Church of Peter Primacy, Sea of Galilee
John 21:15-19
Have you ever hit a baseball through a window? How about putting that dent in the family car? Or what about breaking Mom’s favorite flower vase? I’m sure we all have stories like this! But what about paying for it?? Sometimes the payback was a punishment of some sort. Sometimes it was literally payback - paying for that broken window or the car repair or replacing Mom’s vase. Somehow we made some sort of restitution. Somehow we repaired the damage not only to the object but also to the relationship. Somehow we rebuilt that trust!
As Jesus appears to the disciples for almost the last time before His Ascension, He asks Peter “Do you love me?” Not once, but 3 times! A bit of overkill?? Maybe not! Even Peter gets a bit distressed. But maybe there is good reason here. It was not that long ago that Peter repeated something 3 times. I don’t know Him!! He denied knowing Jesus 3 times in the courtyard.
Imagine how Peter must be feeling carrying around the guilt for those words! And what does Jesus do? Does He yell or get angry? No, He compassionately offers Peter a chance at repentance and reconciliation! 3 times he denied; so 3 times he professes his love for Jesus.
This moment gives us hope! It reminds us that every single time we falter, every time we act sinfully, God also gives us an opportunity to make things right. Every time I act like there is no God, no golden rule, then God is still there providing us an opportunity to return to His grace. At every moment in our life, God offers us a chance at reconciliation!
But words are just the first step. Reconciliation also involves action. Jesus challenges Peter to also demonstrate his love by caring for others. Feed my lambs; feed my sheep. It is not enough to say I love you; put those words into action!
Every day we are given the chance to reconcile with the Father, to reunite with Him in love and friendship. And every day we are given so many chances to act on those words of love, to restore our relationship with God and with each other.