Shepherding in Bethlehem
John 10:11-18
A few years ago I was helping run a 4-day Kairos retreat for a group of high school Seniors at a Benedictine retreat center in southern Wisconsin. As we were just sitting down for dinner in the dining hall one evening, I heard a voice behind me talking with one of the other retreat leaders. Immediately I recognized that voice! I didn’t turn around; I didn’t even get up right away. I just yelled out “Peter”! I was right! It was Peter, my former teacher and mentor back when I was working on my Masters degree in religious education at Loyola. It was a very unexpected and joyful reconnection! You see, I hadn’t seen or talked to him in over 40 years! Yes, you heard that right – 40 years! And yet I recognized that voice! I knew that voice immediately!
Have you ever had that happen? Recognizing someone just from the sound of their voice? Even after a long passage of time? That is what strikes me about today’s Gospel! That one line “I know my sheep and they know me.” In fact, just a bit later in the same chapter, we hear “They know the sound of My voice. And they follow me”.
For most of us, our experience of sheep is limited to petting zoos and family visits to a farm. They are cute and soft and cuddly! But they are also quite dumb! If left to themselves, they are completely defenseless; they will wander away, get lost or injured! They are innocent and extremely trusting but they cannot manage on their own. They need a leader; they need a shepherd, someone who is devoted to them day in and day out. Someone who will guide them and protect them, feed them and shelter them from the storms of life.
In spite of all their apparent shortcomings, however, there is one positive element in their life. They know the voice of their master, their shepherd! And not only that, even in the midst of the noise of life, they RECOGNIZE his voice! And, most importantly, they RESPOND to his voice.
Jesus is our Good Shepherd! And we are the sheep of His flock. He guides us, protects us, loves us, will even lay down His life for US! He leads us to shelter at night and serves as a human gate
against robbers/predators. Whether we are lost or injured or strayed from the flock! He leads us to running water, to fertile grasslands, to safety, to the Kingdom! And He does all of this not for simple pay but out of LOVE!
He is our Shepherd; we are His flock! But do we hear Him? Do we recognize His voice? How many of us would say – I’ve never heard His voice! He has never spoken or reached out to me! I don’t know His voice! And yet don’t we hear His voice every day! In the words of Scripture! In the cries of children living in starvation! In the pleas of that stranger asking for a few coins! In the lament of those suffering loss and the pain of solitude! In the pain of illness and abuse! We hear His voice every day!
The bigger question is not so much do we hear His voice but “do we respond and how’! Do we hear His voice and then ignore it? Do we tell ourselves we can’t be bothered? Do we choose to go our own way, apart from the flock? How do we respond?
In our words? in prayers of praise and thanksgiving? In words of comfort and support? In songs and in laughter with our children and grandchildren? In our actions? In a simple hug of affection and concern? In donating food to the local pantry? In cutting our neighbors lawn when he is too ill to do it himself? In every positive action when we see someone tired or cold, or hungry or homeless, lost and sick.
Are we members of His flock? Are we faithful followers who not only hear His voice, recognize His voice but respond with love and compassion?
The Lord is our shepherd; there is nothing we shall want
In green pastures, He makes us lie down
To still waters, He leads us. He restores our souls
He guides us along the right path for His name’s sake
Even though we walk through the valley of the shadow of death, we will not fear
For You are with us, Your rod and staff give us comfort
Good and mercy will follow us all the days of our lives
And we will dwell in the house of the Lord forever