You Be Jesus!

Praying at the Wailing Wall

Praying at the Wailing Wall

Luke 24:35-48

We have heard part of this Gospel story before and recently, on the Thursday after Easter Sunday. At that time, we reflected on the 2 disciples as they travelled on the way to Emmaus, disheartened and downcast after Jesus’ crucifixion and death. And we reflected on the journey that we all take through life, with its ups and downs, trials and tribulations. And we were reminded that, no matter what we were going through, Jesus was still right there beside us, that we are never alone.

Today’s Gospel picks up right after the events on the road to Emmaus. The disciples have returned to Jerusalem and recounted their story of meeting Jesus and recognizing Him in the breaking of the bread. And then Jesus appears to all of them and speaks words of comfort. And after eating a piece of fish, He teaches them the meaning of the Scriptures! And He then commands them to preach His message to all nations and to be witnesses of the Faith! He commissions them to be Christ-like and to spread the Word!

Imagine their response! Who, me? I keep getting this image of the old Life cereal commercial – I’m not gonna try it, you try it! Let someone else go first! It reminds me of a story!

There’s a story about a young mother who was preparing pancakes for her sons, Kevin, age 5 and Ryan, age 3. The boys began to argue over who would get the first pancake. Their mother saw the opportunity for a moral lesson. So she said to the boys: “If Jesus were sitting here, He would say, ‘Let my brother have the first pancake. I can wait.’” Kevin turned to his younger brother and said, “Ryan, you be Jesus!

We are all Christian! We are all called to be Christ-like. But if we are really honest with ourselves, none of us really wants the job! To be Christ to others? Nope, too tough, too demanding! I mean, we are only human. Let’s face it, in one sense Kevin gets it! He recognizes that being Christ-like is tough. But even though he knows it’s the right thing to do, he chooses the easy way and passes it off to his brother.

We know we are hurting during this difficult time and we certainly know there are others who are also struggling - sad, despondent, downcast, just like those 2 disciples on the way to Emmaus. We have all traveled that road, and certainly more than once over the past 13 months. And we also know all those friends and family members who are continuing to struggle to raise themselves up out of the darkness of despair and fear!

Look out for them. Offer a word of encouragement. Call them to see how they’re doing. Wave to them from across the street. Send a card or an email. Find a way to let them know they aren’t alone, that you are walking this path with them. Remind them (and yourselves) that even though the road to Emmaus was filled with tears and sadness, the road back to Jerusalem was one of hope, filled with the joy of the Resurrection.

Be a good neighbor. Be a good friend or relative, Be JESUS!!