Part 2 of Anishnaabemowim classe

Please come join us virtually for Part 2 of Anishnaabemowim classes with Helen Fuhst also well known as Helen Roy, who has 30 years of teaching the language and taught the language at University of Michigan. Monday Evenings for 4 weeks starting February 27th through March 20th, 2023 from 6:00PM to 7:30PM.

Please email: for a zoom link with the subject "Language Class"

Family Retreat May 19-21

St. Kateri will be hosting a Family Retreat Friday May 19th to Sunday May 21st at Eagle Ridge Resort in Galena, IL. Meals, transportation and accommodations are provided. Bus will leave Kateri Center on Friday May 19th at 1:30pm and will return approximately 4pm on Sunday May 21st. For more information or to RSVP please call the Kateri Office at 773-509-2344 or email Jody: or Negwes: Space is limited so sign up soon!

Round Dance November 22

American Indian Health Service of Chicago and St. Kateri Center invite you to join us for our autumn Round Dance on Tuesday, November 22, 2022 from 4pm to 8pm at the St. Benedict Gym (3941 N. Bell, Chicago). There will be craft vendors and a feast, and hand drum singers are welcome. This event is free. RSVP not required.

Youth Traditional Workshop

American Indian Health Service of Chicago and St. Kateri Center are inviting all youth to a special invitation to attend a special hand drum workshop on Monday, November 21, 2022 from 5:30pm to 7:30pm. Harvey Dreaver and Gordon Sands will teach about Hand Drum and Cree Round Dance traditions. This will be a great preparation for the Round Dance the next day.

Please RSVP: reply by email or call 773.883.9100.

Youth and Family Day Trip to Hunting Moon Pow Wow

Please come join us for a youth and family day trip to Hunting Moon Pow Wow in Milwaukee, WI. Limited seating is available please email Negwes;, David; or call St. Kateri Center at 773-509-2344 by Friday October 21, 2022.

Bus Leaves St Kateri Center at 9:30AM and will be leaving Hunting Moon Pow Wow at 5:30pm to return back to St. Kateri Center.

Sunday Mass

St. Kateri Center has resumed Mass in our Kateri Chapel. NOTE: we are having Sunday Mass on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month at 11am, followed by potluck feast.

Please Join Us this Sunday September 18th at 11am followed by potluck feast. Please feel free to bring a side dish, dessert or refreshment to share.

Bring your family, relative or friend and see you Sunday

Senior Luncheon

Please come join us for Thursday, September 15, 2022 for St. Kateri’s Senior Luncheon. Doors open at 11:00 AM, lunch served at noon. Followed by free mini prize bingo. American Indian Health Service of Chicago will be present for wellness checks. Please RSVP by Wednesday, September 14th by calling the office at 773-509-2344.

St. Kateri Sunday Mass

St. Kateri Center has resumed Mass in our Kateri Chapel. NOTE: we are having Sunday Mass on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month at 11am, followed by potluck feast.

Please Join Us this Sunday September 4th at 11am followed by potluck feast. Our main dish will be bbq hamburgers, sausages and mac&cheese. Please feel free to bring a side dish, dessert or refreshment to share.
Bring your family, relative or friend and see you Sunday.

St. Kateri Feast Day Mass Celebration

Please come join St. Kateri Center this Sunday July 10th at 10:00am. To celebrate the Feast Day of St. Kateri our patron Saint of the environment and ecology. We will celebrate in the Big Church along with St. Benedict, as their feast days are close together.

Following will have catering by LaVilla for her Feast in the St. Kateri Dining/Gathering Room.

Sip and Paint with Lemonade

Please Come Out and Join Us! Following Our Sunday Mass and Potluck Feast on Sunday June 12th. Will be having a Sip and Paint Workshop with Lemonade. As we learn about the Life of St. Kateri Tekakwitha.

PLEASE RSVP BY Thursday June 9th @ 773-509-2344

To ensure we have enough Supplies