Ordination 2015
Mark 10:46-52
Six years ago last week I was ordained a Permanent Deacon. Part of the Rite of Ordination included Investiture where I put on the stole and dalmatic of a deacon for the first time. I was assisted in this vesting ceremony by my wife Ginger and my pastor and friend Father Neil. Needless to say it was an emotional and profound moment where symbolically I left behind my life as a lay person and put on my ‘new clothes’, my new ministry as a member of the clergy.
Something similar seems to be happening in today’s Gospel. Bartimaeus, a blind man, is sitting along the road outside Jericho begging for a few coins. He hears that Jesus is coming and he cannot contain his excitement. People try to quiet him down but to no avail. He keeps shouting for Jesus. “Have pity on me.” When Jesus calls to him, Bartimaeus immediately gets up, throws off his cloak and rushes to Jesus. And Jesus cures him of his blindness.
Bartimaeus, in his fervor, throws off his cloak! He sets aside his old life of begging and blindness and he puts on the clothes of faith! And his life is forever changed! Isn’t that also what happens with each of us at Baptism. Original Sin is washed away. Our former life of sin is set aside and we are given a new white garment to symbolize our new life as a child of God.
We are called to wear that new white garment every day, to display our faith in words and in action. And we are called, like Bartimaeus, to follow Jesus!