposite. Miracles happen because of our faith! The real miracle here is not what happens before our eyes! It’s what happens inside our hearts! Jesus’ words brought the man to belief and that belief spread to his family and his whole household.
March 22, 2020 - 4th Sunday of Lent
Rainbow at the Jordan River
John 9:1-41
Cure of the Blind Man (I’m not blind, you’re blind)
Jesus restores sight to a man blind since birth. And all the Pharisees can do is argue over who’s to blame for the man’s blindness. The story makes you realize that the real blindness exists in the Pharisees, not the poor man. They argue over all the petty legalism and fail to see the miracle right in front of their eyes.
Unfortunately we can be guilty of the same blindness. We can get so caught up in arguments and issues that we think are so important. And we miss all the beauty that the Creator has bestowed on us – like a rainbow, the gift of family time, the gentle smile of a child, the touch of a loving hand.
Open your eyes today, see the wonders of the Creator that are all around you and show your gratitude by being a miracle to others!
March 21, 2020 - Saturday of 3rd Week of Lent
Praying in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre
Luke 18:9-14
The Pharisee and the Tax Collector
Two men go up to the Temple to pray, one a Pharisee and one a tax collector. But what a difference in how they “pray”.
I am not sure the Pharisee is actually praying; it sounds more like arrogance and boasting. Boy am I glad I am not like everyone else! His focus is entirely on comparing everyone to himself; he concentrates on looking outward at others.
The tax collector, however, looks inward. His focus is internal. There are not comparisons here, only honest reflection, simple humility about his sinfulness and a genuine love of God for His grace and His mercy.
The bars and restaurants are closed. The cinema and theaters are shut. Jobs have been put on hold. Libraries and parks are not available. Churches and concerts are shuttered. Sports are cancelled It goes without saying that we all have a lot more time on our hands these days. We have all been forced to step aside from our daily routine, the daily grind. Let’s take some of that time to pray, to talk to God, to turn inward. Consider it an opportunity to humbly and honestly reflect on who we are and discern what changes we need to make in order to become a true child of God.
March 20, 2020 - Friday of 3rd Week of Lent
Mark 12:28-34
Walking the Via Dolorosa
It’s a very familiar story in the Gospel – what’s the greatest commandment? It’s a very familiar answer – Love God and love your neighbor! And it’s a very familiar follow-up question – So who is my neighbor?
But given our present circumstance, given our hunkering down with family and given all this time to ourselves – I have a better question. Who ISN’T our neighbor? Is it the guy carrying the cross or the guy following behind? Is it the woman with the umbrella or the one walking past? Is it the child behind the window or the one holding the coffee cup?
Does it really matter? Can we really afford to separate people into categories anymore? Or should we recognize that we are all in this together? Reach out today to at least one other person, someone you don’t even know. Say something! Do something, anything so that they can see that they have a neighbor!
March 19, 2020 - Solemnity of St. Joseph
Luke 2:41-51
Shepherd’s Cave outside Bethlehem.
We celebrate today the Feast of St. Joseph. And a couple of thoughts come to mind about this spouse of Mary and foster-father of Jesus.
First, with every story about Joseph in the Gospels, things are in crisis! The angel tells him Mary is pregnant. The angel warns him that Herod wants to kill Jesus and he has to gather up his family and flee to Egypt. And then when Jesus is 12, they lose him in Jerusalem. Joseph just doesn’t catch a break. Every moment he is called on to act and act swiftly! Secondly, in all of the Gospels, Joseph says not one single word, not one! He simply acts! In the midst of crisis, he doesn’t sit around and talk things out; he puts his faith in God and acts! He know what needs to be done and he does it!
Whether we are parents or not, in moments of crisis, we are all called to act, trust in God that things will work out and simply do God’s will. May God give us the strength, the courage, the grace to put our faith into action out of love for our family and for our neighbor! Be safe! Be well!
March 18, 2020 - Wednesday of 3rd Week of Lent
Matthew 5:17-19
There’s too many rules! Why do I have to obey them?
As we enter this 3rd day of home-schooling, you have probably already heard these words many times by now. The quick answer is “Because I said so”, probably the same thing our parents said to us. Let’s face it, none of us like rules. We think they limit us; we think we know better; we wish they were easier to follow. Every time we get a new boss, a new principal, a new teacher or babysitter, we hope they will change the rules, make things easier.
Jesus’ followers were thinking the same thing in today’s Gospel. But He sets them straight. He isn’t here to change the rules, to eliminate them or cut them down. He is here to change our FOCUS!. Quit thinking about obeying the law just because it’s the law. Quit thinking about focusing on how the law affects ourselves. Focus on how the rules focus on others! Focus on how cheating, lying and stealing hurts others and hurts my relationship with them.
Why do we make rules for our kids? Because we want them to learn, to grow, to thrive, to get along with others. Why do I have to obey your rules? Because I love you!!! It’s a new day; the sun is rising over the Sea of Galilee. Be calm and carry on!
March 16, 2020 - Tuesday of the 3rd Week of Lent
Matthew 18:21-35
How Many Times Must I Forgive?
In today’s Gospel, Peter wants to know – how many times must I forgive another? Once? 7 times? Jesus responds – 77 times? In other words, always! Then He uses a parable to illustrate His point.
Why should I forgive someone else for hurting me? Why should I do it once, much less 7 times? They should ask for forgiveness first, then maybe! How can I possibly forgive 77 times? Fool me once, shame on you! Fool me twice, shame on me? The Golden Rule directs us to love our neighbor as ourselves. Forgiveness works the same way. The Our Father tells us: “forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.
Turn the situation around. We are all human; we all make mistakes. How many times do we want to be forgiven? Only once? If we hope for forgiveness for all our failings, then God calls us to offer forgiveness to others for their failings as well.
March 16, 2020 - Monday of 3rd Week of Lent
Luke 4:24-30
Kill the Messenger?
In today’s Gospel, Jesus preaches in the synagogue at Nazareth, his hometown. It does not go well. The people become so enraged at him for reminding them of their sinfulness that they drag him out and attempt to throw him off the top of Mt. Precipice (the pic).
How well do we handle criticism? How often do we lash out at the messenger and lose sight of the words of correction? NEWS FLASH!! None of us are perfect; we all need correction from time to time. God calls each one of us to give and accept correction in the spirit of love and the desire to change, to become better Christians, Don’t kill the messenger!
March 15, 2020 - 3rd Sunday of Lent
John 4:5-42
Jesus Meets the Samaritan Woman at the Well
When Jesus meets the woman at the well, He has every reason to have nothing to do with her. She is a woman and Jews would never associate or talk to a woman in public. She is a Samaritan, a fallen-away Jew, and Jews would have nothing at al to do with Samaritans. And yet He did! He broke through society's barriers about whom to talk to and whom to avoid and he engaged her in conversation. He saw through the exterior and saw within what she truly was - a child of God. And the woman, through the eyes of faith, saw Jesus for who He truly is - the Messiah, the Son of God. And she believed.
How often do we allow today's society to tell us whom to talk to and whom to avoid? How often do we judge people just by what we see: their gender, their clothing, their culture? What will it take for us to see everyone with the eyes of faith, to see everyone as a fellow child of God?