Hills of Judea near Bethlehem
Luke 1:39-56
Ever met someone famous, a moment that left you in awe, dumbfounded? Maybe it was life-chanLuke 1:39-56
Ever met someone famous, a moment that left you in awe, dumbfounded? Maybe it was life-changing, life-altering. Perhaps it was a movie star or sports legend or a religious figure like the Dalai Lama. Most of you know how much of a sci-fi nut I am – movies, tv shows, books. And my all-time favorite novel – DUNE – and all its sequels! Written by Frank Herbert, it is a sprawling epic of science fiction, religious undertones and adventure. I was lucky to meet Frank once at a book signing. I brought along my first-ever copy of Dune and he signed it! Wow! And what did I say to him; what did I say to this master of the written word, to this sci-fi giant? Not one word! Nothing! I was so in awe that I couldn’t even blurt out a simple thank you!
We read today of another historic meeting, although one on a scale far beyond any book-signing encounter . This is the Visitation – Mary and her cousin Elizabeth meeting for the first time after their miraculous pregnancies. Two soon-to-be mothers – one carrying the Saviour and the other carrying His Prophet! Both of them fully aware of God entering their lives in a special way, giving each of them a unique role in His Plan and both of them fully trusting in Him. And their words to each other fully reflect their faith in God, their love for each other and the goodness of the Lord.
Often we tend to focus on Mary and her Magnificat prayer. But what about Elizabeth? Listen to the joy in her words to Mary! Hear her humility and faith and her Spirit-filled words: “Most blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb. And how does this happen to me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me? That first meeting – so full of joy and hope and love.
So perhaps we could reflect a bit today on our first meeting – our first encounter with the Lord! Was it our First Communion? An experience in nature – that perfect sunset or the billions of stars on a clear night? Maybe it was a sad loss of a loved one or the birth of a child? What was your first encounter with the Lord? And as you reflect on that, consider when the next encounter will happen!