A Commune in Galilee
John 14:1-6
Like any good husband, I prefer to be the driver and that also means I know where we are going all the time. Who needs a map? Who needs directions? I got this! I think I inherited it from my father. He always got us there but not always very quickly. My mom would complain – why is it taking so long? My dad would respond – we’re taking the scenic route! That’s code for – we are lost and I’m being stubborn!
Yes, I have gotten myself lost plenty of times! But actually admit it? Well, that’s quite another story. We like to think we don’t need any help; we can do this on our own. We think we know the way to go and we will get there – eventually! So it’s rather refreshing to hear Thomas in today’s Gospel say that he doesn’t know the way. Maybe he was the backseat driver? But Jesus gently reminds them that He is the way. The way to heaven, to eternal life, is through our belief in Jesus!
The problem remains – we are still very stubborn – we think we know better, we think we know what’s best for us and we can handle everything on our own. I don’t need a map or GPS or a navigator. I got this! We let our stubbornness and pride take over and, in the process, we get lost. We lose our sense of direction; we lose our faith in God. So for once, let’s put aside the stubbornness and let’s let Jesus take the wheel or at least let’s listen to His directions and actually follow them. He knows the Way! He is the Way! And the Truth! And the Life!!