Via Dolorosa, Jerusalem
John 16:5-11
Grief! Loss! The pain of separation or sickness! In one way or another, we have all felt these emotions at some point these past 14 months. Maybe we lost a family member or friend to Covid. Maybe we felt the anguish of not being able to pay our last respects to a loved one. Maybe we couldn’t hold their hand when they passed. Maybe we were the ones who were sick and deeply felt the absence of family to offer their care and concern. Maybe it was the death of a dear friend whom we never got around to re-connecting with! Maybe things happened too late or too soon!
The Apostles, in today’s Gospel, are also feeling the depths of grief. They’ve been with Jesus for 3 years. Traveled from town to town on foot, shared meals together, witnessed countless miracles, raising the dead, casting out demons, calming storms. 3 years of learning from Him, listening to His parables, His instructions, and His verbal battles with the Pharisees! And in just hours, He will be arrested, tortured and put to death. They are devastated! Jesus says it Himself – grief has filled their hearts!
And yet, in the midst of all that sadness, Jesus still comforts them. He reminds them that this is not the end, that the Advocate will be coming. The Spirit will come and fill their hearts. And so it is for us. Even in the middle of the night, the Spirit will tend to our wounds and heal our distress. Even in our grief, the Spirit is with us.