
Garden of Olives, Gethsemane

Garden of Olives, Gethsemane

John 15:1-8

I wanted to share with you some details on one of the projects I would assign for my World Religions class. I am sure most of my former students will remember and, perhaps, cringe a bit!

A “partnered” SHOW & TELL (at least 45 minutes) of one of the major world religions (Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Islam). The presentation will include how the religion celebrates (1) birth, (2) death, (3) an all-class prayer experience in the style of that religion, and (4) a celebration of one feast /holy day. Presentation must include the complete ceremony, including prayers and scripture, as appropriate. To accomplish that, keep in mind how that religion makes use of food, song, dance, dress, art, and objects in its religious ceremonies. This is not a normal stand-up presentation. You are not merely explaining the ritual; you are transforming the room & yourselves into an experience of that religion. You are acting out the complete religious ceremony - Props, costume, dialogue, set!!!!!!!

It was a daunting task, to say the least. Unfortunately some students tried to make their project as brief as possible, some as short as 10 minutes! But there were also projects that were simply brilliant! Those students fully embraced the challenge and really did transform themselves and the classroom into an experience of the religion. They realized the value of teamwork. They realized they were not working alone! They worked together; they connected together!

I don’t think today’s Gospel can be much clearer. Jesus is the vine and we are the branches. Jesus gives us life and, if we stay connected to Him, we will remain alive and healthy. As long as we stay connected, He feeds and nourishes us. The connection to the Eucharist is rather obvious – we are spiritually nourished by His Body and Blood. The Eucharist sustains us, helps us to grow in our relationship with Jesus and with each other.

Our role as the branches is simple – to bear fruit! If we are being fed, then we have to grow in faith and in love. Otherwise we cut ourselves off from the vine and from the other branches. It is not enough for us to just be alive, to go through the motions of religion. We must be fruitful. Our faith in God must deepen and flourish. This speaks to us of a connection not only to Jesus the Vine but also to each other, the branches.

I’ve been watching this History Channel show - The American Farm – a documentary series following the life of 5 families across the country struggling to make a living from their farms. It is not a show full of warm fuzzies and rainbows! Families doing anything and giving up everything just o keep their heads above water! Dealing with financial issues, drought, predators, the vagaries of weather, the tensions and stress of caring for children and their future, the breakdown of equipment and personal faith! All in an effort to produce a crop, to be fruitful! It is a reminder to us all that raising a crop, tending the vine, is not an easy life!

Over the past 13 months, we have experienced long stretches of separation from the Eucharist and from Mass and it has not been easy. But remember, as followers of Christ, we are always connected to the Vine (Jesus) and we are also intimately connected to each other. Again it is a connection of faith and love. We need to keep that connection in mind as we struggle to keep the faith, to be fruitful! We need to remind ourselves that we are not alone, that we are all connected – always – to the vine (Jesus) and to each other!

Jesus makes it very clear today – He is the Vine and we are the branches! We are all connected! But to remain on the vine it will take work, day in and day out just like a farmer. But it also takes working together, like students working on a project!

Jesus calls each of us to grow – in faith and in service – to be fruitful! That should be a source of comfort but also a challenge! Will it be difficult, even impossible sometimes? Will we stumble and fall? Yes! But Jesus has promised us “Remain in Me as I remain in you.” God is present not only among us but within us! May our lives be fruitful, for the glory of God and for the good of others!