I’ve Got a Better Idea

Rosary Procession, Nazareth

Rosary Procession, Nazareth

John 16:23-28

Jesus continues yesterday’s theme of the importance of prayer – whatever you ask of the Father, He will give you. Guess I should have saved yesterday’s homily for today, eh? 😉

Jesus reminds us that God truly is Our Father; He is the one we pray to when we need comfort, help or support. But since He is God, He does already know what we will ask Him. Isn’t that just like a parent? How often have we run to our parents to ask for something and they already knew what we were going to ask for? And God does answer us but not always in the way we expect or want.

My favorite sci-fi show of all time is Doctor Who. It’s been around since 1963 and follows the adventures of an alien who travels throughout time and space in a British police box that he calls the ‘Tardis’. Many times it is more a mis-adventure than an adventure. And from time to time, he complains that the Tardis never takes him where he WANTS to go. And the Tardis wisely responded to him “Yes, but I always take you where you NEED to go.”

Isn’t that the same with God? God hears all our prayers. God answers all our prayers but in unexpected ways. Like the Father He is, God answers us with giving us what we need and not always what we want. Like a loving parent, He knows what is best for us and always finds a way to point us in the right direction, along the path that leads us back to Him.