Sitting around the Campfire

The Sea of Galilee

The Sea of Galilee

John 21:1-14

Please forgive my sense of humor today but, in a different reality, today’s Gospel reads like a pilot episode for a new TV comedy. A group of men return home to their village after 3 years on the road and they try to return to their former occupation – fishermen. It doesn’t go well; they spend the whole night and catch nothing. Then as dawn breaks, some joker on the beach (calling them children) yells to them to go fish over there. Yeah, right! So they do and they catch a boatload. One of them recognizes the guy on the beach as their dearest friend. And what does Peter do – he jumps into the Sea and swims ashore, in his best version of Forrest Gump. When they all get there, their friend has made a fire on the beach and has cooked them breakfast. So they sit down and what do they talk about with this long-lost friend? NOTHING! Not a word is spoken. It’s like: say something, I’m not gonna say something, you say something! Strange!

But this isn’t a comedy show; this is real life. These Apostles have returned to their home after 3 years travelling with Jesus. They are despondent, demoralized and defeated after His crucifixion and death. They have lost their leader, their teacher, their friend. So they give up and come home to their former lives as fishermen. And it does not go well. After a whole night of trying, they can’t even catch a single fish. A man on the shore tells them to try a different spot and they catch more fish than the nets can handle. One of them says “That’s Jesus”. Peter, in his typical impulsiveness and joy, instead of staying in the boat, jumps into the sea and swims ashore. When they all get there, they see it really is Jesus whom they thought dead. He has prepared a fire and they gather with Him on the beach around the fire and share a morning meal. In their joy, their awkwardness, perhaps even their embarrassment, no one says a word.

I have always loved this Gospel reading - just the image of Jesus and the Apostles sitting around a campfire and sharing a simple meal. It is both touching and heartwarming. It is human! It is a reminder to me that no matter my circumstance, whether I am depressed or lost, swimming in a sea of troubles or drowning in fear, all I have to do is make an effort to reach out to Him and Jesus will be waiting for me with open arms and food for the journey. I don’t even have to say anything – He knows, He understands, and He will always be there for me, with a warm fire and a welcoming heart.