Follow the Light

Church of the Holy Sepulcher, Jerusalem

Church of the Holy Sepulcher, Jerusalem

John 12:44-50

There was a little boy living with his family on their farm. He always liked to help out as much as he could but he had a secret fear of the dark. One night, his father asked him to go out to the barn to check on their cows. His father gave him a lantern to light his way but the boy was still terrified. “I can’t even see the barn” he said. His dad replied “You don’t need to.” “Just go as far as the light from the lantern will take you; then go a bit farther, then a bit farther, and you will reach the barn. Just keep following the light and you will get there.”

So it is for us – baby steps, follow the light, and eventually we will get to the kingdom.

We all have moments of darkness, even as adults. Moments when we are lost, frightened, so unsure of the future that we just want to crawl under the covers and wish all the monsters to go away! But Jesus reminds us today that we are not alone, that we are not lost in the darkness, He came into this world to bring light, to be light for us. He is our Light of the World and He calls us out of the darkness to share in that light!

When you have walked to the edge of all the light you know and are about to step into the darkness of the unknown, remember this! Faith is believing that one of two things will happen: that there will still be something solid to stand on OR that God will teach you how to fly!