On Shores of Sea of Galilee
John 17:11-19
You can’t see the forest for the trees! You’re missing the BIG picture! We have all heard it before, probably from our parents! Sometimes we get so caught up in the minutiae and the details that we miss the overall point! Don’t get me wrong; the details are important! But we also need to reach some understanding with a wider view.
Jesus’ words in today’s Gospel are directed toward truth, joy, our role in the world and the reality that the disciples will face rejection from the world. But there is a bigger picture here!
Jesus is praying to His Father for His disciples! Let me repeat that. Jesus is praying to His Father on behalf of His disciples! He knows they are going to feel abandoned and lost, alone and fearful. And He prays for them! To His Father! Does that sink in?
Haven’t we all felt lost or at sea? Haven’t we all felt crushed and terrified? Haven’t we all felt alone? Don’t you think He sees that? Don’t you think Jesus prays to the Father on our behalf as well?
And isn’t that the real BIG picture? Jesus loves us, cares for us and protects us! Yes, even we feel completely alone, He even prays to His Father FOR us!